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Everything posted by RAzOR

  1. You didn't seem to respond to mine about the attack on women's right to pregnancy (as you put it above) I take personal offense that you deem my contributions "seemingly ignorant" and your complaint of an "absolute lack of intelligent responses". Let me state my observation that you seem to be AmeriPhobic and think Canada is the greatest thing since sliced bread. I am happy you love your country. "LIES" Lies are intended to deceive, I'll paste from a recent post countering your accusation of "LIES". 1. US, British, French, Russian, Israeli intelligence, all in agreement, indicated high probability that Saddam still had WMD's 2. At the end of the Gulf War, Saddan had confirmed WMD's. 3. Saddam never accounted for their destruction. 4. The goofing off at the UN took 14 months even after 8 years and 15 resolutions (we ended up with 17?) and 14 months is plenty of time to slide those WMD's to, say, Syria or the neighborhood. 5. Saddam consistently obstructed UN inspectors and hampered their efforts. 6. The finding of buried MIG-25 Foxbats in the desert demonstrates how hard it is find something over there. 7. The Bush Administration had to make a decision as to the RISK that Saddams WMD's could reach the hands of Al Qaida who had recently demonstrated the means to deliver them (9/11) in the US (something Iraq could not do). I believe the decision was made simply to act rather than not act (to be proactive and aggressive). The US coulda pulled out after removing Saddam but are staying behind because of what happened after Gulf War I and the shot at a democratic ME, Islamic country (which may prove to be a valuable ally). I don't buy the war for oil crapola. Venezuela is much closer and woulda been much easier! Plus, we'd be invading Japan now to stop production of the Prius! Now there is new info from a former Iraqi Rep Guard general: I would like reply by simply saying I think that the decision to invade Iraq was not directly to fight terrorism but indirectly. The risk of Saddam passing a WMD to a terrorist organization was simply too great. There is a lot of evidence that he had them and now new evidence in a new book from one of his generals, Georges Sada So go ahead, your turn to provide evidence supporting your "LIES" accusation. I am anxiously awaiting your information.
  2. That is horrific. That guy should be taken out. If I got the chance, I'd love to kill him slowly with something like, say, a teaspoon or a paperclip. Probably take days.
  3. An excellent analysis and I thank you for your compliment. Your scale rating (for myself anyway) is perfect. Interestingly, for my entire life, I have been moving slowly to the lower numbers (which runs counter to the trend). I would like reply by simply saying I think that the decision to invade Iraq was not directly to fight terrorism but indirectly. The risk of Saddam passing a WMD to a terrorist organization was simply too great. There is a lot of evidence that he had them and now new evidence in a new book from one of his generals, Georges Sada (which is coming up next for my reads!). The situation in Iraq even today is still murky and volatile. And a loss would be very invigorating to the enemy. We ALL, like it or not, need to stick this one out and give it our best shot as unified American citizens of all religeons (yes, Atheism is a religeon, just as the number zero has a definite value!).
  4. Since when did a woman's pregnancy become a poltical decision? Since its entirely her decision in the first place to risk getting pregnant- THAT'S HOW!. Once she IS pregnant, it cannot be her decision alone unless the unborn baby is asked their opinion as well and we all know what the h3ll that would be! Here we go............. .
  5. Not sure I agree with you on the more Americans forced into Wal Mart but overall agreed! Viva la Revolucion! <spelling!>
  6. You ARE on fire! Let me go by each. 1. The Mid east hates "The West" Canada included. You are speakng very broadly. I agree there must be a serious effort to get "THE WEST"- Canada included off oil. Government billions and letting the free-market develop it has proven to be a dud at bringing an alternate source of energy. The higher gas prices will definitely help push now. 2. I agree Health Care System needs a major fix. I'm not sure price controls are gonna do it. It's far more complex than that. The current system is expensive but its the most capable in the world. It is a victim of governmental neglect and lack of resolve. 3. You are comparing Apples to Oranges. Compare the US Economic Growth Rate with its past performance and against that of Europe and Japan (the closest in model), China and India are developing and not comparable. From your perspective might as well include Mexico and Indonesia. 4. America has a broad and open education system that is bloated, innefficient and impotent and needs a major overhaul. See 2. 5. I have increasing resentment to older people as I get older! Social Security isn't broke yet but it will be. For the reason See 2. Saddam Hussein, Al Qaida et al are responsible for the deaths, not W. He is just doing what he thinks is best protecting his country. I agree it is sloppy and ugly but this kind of war is new and tough. But don't mix the blame, that is crazy.
