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Everything posted by gdog

  1. Dude, I hope you have free towing with your auto club membership?! Nine times out of ten all you need is a new voltage regulator; specifically the brushes..
  2. Dang, unless you're hiding bad stuff in those pics, the body and interior looks like it's really in good shape! Be a shame to part it; make a good project car for someone wanting to upgrade the engine.. so hard to find these cars w/clean bodies any more.. If it was olive and a wagon I'd be coming to pick it up right now..
  3. I've always found a straight sharp wood chisel works best. About 1/2" width or so. You obviously have to be careful, but once you find the right angle of attack, it will just take off gasket material w/o disturbing the aluminum. If you have to push hard, it's not sharp enough or your angle is too aggressive; should just glide along the surface.
  4. That's a bit concerning but certainly the sump screen would have blocked it; no? Or wait, the filter is downstream of the pump sump, isn't it?
  5. Hey Matt, Read your post several times.. certainly are strange symptoms, some random thoughts/questions.. What kind of oil pressure gauge (mechanical or electric)? If electric, have you tried a different sending unit? You said prior to this (at about 700 miles) your oil pressure stayed steady 75-80 psi from 6K to 8.5K rpm. So now if you drop from 8K+ back below 6K (stock redline) then the pressure comes back up to about 70 psi? Where did you find oil pressure specs for these cars? Couldn't find anything definitive. Curious what the pressure relief valve is set to; also the bypass in the oil filter; you're using mann I assume? Even at 45 psi, that should be plenty I would think? Assume your primary concern is something is beginning to let go, like an o-ring..? Why are you running 5-30w oil? Maybe for break-in, but I would think 10-30w would be more appropriate?
  6. Ah, aluminum brazing; very cool!! I must confess, I'd never heard of that before. Now I know how I'm going to install my WMI port bung onto the intake pipe! Thanks!
  7. I looked at the schematic and don't see any cases (unless I missed it) where the current might go in two different directions in the courtesy lamps. If you pop out the light fixture, you should see a red (or red w/white tracer) wire supplying the 12V+ and black (or blue w/black tracer) wire supplying the ground. Unfortunately the schematic I have doesn't have the lamp descriptions so I may be guessing in some of these cases. They're all labeled 10/22, 10/24, 10/29, etc. on the schematic. Is it possible somebody re-wired these particular sockets backwards? Ck it with your VOM.
  8. Having a hard time understanding what you're saying; can you post a schematic, either from the manual or hand-drawn? Are you saying the bulb gets current applied in both directions, depending on the use-case? Since you opened the topic.. Is there a good LED replacement for the 9148906 bulb?
  9. Was the car on an incline? Had a similar experience recently.. I either need to start carrying my fuel pressure tester gauge w/me or install a fuel pressure gauge.
  10. Wow, not bueno! Aftermarket head gasket I take it w/poor qc? About the cam lobes, most bizarre. Only thing that comes to mind is cam lobes not properly hardened? Honda v four motorcycle engines had this issue back in the early 80s IIRC. Lobes would literally grind away with normal driving. Again, aftermarket (poor quality) cam?
  11. Nice; I'd say you're back on the mod wagon!! Good for the rest of us too.. Curious, what's the covering on the alum gauge substrate?
  12. ^^ interested. May the machine shop gods be with you this time around..!
  13. That's just too much fun! Thanks for sharing.
  14. Cool! Quite entertaining; you may have a future in hollywood.. Great to see you're back on the horse, and best of luck with this build! MS3?! What, you've given up on M4.4?
  15. Anybody that has one of these care to share their experience? I got one recently but can't seem to get it to work. When I plug it in, it beeps out a little diddy but then I go for a drive and there's no file is on the sd card afterward. Do you have yours hard-wired into the car? So far I've only plugged into the obd2 port with it. Any trick I need to know about? Yes, logging is enabled permanently in the ecu; logging from laptop works fine.
  16. Ah man, sorry to hear about your car's damage! Have really enjoyed this thread over the years; always learn something from your posts. But sounds like you've got a plan and positive outlook for your next ride. Best of luck! Looking forward to a new thread (or a continuation of this one?)
  17. You got a part number or link for that part? What's it called? Couldn't find it via search on their site. I finally left it off the mrs' S70 after about the 3rd time she ripped it off in a parking lot.
  18. Back when I worked at a shop we had this "dunk tank". It was a large (50 gal maybe?) that had a metal basket you put your parts in and then submerge it in the most foul smelling chemical s*** you can imagine. If you got it on your hands it literally took weeks for the smell to go away! Don't remember exactly what it was, think it was a zep product? Worked awesome; IIRC it had a mechanical agitator that moved the basket back and forth. Leave your stuff in there overnight and it was down to bare metal the next day. Hell, I think it would start eating alum parts if you forgot about them in there.. This stuff should work I would think? https://www.amazon.com/Berryman-0996-Chem-Dip-Carburetor-Cleaner/dp/B00DSMEL2A
  19. Outrageously awesome!! Thanks for this thread; it's an inspiration, I am sure, to many of us on VS..
  20. Great story! So sad to see another 855 die, but it did its job, protecting its occupants. What hit you that the impact was so low? Good luck with the V70!
  21. LOL! Most I've laughed today; thanks for that!! But where's the rainbow bumper sticker, the "Keep (myTown) Weird" etc.?
  22. Used taps for thread chasers all the time; just go slow. if it starts cutting too much metal, back it out, clean out the hole, and start again.. I've also made "thread chasers" from old bolts too. Just cut one or more length-wise grooves (parallel to the bolt, 90 degrees to the threads) into the bolt (about thread depth), chase the bolt with a die, de-burr and use. You can cut the grooves with a v-shaped file, or even a die-grinder with cut-off wheel if you're careful. Works well on aluminum.
  23. Did you ck the flatness of the head and ex manifold mating surfaces before assembly? Assuming so, but thought I'd ask.. Hope you figure it out..
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