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Everything posted by JCviggen

  1. I have them and they work awesome! So dont really need another set, but they have proven themselves useful even in extreme track driving + nice to have the peace of mind they'll last forever
  2. GT30 on a low pressure block...? Personally I'd reconsider. I like the stock ECU part too.
  3. Yeah no stuff. I'm here trying to get over 300 crank while the Swedes are trying to figure out how not to crack the block in half at 1000 HP :lol:
  4. While I do not condone terrorism in any way, it can never be eliminated without understanding why it happens. Lets say you're a young palistinian. All you've known since you were born is poverty, religious zealotry and what appears to palistinians as repression by Israel. Either one does nothing about it (99%) or there is that 1% that is a potential suicide bomber. Again, I am not saying these are not seriously misguided individuals, but what other options have they to make a statement? Peaceful demonstration never got anything done down there. Looking at the average Israeli's world it is easy to understand why they blame the palistinians. All is good and well and then on a beautiful sunny day some family members get scattered all over a street. Of course the real problems are a) conflicting ideologies b ) skewed balance of power. The first is rather obvious, and it has to be said that all those decades ago when Israel was created some things were decided rather hastily without thinking it through all too well. The second problem, since the U.S. keeps its hand over Israel no matter whàt they can do whatever they like and escape punishment regardless of what the rest of the world may think of its actions. Thats another reason why the U.N. in its current format doesnt work very well (single nation vetoes) but okay. Of course Israel has the right to defend itself, but it has in the past gone way further than this. Land grabs have undisputably taken place and as it is supplied arms ànd truckloads of cash by the U.S. it can do so with little resistance as the Palistinians have nothing except some rudimentary explosives. Welcome to world politics. There are no decisions based on right or wrong, only who is in bed with who. Of course a good portion of the blame lies with the Palistinians, too. But Israel being the way more advanced and prospering (thank you USA) nation should take the high ground and not throw a shitfit over relatively small things. Because every time they do they just create more potential terrorists. In a way its mind boggling how huge nations with complicated political systems cannot -or refuse to- open their eyes and see that fighting terror with wars simply doesnt work. Nobody blows themself up because they are in a bad mood, it is because they have nothing else to live for anymore and as the last thing they do want to hurt the entity that put them in that situation. Anyway like I said before I dont see this crisis ending because all sides involved are stubborn, hypocritical and plain hate each other after decades of this stuff.
  5. How can it be too seperated? They've got nothing at all to do with each other..
  6. Some people are really "a little" out of touch with reality in this thread....but nothing can be done about that debating it on the internet anyway.
  7. - all religion is bollocks - the middle east is never going to get along - we're all f*cked with oil prices there, nice and simple :lol:
  8. Well can he get it on swedish plates?? I thought car inspections were really tough there? You can go onto the Ring as long as its on registered plates :)
  9. Funny car Dont think they'd let it onto the Ring though lol The guy standing next to the road in the end of the video looks like the Swedish version of Doug :lol:
  10. They were still all missiles, I dont think the type makes much difference wether all of them were shot down or just one :D
  11. one failed, not the others
  12. Nobody is going to do anything about NK, and NK isnt really going to do anything either except annoy everybody. Kim just likes to draw attention to himself. There isnt anything realistic to do against NK anyway, military intervention is out for a number of reasons, and economic sanctions wouldnt do anything because NK barely imports anything from outside of China anyway.
  13. Yeah that always bothers me that it sounds soo much nicer on the outside rarely hear it that way. WOT in a tunnel or under bridge can be nice though
  14. The differential remains an absolute 45 lbs, hence the injectors will have a constant rate. Doesnt matter if its 4x higher than boost or whatever, you add the boost to the fuel pressure to keep the same amount of flow, done!
  15. If they wanted enrichment they could play with the duty cycle. Its to keep the pressure differential steady basic math.... lets say you ran 20 lbs boost and 20 lbs fuel pressure...what would happen :)
  16. While under boost they also have to overcome the manifold pressure...the reason why FP goes up with boost in the first place