  7. Fellas, Our economy is in great shape, and I think our US "organizations" are just doing what they do. Our gov't is going after some bad dudes. But there are sooo many things that really need a direction and haven't gotten it because it's too tough for the current set of weenies. White collar crime is one. Handgun ownership is NOT. Guns do not kill people. Bad people kill people. Make good people and they can all own guns.
  8. I think the "system" is continuing to move in a direction towards an impotent mixture of bureaucracy and elitism. While I agree with Republicans on most issues and voted for W twice I am not sure that W has much to do with the problems we face today. 1. Governments at all levels are run by "opportunists" working together to form a circle. They make very weak leaders and back off when any special interest challenges any policy- meaning most-nothing gets done. The ultimate fault lies with the public who keeps electing these professional political "used car salesmen". The California Legislature is case and point. 2. The US economy is in grave danger in the face of union power, tough competition, over protective environemental regulations, a hostile legal environment (lawsuits), and horrible/dishonest managment. This will continue, due to 1. 3. The American citizen needs to take a far greeater interest in issues and to spend far more time researching their information. This will help them make solid, better informed decisions. They will also have a clearer undertsanding of what is going on and therefore will make better and more meaningful decisions in the voting booth. IMHO "W" has nothing to do with any of this other than not really doing anything about it. If anything, I think he has been more of a leader than the past President, sticking to his policies in the face of loud and persistent opposition. Right or Wrong- he is leading. The root problem is huge. Start with a better educated and better self-regulated citizens the rest should just happen. Take away education and self-regulation and you get what has been occuring since the 60's.
  9. IMHO: Incorrect. When bird hunting it is first and foremost to know the whereabouts of your fellow hunters which means that anyone seeking to exit the area (such as this case), THEY must notify the others that they are moving out. From what I have heard, the victim did not do this, had left the area and was returning to the party while the VP did not know, hence the accident. Evidentally, this is a very common accident in this type of hunting.
  10. I don't think it would be so sad if the hippies never came back And who's Blockhead? Seriously for just a sec: My wife is from Tehran. Her uncle and his family (who still live there) as is most of the younger gen are significantly westernized, decent people. There's just this lunatic death cult running the country is all. It's a tough spot to be in. Add nukes- hillarity ensues.
  11. Sorry but 70 years old, drinking and guns- sounds like he's still after a fun time. Must beat the yeast out of hangin' out with Hillary and Barbie Boxer.
  12. That vein on your forehead is popping out again.
  13. Has to be the biggest non-issue since Abu-Ghraib.
  14. B)--> QUOTE(Plan B @ Feb 10 2006, 08:19 PM) ← Pretty good video, but Letterman shouldn't comment unless he watches his show Fo Shizzle
  15. O'Reilly ended up pounding him. I'm always amazed when the Hollywood set thinks they know foreign policy. What was stunning though was that Letterman told O'Reilly that he was all wrong but then admitted he had never, ever listened to one second of his shows.
  16. The worst part of this is that none of our allegedly "fearless" old media (newspapers, TV news) except for FoxNews will show us what the cartoons look like so we can each make our own decisions. Not even CNN. Not even on their websites. They won't even LINK to them. This is an outrage to me considering they will publish pics of crosses in urine and the Virgin Mary with elephant dung on her. This is our defenders of freedom of speech BOWING to these idiots. It makes me sick. It makes me wonder what else they decide not to show us. I'll post a link to the toons a little later. They are amazingly mild.
  17. You are not free to go to school naked. You are not free to walk down the street naked. And I disagree it is implied. It is an extension of FoS. By not allowing you to go to the movies naked, your freedom of speech is not impuned, that is why Freedom of Expression is not carte-blanche(?)
  18. Nothing like seeing a culture hit the bottom and then start digging.
  19. HHHHHIIIIIII Kuzia! Just as my life was getting sensible again. It's called Freedom of Speech, barbarian. I am asking about the alleged Freedom of Expression. Give it a try!
  20. YOU CANNOT SAY THE "M" WORD! I WILL BOMB YOU FOR TALKING ABOUT BIG MO! DON'T EVEN LOOK AT HIM! It is crazy, my only solace is that this is a small fraction of Muslims. Maybe most stayed home and read the cartoon page? I wonder if Al Jazerra printed them? They show beheadings, charred bodies, etc? Why not a few 'toons? Ken, remember the riots? Tons of South Central folks torching their own houses and neighborhoods to protest the Rodney King verdicts. I wonder if they they've sat down and thought about that since then.
  21. No, it doesn't. Where in the Constitution does it grant 'Freedom of Expression"?
  22. Jerusalem is open to all visitors and worship from all three religeons goes on daily. Of the three, Islam is the only one that is constantly threatening the destruction of the sites of Christianity and Judaism and has in fact acted on it on occassion. Luckily Israel runs the show there and keeps it open and protected.
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