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Everything posted by RAzOR

  1. Totally agree. 1. Manhattan Project style effort to develop alternate source of energy to oil 2. Take the leash off the military and the CIA on these folks. Dirty tricks, the works. 3. Enable Americans to carry concealed weapons provided they qualify (clean record, no mental illness), register, and pass a stringent annual written and performance test. 4. Control the border and enforce existing immigration law. Green Card amnesty OK one more time, few deportations. 5. Pay our damn National Debt off. SO FAR? NOTHING. FUKIN NOTHING. IS THIS TOO MUCH TO ASK? IS THIS UNREASONABLE? What's wrong with this place? 1. Thirty years of Vietnam activism and "I HATE AMERICA AND YOU SHOULD TOO" courtesy of Liberal Policy that has severely weakend our pride, purpose and sense of identity as a nation. 2. Multi-Culturalism bullshit also brought to you by Liberal Policy that has further weakened our national idenity, pride, and sense of worth and validity for the last thirty years. 3. Public education in shambles thanks to thirty years of bussing, self-esteem over acutal performance, the removal of standards, and other social engineering, all protected by the iron girp of teachers unions. The results? More dumb kids (now adults) who have a harder time making intelligent voting decisions and are therefore more easily manipulated who would rather hang out at Starbucks, watch TV or go to movies than be bothered with what matters. All of this also courtesy of Liberal Policies and the DNC. 4. An OLD MEDIA that only gives us hysteria and useless news without analysis, context or perspective. 5. A Republican controlled Gov't that can't get its head out if its own ass and would rather spend like Democrats cuz its fun.
  2. B)--> QUOTE(Plan B @ Jun 6 2006, 10:02 AM) ← Canada can do what it wants just as long as it keeps pumpen out guys like this NACHO LIBRE?
  3. I refuse to get under my bed!
  4. NRA and Conservative. First amendment exists because of the Second amendment. Identifty with the GOP on many issues of morality. Need a third party of tight fiscal responsibility, border control, reduced gov't, and character and ethics building. Kevin? Captian GOP in Washington? No wonder you're at VS so much! And David, what's a conservative like you doing in Monterey?
  5. So how many here still think that pacifism is a valid way to handle Islamic extremism? For reference: http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/wo...-home-headlines
  6. Add a little Swedish yellow somewhere in the logo. Looks really good, regardless.
  7. We are being taken for a total ride. And I'm not a conspiracy type but mainly there is no competition between oil compaines. They are colluding and are killing us while we convert to hybrid and inevitably cut fuel consumption in half, while they triple the price now and hold the line so they come out on top in the end. In 1993 a true hybrid vehicle came out and was headed for mass production by a company called Clean Air Concepts. I rode in one. Not surprisingly, no auto manufacturer would sell the startup any assembly line manufacturing equipment and the car was quietly killed by its politically influenced benefactors. Then the EV craze hit and GM released the EV1 (a truly excellent car) and Toyota and Nissan with the RAV4 and a minivan. They were not sold but leased and were greatly loved by those who had them. It is interesting to note that no American manufacturer came out with a decent hybrid powertrain until Toyota and Honda started making a big buzz with the Prius and Civic. Sounds like a cigar smoking room deal between big US auto and big oil to me. Curiously, during this time of EV tryouts, gas prices dropped to all time lows (depsite higher than ever consumption and the shockwaves of the first Iraq war) and stayed there while GM called in the leases and crushed the remaining EV1s and most other EVs were quietly scuttled. Now, thirteen years later we have high gas prices, hybrid vehicles (which all run on gasoline of course) and no EVs in sight. True that EVs could not refuel quickly and that limited their range, but for many, the range was enough. And now, considering technology today like that used in gas station fast passes and advances in robotics, an automated battery changout station is a realistic proposition. Pull in and lineup the car, swipe the card and out comes your battery and in goes another. What, maybe 90 seconds. Anyway, I am not expecting anything like that, at least not now that I know better. EVs are a huge threat to not just oil, but auto manufacturers. EVs are amazingly simple with no transmissions and only one primary moving part. Very, very low maintenance. That would have clobbered the auto dealers who make a good $$ on maintenance. No mystery here, we are under the thumb.