  17. Doug's car just bumped my own car off my desktop, sad!!
  18. Just throwing it out there... http://www.livescience.com/othernews/06012..._decisions.html So much for being right or wrong
  19. Because there is now simply TOO MUCH misinformed/pointless stuff to reply to I will make this my last post and reply to a few things Watch the weather channel. Wind speeds and directions are predicted fairly accurately. They are calculated on a pretty big/rough scale, but obviously it CAN be done. Its accuracy is a matter of how local you want to get, i.e. how much computing power its worth to you. Tell me, have you gone on airplanes? (I have this strange idea you've never gone TOO far abroad but okay) Do you ever wonder like....how the plane is staying in the air? The principles behind the plane staying in the air are as well established as many others which are in direct conflics with, say, the bible. You may have heard the sun is supposed to revolve around the earth, which in term is supposed to be flat as a pooltable. You can argue "you can prove nothing!" but the plane is staying in the air, isnt it. Do you really give the earth being round a second thought? Give me one that actually backs up its claims like that site I pointed to does. Good luck. The religious arguments are easily debunked by the cold hard facts. Its amazing how far some of those creationist websites go in twisting science - or perhaps they just dont know any better. You may also be interested to read the section where one of their authors replies to a "debunk" done on a religious website. Compare the 2. If you still think the religious one is more sensible, backing up nothing and pulling stuff out of thin air then nothing will ever convince you. Again, if you dont have the knowledge or established facts at hand it IS as simple as picking the version you like most. But correct and incorrect are not determined by preference. And life DID NOT START WITH A LUCKY CELL. A cell is way more advanced than the early building blocks of life. You're not going to believe this, but actually I dont! Why would anyone who doesnt believe in God believe in Satan? Satan is only God's counterpart. Its like saying your invisible friend exists because your invisible mum told you so. Its one and the same dude...please. ? Some of the stuff you said, which could actually be shown to be wrong (as in, not just an opinion) I showed to be wrong in like 10 seconds flat. Do you just skip over answers that dont fit your belief? Seriously, I am sure you're a really nice person and its admirable that you hold yourself to high values. Humanity as a whole could use better morals. Respect for that. You're just a little narrow minded in your interpretations. Lets see the facts then. Everybody gets blessed by good things. Babies are born, accidents are avoided, love springs forth every single day regardless of people's religion. I have had my share of good luck and back luck, close calls and bad situations. Its life. If you want to attribute all good things to God that's fine. There is no statistical diffirence between the prosperity of life between religious and agnostic/atheists. In the end it always comes down to "but when judgement day comes...!". Its sad that the last bastion of religion must always be scaring people into the consequences of not believing. It has gone on for centuries and still does, but it suffices to say its bollocks. If there would be a God pulling the strings, then he would also be responsible for making people the way they are. If belief were a personal, rational choice it would not be belief. Hence you would have to imply God made people to not believe. And last but not lest....one of the biggest ironies the world has ever seen : Believers will often argue they simply cannot imagine anything as complicated or beautiful as life existing by chance. But they without a single thought accept something like a God has always existed without ever been created. Mix and match, apples and oranges, take your pick. You may consider science a belief, but at least it examines all information available to better itself and to become more accurate. Religion, as it VERY clearly demonstrated here, uses twisted or plain wrong arguments to keep itself the way it is. It aims to remain static. That alone should have some alarm bells ringing. Good night people... edit : there's a chatroom?? :phear:
  20. Believers' lives are not any diffirent from those of non believers. You can credit a whole bunch of things to an invisible force. If I flip a coin and it lands where i guessed it would I can credit this to God. Or I could realise there was a 1 in 2 chance. Your pick. The point of the experiment was to determine that spiritual feelings are in fact physical in nature, and can be created on demand as much as they can create themself It does not need any outside force to trigger them. Oh my god (pun intended!)...are you serious? You cannot b serious. We covered this. You cannot believe all life on earth came about on its own. Fair enough. What do you actually know about the science involved? Darn little is my guess. This statement is covered here. Read it and please give it your attention. http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/chance/chance.html Who are you (or anyone of us) to decide something happened either by chance or by act of god period? Because humanity doesnt have all the answers doesnt mean you need to invent them. And yes, invent is the right word because it holds as much water so say we were created by creatures from an alien universe. Same amount of evidence. Look at animals. They have an extremely limited understanding of their surroundings. We humans are blessed with a huge amount of knowledge relative to animals, yet we only have a few pieces of the puzzle determined for sure. The fact that our understanding is limited should not have any relation to the existance of a supernatural power! It is in fact quite irrelevant to draw "conclusions" because of it. Now please read the article. I'm sorry are you serious? Lucifer? Was he on Jay Leno's show recently or something? Yes, yes we can....were you serious? There is the theory of evolution, and there are facts of evolution. Evolution has been recreated in controlled experiments and observed in nature. Furtermore, "facts" are things which are determined on grounds of evidence, calculation and observation. None of which are found in your claims by the way. You also seem to be a little behind in knowing what has been established and what not, if I can be so free to point this out... Stop thinking so narrowly and read this http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/faq-miscon...ons.html#chance Evolution is a word that involves more than the Darn theory first formulated by Darwin.
  21. Ya know...you're free to believe whatever you like and everyone should respect that Just dont try to act like you're right and we're wrong because fact of the matter is...you have absolutely nothing to base yourself on. Earlier I was reading how "spiritual" feelings can be perfectly recreated in the lab...people would actually feel a presence near them when all what was being done to them was some electrical signals fed onto their head, heck some people cried and called it a beautiful experience even though they knew they were in a lab. There is nothing, absolutely nothing at all that even points into a direction of there being a higher something. And in the end the only argument you can have is "well I know there is". Stay with what makes you happy, by all means...life's too short to not live it in the way you like. Just dont come off with the whole i'm right and you're wrong attitude in this matter. You cant demonstrate God in any way or form unless you consider fantasy a demonstration. Note however I am not saying God cannot possibly exist. Gravity is a defined force, one which is even mathematically consistent. You're comparing this to what again? I'd like to compare gravity to evolution, while we're at it. Some extremists like to point out evolution is a theory. Well its also a fact much like gravity is. To quote someone (I forgot who) "when Einstein's theory of relativity replaced Newton's theory of gravity, apples did not suspend themselves in mid-air pending the outcome"
  22. Yeah...but its not possible. Anyone who really believes (in anything) cant possibly think rationally or logically on the subject, negating any point of reasonable arguments.
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