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Everything posted by Aequitas_Veritas

  1. Good for you. Hope your getting good grades. I graduated college with a 3.6 GPA and im working at a software company now. Tell me how what your doing is any different from what i was doing at your age? Or tell me how what im doing now is so much worse then what you will be doing in a few years? You plan on winning the lottery by not smoking?
  2. if he got the felony for voting then I would agree
  3. I just got the most awesome news ever about a bill in congress that could change life quite a bit for me here in California. Too bad im not allowed to post about it.
  4. to quote another website about this thread "Reading ignorance on that forum is ridiculous. No point in arguing with that amount of stupidity." Here is a funny video about Michel Phelps done by SNL: http://www.hulu.com/watch/56636/saturday-n...-michael-phelps
  5. So basically if I start a thread about weed, and other people comment about it, only i get suspended. If someone else starts a thread, and me AND other people comment on it, only i get suspended. So pretty much if there is a weed thread that I have any part in, no matter how small, ill be the only one that gets suspended while everyone else does not? That fair. You even said in your response "we all know the rules" I have been used as an example countless times, everyone knows the punishments (well actually im sure most just assume they are fine and ill be the only one suspended, which is pretty much the truth) This thread is about phelps, its about him getting in trouble for the same thing that 80 million people have also done. Its also about the 2 million other people who have been arrested for the same thing. You cant discuss phelps smoking weed without discussing smoking weed. Its part of the basic argument. Im glad you THINK that. Its too bad actual facts are against you. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/1999/...90325110700.htm http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn2063 http://www.fcda.org/driving.htm http://paranoia.lycaeum.org/marijuana/fact...logy.html#myth6 http://www.erowid.org/plants/cannabis/cann....shtml#abstract http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/abstract/186/4161/317
  6. yeah, only one in the whole thread. I would call Fudge_Brownie some choice names right now if I didnt think his power trip would continue.
  7. Not sure why I got singled out, other then the fact I provided proof instead of just bullshit hearsay.
  8. and ps http://www.webmd.com/mental-health/news/20...nt-damage-brain http://alcoholism.about.com/cs/pot/a/blucsd030628.htm The study (note the singular version of your "studies", this is because there has only been one that showed this) that you are referring to about weed causing brain damage was performed in the 1970s during the reefer madness movement. For a long time they were very secretive about exactly how this "study" was performed. However they recently released the details about it, and let me share them to you. -There was only 4 monkeys in the study, and no control -They put a mask on the monkey and pumped pure smoke into their lungs for long periods of time, without letting them breath -The brain damage they found was the same type you see in cases of oxygen deprivation (huh thats weird, oh wait, see above) -There has been at least 6 other studies done since that one where they bothered to actually use science instead of suffocation that prove this study false -All 6 studies combined have not gotten the same amount of press time as this one study got and still continues to get
  9. One is more dangerous. Alcohol has killed millions, and continues to kill 75,000 more people each year. Weed has yet to been linked to ONE death in 10,000 years (which is btw, how long it has been smoked for its lovely qualities). Just try and think about that for a sec. In 10,000 years not a SINGLE person has had a death attributed to marijuana. Asprin kills more people then that. So does sex. And bowling. The L.D. 50 of weed (the amount of weed it would take for 50% of the population to die from weed overdose) is around 8LBs of pure THC. Most weed is about 15% THC. So you would need to consume about 53LBs of weed before you had a 50% chance of death. And the only way they can guess this is by injecting animals with TONS of pure THC until they die and using that ratio on us. They have to do that cause NO ONE HAS EVER DIED BEFORE. Maybe its time you started breaking some laws for your own safety.
  10. lol, i just like pissing people off. I have been in all of 0 fights in my entire lifetime.
  11. if we are talking about marijuana "addicts" then yes. Ask any cop if he EVER remembers a guy high on weed getting violent and resisting arrest. IT NEVER HAPPENS. Weed smokers are the most docile people on the face of the planet. which is entirely unlike alcoholics, who love to just get angry and fight
  12. I would MUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCH rather my kids getting high then drinking Add driving into the equation and you can multiply the number of "U"s in the word MUCH above by 12
  13. eyewiteness accounts say that phelps was a pro at smoking. Plus he knows quality glass, cause ROOR is one of the best you can get I like him a lot more then i did But its really fucking ridiculous that someone smoking a COMPLETELY harmless substance in the privacy of a house, not even remotely chancing any harm to a single person makes more news then that same person drinking and getting behind the wheel and risking the lives of everyone. Its also pretty ridiculous that this thread isnt closed yet with the OP suspended.
  14. Why cant we have a child protective services for cars? That much abuse should be illegal
  15. in cali the house you described would easily be over 1 million
  16. there is also a drain on the passenger side on the back of the engine. You should also run it with the heater on full blast, cause you need to get the thermostat open to get it all
  17. You can put either orange or green in, but you dont ever want to mix them. My dad did that on accident and it becomes an acid and eats away the inside of the engine. He had to do an engine replacement on it for that mistake (btw this was on a ford ranger, not volvo)
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