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Everything posted by RAzOR

  1. Personally, I think if kids are too young to afford contraception, or too immature to use it, or just too dumb to know what it is, they should not be having sex. Sex is, of course, great and largely free for most of us (save myself) but if the participants aren't old enough to vote, drive, or drink, maybe they shouldn't be rolling the bones (ah, hah) in the baby game. Planned Parenthood has been very effective in becoming the "go to" for contraception. They should lead the campaign for abstinance and responsible sexual conduct. From what I know of them, they do not consider abstinance realistic and hence they largely ignore it. Contraception is fine with me as long as those who engage in sex understand the consequences of it. I am one to talk. I had a very active (but not promiscuous) single life. I waltzed through a pregnancy minefield, literally, but that's for the "Only Post Here When Yer Drunk" forum. The factor that bothers me is that the vast majority of abortions today are after-the-fact contraception. Abortion is used far to casually for what it is. After that heart starts to beat, it sucks no matter how you look at it. Before that, ehh...
  2. B)--> QUOTE(Plan B @ Mar 28 2006, 06:39 PM) ← Georgie has a new friend Grant, how do you get rid of this guy?!?!?!? Of course I'm all-a-kiddin' . That's true. And it just pisses Jacques off that it ain't Fraench! I wonder if they have the "ain't" in Frauxnch?
  3. Maybe so, but I still think official "Volvospeed" logo packaged condoms would be the new pegs. ...well, at least go on new pegs.
  4. French is just too tough. More signifiacntly, the Chinese are learning English, not French. I don't know if that's good or bad for Uncle Sam. Me thinks bad. And this post does not belong in Political Discussions since Chirac left the room there was, in fact, no political discussion.
  5. You are good and merciful.
  6. BIG BROTHER IS ALWAYS WATCHING... You should read the subsequent two.
  7. Of course. But are the people I am mocking (who routinely play the race card or sex card) such as Jesse Jackson kidding? Sadly, No.
  8. I think in America today, diversity and acceptance are done deals. It's like continuing to smash the egg with the hammer.
  9. Ahhh, the intellectual and untouchable "I know you are but what am I". Dastardly!
  10. Nice Zap. I suspect you are the reason Roe v Wade is in effect. Responsibility is the responsibility of the individual ultimately. Condoms simply mean reducing the odds of pregnancy (or infection for that matter). It does not eliminate it by any means. And you mean to say that people can't get their own condoms and dental dams? And as far as teaching responsibility, that is the domain of the parent and secondarily the "system". And FINALLY, what is more responsible, setting up a high-powered campaign pushing hard for abstinance, sexual responsibility and consequences or handing out rubbers?
  11. I am NOT advocating DEPORTATING those who are already here. I am merely saying NO MORE FOR NOW, UNTIL WE SAY SO. And for those here, lets make you legal. And if you refuse to become legal, you go. I can't think an anything more fair.
  12. It's irrelevant. RvW is a "dead man walking". tick tick tick. Time to take that refresher course on "How To Be More Responsible with your Sex Organ" ladies- that is unless you like raising kids alone. Okay, now Theresa is soooper-pissed at me! -and I thought the Pol Forum was dead. Silly me.
  13. Those protesters are all racist, white supremacists and male chauvinists. The obviosuly hate her because she is black and a woman. GAWD I LOVE SAYING THAT!!!!! Feels soooo good for a TruCon (not NeoCon) to say that.
  14. 500,000 people protesting in Los Angeles in opposition new (and weak) Congressional Legislation that appears to begin to go after illegal immigration. And its the big topic on capitol hill this week. I think its going to be a hot issue in November.
