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Everything posted by theunderlord

  1. Dude, she threw the BF in there so casually.. damm that sucks... we've all been there tho.. keep at it man.
  2. Green Day Predicts Anarchy After Bush Re-Election : "Punk rockers Green Day fear for the future now that George W. Bush has been re-elected as President. The "Time of Your Life" stars say their new album, 'American Idiot,' is a response to recent events in the nation and abroad and they are concerned that a popular insurrection is a serious possibility. Singer Billie Joe Armstrong says, "This new record of ours was born out of everything that has happened in this country over the past few years." "We are not in a good place, and because Bush wasn't forced out of office, there could be an uprising. Things could get lawless." Bassist Mike Dirnt adds, "S**t, yeah. I wanted Billie to hold nothing back. We had to vent our feelings, and had to do something, to get rid of that f**ker Bush." Always nice to hear qualified individuals speak out! So glad...
  3. this is the best quote i've heard/read today. "Democrats pored over election results and sadly determined that the GOP base was bigger, more rural, suburban and Hispanic than they had ever imagined, It was a grim day for Democrats."
  4. Oh man, you should see it... Joe whipped up one big firestorm over there! I had to jump in a fan the flames tho...
  5. haha... ! I'm so glad that I don't have to hear any more musicians who don't have high school educations tell me that I need to vote...
  6. Very well said... i have an economics degree... i guess that makes me a pseudo intellectualite... still voted conservative.. :D
  7. WAHHHHH this is a prime example of why we need a crying smilie face emotion! :D
  8. Noah, your high school history teacher would be pissed right now! The quick story is, that way state with higher populations get more "representation" ... Take Congress for example; In The House of Representatives.. more population = more Representatives.. The Senate = each state gets two reps.
  9. Doug, I do understand, my point was change, not necessarily abandonment of the current system.
  10. ding ding ding! It's a stupid concept huh? Needs to be changed!
  11. didn't we learn our lesson about declaring the winner early 4 years ago... :D
  12. Greg, you're inportant alright.. :lol:
  13. Do my tax dollars pay for those effing stickers? Has anyone thought about this? I mean seriously... stickers? Is that what we need to feel good about ourselves! :D
  14. Dude, my whole STATE votes GOP, except the three biggest counties.. dam!
  15. Doesn't that jut piss ya off!? Kinda makes you think... "Why the hell did I just vote?"
  16. they claim that WA is a swing state, but i don't believe 'em.. Pity us and our 11 liberal electoral votes..
  17. I guests. who is this masked man! Show yourself! :D
  18. Seriously.... is a bumper sticker or a sign in a yard going to make you decide on who you're gonna vote for? Or just a way to let everyone else know who you're gonna vote for? I'm confused... as usual...
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