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Everything posted by RAzOR

  1. NO other religeon has people that commit suicide to commit murder. No Budhists, no Christians, no Jews, no Hindus. The suicide bomber is unique to Islam. They even use it on themselves! And if the Israelis really did want to kill women and children and retarded paraplegics, they would have done so by the hundreds of thousands by now. The truth of the matter is that Israel is a morally accountable nation whereas Islamo-Fascists- Syria, Iran, and their proxies, are without morals. Eg. Blowing up fellow Muslims (Shiites vs Sunnis)
  2. Can you answer my question before I tell you if I watched it? And CJ, if you believe Hitler exterminated 10 million Christians, I suggest you find a way to verify your information.
  3. This is for GOVERNMENT funding. Ameircan corps are going balls out on this. Its the way the USA does it. The European countries fund Airbus we have Boeing who stands on its own. Bush is vetoing though on his morality. Gotta applaud him for acting on principle.
  4. There was no such thing as a Palestinian in those days. There was no country called Palestine. Just a region. The people living there were referred to as "Southern Syrians" or Arabs living in Palestine. HAd you asked someone and said where are the Palestinians, they would have no clue to whom you would be referring but they would know the area. WHAT!!?!!?!??! Where did you get this gem?
  5. Wrong Wrong Wrong. You are equating our founding father's with terrorists? Did they behead civilians? Blow up weddings? No. They are NOT morally equivalent. This is where many people need to tap their moral compass to get a north or south reading. It is almost insulting to put them in the same category. Life is life and cultural clashes, dominance, and defeat has gone on since the history of humankind. Witness the Sumarians, Greeks, Romans, Ottomans, Aztecs, Indians, etc Nature and natural human processes and development will inevitably lead to cultural clashes, war and death. Ultimatley triumph and contiunance for the victorious people and death, defeat, and cessation of existence of conquered cultures. But just as this has negatives, it also leads to positives- generally many times over (aka. advancement) - space travel, biotechnology, and modern medicine. Cultures, like living creatures, must adapt or risk vanishing. The Europoeans brought their way of life and culture to the Indians- who didn't even have the wheel. It's obvious who would win AND whose culture had more value to, if you will, the "human cause". Today the Indian culture is all but gone, and but its traditions (considered contributions) are adopted by the triumphant culture. In a way, it does persist. Today, the Liberal mind nobly seeks a solution that can allow all to exist but the reality of life and cultural dynamics (such as the Western societies going to Mars and reaching interstellar space, while simultaneously African tribesman strap new bamboo sleeves around their penises) creates a formidable gap to bridge. And by artificially holding off this natural cultural conquering, potential energy is created by the extended cultural tension. The Liberal's quest-path of "Can't we all get along", IMHO, is futile and simply accumulates change-energy through their social efforts, leading to bigger and more severe society-quakes when the faults slip. I mean really, how much longer can AND SHOULD the rapidly growing and aggressive space-cultures dance around the bush-grass skirted ones? It is a sobering question of reality. There is no rainbow solution. That is the reality. Cultures and societies will continue to come and disappear. But Liberals, in their good hearts strive to find a way to allow all who exists to continue forever, almost ironically ultra-conservatism. Back to this topic, Islam is a religeon, that in its widest form, does not appear to allow for the advancement of its societies. And in fact, Sharia (Islamic law) is backwards compared to western law.
  6. So what about Muslims (not their governments) in general remaining silent on the war on terror? Or are you going to ignore me again? I will offer to watch the entire video provided I don't start detecting BS. Educating one's self with deemed good information about both sides (or all sides) in a conflict is invaluable to forming a solid position. I have downloaded it and burned a DVD. IMHO the Palestinian side of the issue is murky and compromised (by radical Islam and other special interests) and, if at all possible, I welcome any source that can offer clarity. The Israeli side is easy comparatively.
  7. Scary. Whether It's 1%, 10%, or more, the numbers don't look good. Como?
  8. Fuck!n A R!ght! <Violent Teeth clenched, Hulk Hogan arm flex, sweating neck muscles and arm veins popping, faces the chanting crowd "USA! USA! USA!"> Funny how Black didn't answer my question about where the Muslims are that support the west. He dodged an offered a response regarding ME governments, but not about the general populace.