  16. I read it twice. WTF did they say???? Here's the LINK (and down below) No disrespect to anyone, but I think if ANY culture needs proping today, it's the American one and our sense of self as a country WITH borders. And the thing about girls and women in equity with boys and men...by a large margin boys are dropping out of schools at a far, far higher rate than girls (according to my sources) I have not verfied this for myself. If ANYTHING, it's the Boys that need the help. Reads like a rehash of institutionalized multiculturalism (which is Anti-American Culturalism basically- anything but our culture, self-guilt, shame, etc) Looks like another taxpayer funded boondoggle. THAT BEING SAID: There is nothing about homos in the description of the program. Obviously, the web-site opposition needs a bit of education and intellectual honesty and some anger management seminars. ============ The S.E.E.D. Project on Inclusive Curriculum (Seeking Educational Equity & Diversity) Peggy McIntosh, Brenda Flyswithhawks, and Emily Style, Co-Directors Key Ideas behind the SEED Project • Unless we as teachers re-open our own backgrounds to look anew at how we were schooled to deal with diversity and connection, we will be unable to create school climates and curriculum which more adequately equip today's students to do so. • Intellectual and personal faculty development, supported over time, is needed if today's schools are to enable students and teachers to develop a balance of self-esteem and respect for the cultural realities of others, in the U.S. and in other parts of the world. S.E.E.D. seminars often involve other school staff along with teachers; SEED seminars have also been held in colleges and universities, and with parents and students. • Teachers and other school personnel are the authorities on their own experience. When teachers experience being put at the center of the process of growth and development they can, in turn, more successfully put students' growth and development at the center of their classrooms. What Peggy McIntosh and Emily Style call "faculty-centered faculty development" parallels student-centered learning and achievement. • Both teachers and students need an awareness that respecting oneself and understanding one's own authority is intimately related to one's ability to respecting and listening to others, since they too are authorities on their life experiences. The S.E.E.D. Project works within schools to deepen the practice of a democratic balance between self and others in classrooms, schools, and society. • Without systemic understanding of gender, race, class, and other interlocking societal systems, individual educators who try to transform the curriculum will lack coherence and creative flexibility in dealing with current events and scholarship, old and new. Group conversation, intentionally structured, can support teachers and administrators in creating accurate, nourishing curriculum material, and pedagogical strategies that are more gender balanced, multiculturally equitable, and globally attuned. • All education can benefit from asking key questions: What would curriculum and pedagogy look like if the lives of women and girls were seen as co-central with the lives of men and boys? And how can curriculum and teaching methods provide, in the metaphors of Emily Style, both "windows" into others' experiences, and "mirrors" of each student's own realities and validity?
  17. I think teaching is one of the great tragedies in modern day. Teachers play such a vital role in the perpetuation of our way of life and they are largely underpaid, overworked and crapped on by many. To me its one of the most noble endeavors today. If I was gov or pres I'd find a way to: 1. Double the pay of classroom teachers. 2. Force parents to participate/give them easy access to monitor classroom activity and performance. 3. Allow kids to be kicked out of school easily 4. Make teachers stick to core curriculum part of the time and allow them time for their own course-realted topics. 5. Streamline (remove) most administration. 6. Teach fundamentals first. 7. Relegate sex ed to anatamoy and leave the moral coaching to the parents. 8. Protect teachers with decent lawyers who will interface with threatening parents. I could go on.
  18. I think parents are the key to many problems. Teachers can only do so much. Parents need to take a proactive role. Separately, IMO, forced busing is a horrible idea. It simply averages out all of the schools into an average instead of having one or two stand out and having one or two sink low. At least in the latter case, attention can be focused on the lower achieving schools to bring them up and the students get to stay in their neighborhood. What do you do for your district?
  19. Don't you think they should allow the kids to pick whichever school in the district they would like to attend? That way schools compete amongst themselves for the better kids and the kids get to pick. Sounds fair to me.
  20. That looks so cool. Why the serious look? Looks like you're already after "The Disciple". I smell a movie script coming forth, born of my festering fingers. "The Disciple"
  21. Brilliant and horrific. This guy wouldn't stand a chance. Murchison
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