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Everything posted by theunderlord

  1. Good call Anthony! We're the number one place for FWD Volvo perfomance and maintenance! :)
  2. I think i'll be able to help you out with that as well.
  3. why did you join this site? You contribute nothing, and only post in the politcal forum, attempting to tear down 1) the guy who owns the place and 2) a member who's probably forgotten more than you'll ever know about Volvo. why don't you just go away. M'kay.. thanks for playing!
  4. "quess which one of the above words doesn't belong in that sentence." What's interesting is how in Canada you can be 19 to drink.. In the US it's 21..(duh) When I was in college we would cross the border and go drinking in Canada.. since it was like 20 min away.... I would say, "mom, but it's legal there".. haha. kinda wierd/stupid situation.. I mean, I could drive 20 min to CA, and drink legally, but I couldn't in the town I lived in.. ;)
  5. haha.... wrong thread Pat... :lol:
  6. that's a dam good point, the amount that you mature from the age of 18 to 21 is huge. I know I did. I do think there is a big difference between drinking for the sake of getting drunk, (takes swig of corona) and just having some beers with friends to unwind. :)
  7. HAHAH! That makes my head hurt less... Well, better get started again....
  8. well said patrick.... There's nothing like a really bad jerk hangover to put things in prospective... :P
  9. So... Who's ragingly hungover? I think Trav and I are... *hampster's too drunk still to get on the wheel to think* we really neeed a vomiting smiley.
  10. I think me and my friends started doin some drinking when we were 16, but we were smart about it (well about as smart as 16 year old can be) We definately didn't go rip around town drunk or anything.. ususally just sat around a buddies house drinkin 40's of Mickeys Ice... trying to stave off boredom.. So no, I don't nccessarily think it's a bad thing.
  11. I googled, and this is all I came up with.
  12. Think about it this way: How much money has this site saved you since you've been a member? It's a shiz load isn't it? Now, would 20 bucks really be that big of a deal? :monkey:
  13. I'll be 3k here before too long. Countless people have been spared from the perils of not having thier location on thier profile!
  14. what's scary is that I devote my time to Volvo's! I think it's safe to say that I'm obsessed. :o
  15. whew, I'll still make it then... HAHAHA.
  16. I concurr. I've already called dibs! haha.
  17. nono,.,... you got it all wrong, it's hooray for Boundry Bay ESB.....
  18. haha, yeah Greg, I was thinking that right after I posted.... You know what Union is actually increasing in numbers? Governmental Employees... now if that isn't scary...
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