  8. Now I'm the noob here. What is a classic vs a P1/P2 write-up? <squints eyes and winces in anticipation of pummeling>
  9. Just curious, did your principle also ban the Mexican flag?
  10. The American public is far too comfortable and lazy right to wake up. It's kinda like a drug. Mix Starbucks, movies, video games, tv, tons of affordable restauraunts and watch them suck away at that big fat pacifier.
  11. What worries me the most is that our leaders are chronically weak, spineless, and afraid to anything to definitive. It's a bit unbelievable and very sad. This is the worst case yet. That political correctness wins out over the very country itself that bred such stupid concept. WHAT ARE OUR LEADERS SO AFRAID OF????
  12. Arresting people in bars for being drunk is the dumbest thing I have heard in a long time.
  13. I love the word "smarmy". "Bugger" is absolutely the best to use. I call people "buggers" in meetings and they think its cute. For a select few (not being called buggers), it hilarious.
  14. A Pinot is always nice. Chianti is my favorite. What were you having? Since the majority of aboritons are becuase the baby is simply not wanted, the practice is de facto birth control.
  15. You mean "abortions as birth control". And that is something I think we will have to disagree on.
  16. You are soooo smarmy. Seriously, the manipulation of the concept of diversity is not a lesson but rather something we all need to be vigilant of.
  17. Well, it's not a lot of money by any means.
  18. Be careful. The word DIVERSITY today means NOT TOLERATING anything that might be intolerant or insensitive of another's beliefs or feelings. Seeds is more than likely opposed to anything that would "alienate" anyone else, just as in Zimmys e-mail where they had to take down ALL stuff relating to Easter because it MIGHT offend someone. It's totally ridiculous. So what if someone gets offended, Boo Hoo. No one's putting a gun to their head and saying "GO FIND THE EGGS, BASTARD!" If we take it to the end game, we become a society that can't believe in anything but everything.
  19. One can argue that the cancellation of millions of new babies surely affects society, just as would legalizing drug use, or child drinking or prostitution. So when you said earlier "should be able to do what they want with their body" and then later but "wouldn't affect society" it seems that those are two conditions that are not necessarily easily reconciled. Which trumps the other? Where is the line drawn? It is not so simple when examined. Someone using drugs only hurts themselves physically, but hurts others emotionally, financially, etc. Prostitution hurts no one person really, only the morals and dignity of a society which can be construed to affect all in the society as a whole, their quality of life.
  20. FoS. You can't equate the termination of a multiple murderer and an unborn baby. And Zappo, notice your statement. One of the most common and effective tactics of activists (I'm not saying you are necessarily an activist) is to "frame" their opponents position. Note how you said "Anti-Abortion" which implies that all Republicans are opposed to ALL ABORTION. Which is largely wrong. More cleverly, it leads other readers to infer Republicans are extremeists. Which is wrong. But it just makes the issue black and white, hot and cold one or the other, when in fact a good solution may lie in the middle. But since activists are usually not moderates, and they are usually the only ones heard, the issue remains stalled as neither of ther vocal, visible sides want to end up "in the middle" and the moderate middle of the roader (you and I) end up never getting a solution.
  21. So that means you are in favor of removing all restrictions on drinking, drug use, prostitution and suicide?
  22. And in a free society, it is also one's RIGHT.
  23. I say you stick it to e'm and bring back your avatar....
  24. Oh it will, once there are 40 million illegals here and no more jobs.... <in Spanish> Hmmm we could go just a bit further north for free health care!
  25. MOVE TO LA!!! And really, whose keeping you down where you are? It can only be you. You can do anything in this country if you put your mind to it. YOU LIVE IN SAC!!! I mean come on. Do you really believe the "MAN" is out to get you? Really? You live 90 minutes from San Fran where Harley chicks and male hairdresser types run the game in one of the biggest cities in the west!
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