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Everything posted by theunderlord

  1. Jesse, not at all. I realized that Brett and I hijackacked the Silicone Lines thread, (most recently haha) that's why i noted it it.
  2. noted. i got some time on my hands during the day... ;)
  3. Who to ask? You, Rich? Moderators?
  4. the new guy's... always wanting to start trouble...
  5. haha... did you knock the bottles over and have them clinky clink all the way towards the screen ? 'Cause that's how to truely be a 16 year old..
  6. I actually have an Economics Degree.... what does that make me?
  7. jrosss... so, if we said that we were going over there for "humanitarian" reasons, you wouldn't have a problem with us going to Iraq and doing the same thing? Eliminating Saddam's regime for the sake of the Iraqi people?
  8. Facts have been checked, posting back SIR! This whole WMD thing is all up in the air man, no one will ever know for sure. My point was exactly that... NO ONE WILL EVER KNOW. You can have WMD without producing them yourself... Uranium can be bought, Sarin Gas can be bought... You doubt Iraq would have sold their WMD's to Al-Queda? WDF? And you're in any position to say that they would or wouldn't sell their WMD's? Were you and Sadaam pals? Al-Queda isn't some effing hotel in Afganistan that we can just plow over and say, "sweet. that's done." Al-Queda is an internation group of fanatics that have no way of being traced at all...
  9. Quote: You and me both man.. you and me both... - Michael Bolton.
  10. Do you have ANY idea how much Sarin gas it takes to kill thousands of people? NOT MUCH... You've got to know that it could be hidden anywhere in Iraq. This is what would have happed if we didn't go after Sadaam; The liberals would be all excited that no american lives would have been lost, claiming it to be a huge vicotry for America. Then 6 months down the road, Sadaam and Iraq would have sold their nerve gas to Al-Queda, and then they would have used it on us... killing thousands of people. Then guess what would have happend? The Kerry bed-wetter coningency would have cried to the press about "what a tragedy that this happened, and if only we would have taken Sadaam out of power when we had the chance... " PUHH-LEASE...
  11. ooh... good point... well done.. Dear God; please let the bad liberals go away...
  12. Dude, I'd lie about jammin' that land monster...
  13. Quote: Cheers to Alcohol; the cause of, and solution to, all the world's problems. Homer J. Simpson.
  14. AMEN BROTHER.... I'm glad someone finally pointed out some of these glaring facts... Cheers to you. :D
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