  9. If I had $17K I'd buy this ride so fast. Sux having a huge mortgage in so many ways.
  10. Bump for the UL and 28 MPG!
  11. 19T OMP blah blah blah. Whats yer mpg? :lol:
  12. Two out of three isn't bad. You may now go about your simple life.
  13. My question was not about governments, but about Muslims. WHERE ARE THEY? And this needs some explaining: Large percentage of Muslims in London sympathize with Tube attacks.
  14. Hey Black, You missed my question above. I'd really like to know.
  15. Black95-850T5R missed a very IMPORTANT question Merlin posed to him. I'll restate because Black95-850T5R is being a good sport and I would love to hear an insider's perspective. WHY DON'T THE NON-RADICAL, GOOD MUSLIMS stand up and help their governments (ex Iran and Syria) catch the RADICAL Islamic terrorists? WHY DON'T WE SEE PROTESTS here in the US or in Europe in support of their adopted countries? They seem to be able to organize and protest against say, discrimination in the wake of 9-11 or some cartoons about their religeon quite effectively. In a war such as this, I would certainly think that they would want to take clear sides on this. WHERE ARE THEY and WHAT ARE THEY THINKING?
  16. "People's Republic of Korea" would look better than "Glendale, CA"
  17. They are. Unfortunately, civilians will die. It happens. It's war. If Hezbollah hadn't done what it did, those 47 civilians would be alive today. There is nothing to argue. Nothing I have said is false and you know it. The finger of blame is on Hezbollah. I HOPE THE LEBANESE WILL GET THEIR COUNTRY BACK FROM SYRIA AND HEZBOLLAH. Maybe you don't about that, I do. The Middle East countries needs to grow up, face reality, and stop blaming Israel for every single problem and fix what is truly wrong- radical islam, corruption, and dictatorships.
  18. ISRAEL does not blow up weddings. ISRAEL does not blow up busses ISRAEL does not behead infidels. And if they do, it's an accident, or their cowardly target chose to surround himself 24/7 with people willing to do so and Israel had no choice. Hezbollah does blow up weddings Hezbollah does blow up busses Hezbollah does behead infidels If Hezbollah doesn't it means Israeli security forces stopped them. IF Israel takes over the world, we have a democracy with freedom of religeon and woman drivers. IF Hezbollah, Al Qaida, or Hamas takes over the world, we have a Theocracy, with harsh Islamic law and forced Islam or death, and women in Chadours. My gun points with the Israeli ones. And Hezbollah started this. They led the attack, captured two soldiers and blew up eight soldiers who came after them. So you think it's OK they killed eight soldiers since they were just trying to pick up a few bargaining chips for a prisoner swap? YOU are the dumbsh!t. They are reaping the whirlwind. I hope they get annihilated. Thank God Israel and the West have superior EVERYTHING in this war. It is only by the good graces, the beliefs, values, moralities, and the grotesquely abused compassion UNIQUE to Western civilization that that whole area hasn't been turned into a glass-top parking lot. We wouldn't have to kill one soldier to vaporize the entire problem in 30 minutes. I don't think if Al Qaida had the nukes and we were running around with AK-47's and converted F-150s that this "reverse-scenario", nor us, would exist for long.
  19. Israel should just keep Lebanon. I say Imperialism is way overdue. Not just war for war's sake but good old fashion conquering, occupying, owning, and smiting resistance. It seems that death is the only response radical Islamic terrorists will accept. They never say "quit", to we should say quite simply, "then you, all of those who help you, encourage you, and the unlucky ones near you- will die."
  20. It was 80 with the original lead acid, 100-150 with NiMH. 80% recharge in 15 minutes! In the flick, they interview the inventor of the NiMH battery- nice old guy. He said once he developed them, GM bought a controlling share in his company then a year later sold their share to Chevron.
  21. I give them to the kids to play with. Like wood blocks but with broken toes and burned skin.
  22. You folks would definitely be the last to "conform". I have driven quite a few EV's and they accelerate well enough for me to never have to pay for a single gallon of dino-juice again. Or do a timing belt, or replace a $3K tranny, or a head if I didn't do the timing belt. The EV-1 actually ripped. It was very quick and super cool inside and out. I'd pickup my buds and they'd be like "Holy sh!t wher'd you get this thing!??!". Like the Model-A Ford, the cars have to start slow. Now check this one out: http://www.venturi.fr/us/fetish/specs/specs.php3 0-60 in 4.5 sec. Top speed is only 100 but hey, they're getting there. All you need right now is $500K ! :o
  23. And I'm a Republican! http://www.sonyclassics.com/whokilledtheelectriccar/
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