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Volvo Virgin

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Everything posted by Volvo Virgin

  1. I believe you be talking about the box that houses the computer,and that plastic tube is just a cold air pickup to keep things from overheating in said box.
  2. Forget who it was,but at Stillman last year someone had the 17" Neptunes on a red S70.It actually looked pretty good...but a 6 spoke Peg is a good analogy.And we all know the less spokes the better. :ph34r:
  3. What's the VS discount over there at Metro Motors now? Good luck at the new job bro. :)
  4. ...kinda like the Probee on Rescue Me.He was only getting the BJ's,not giving them....so he's not really gay. :huh:
  5. So you're the quarterback...and Grants the receiver? :P
  6. Vaseline-drug store Gerbils-pet shop ...and no embarrassment about buying both of them together.
  7. While I appreciate your support Thor's Hammer,I can't totally align myself with your interpretation.I'm not opposed to gay VS members,or gay people in general.It's the current fashion in which homosexuality is being exploited to the rest of world with which I have issue.IMO The need to make it SO acceptable, SO enthusiastically is creating alot of "fag-haters",for lack of a better word,which I am not one of.I'm sure most of us want equal rights and justice for all peoples,but that's not always as easy done as said. And Jena makes very valid points.Why does history have to be rewritten to show that so and so was gay?He was who he was,and he did what he did.And as far as TV today,and it's content and who is watching it...that's a whole different deal and I didn't go there for just that reason.
  8. Started out with short intent...then my philosophical alter-ego novelist friend took over ...but please feel free.It's only my $.02.It is political DISCUSSION after all.
  9. Time to be honest.I grew up in an environment where being gay was just plain morally wrong.My parents didn't really address it one way or another,as they tried to raise me to not be prejudice to anyone,but "Fruity" was the term my Mom used when ever the subject couldn't be avoided,and it was clear to me that homosexuals were not the norm.Anita Bryant was selling us orange juice,and she sure didn't approve of homosexuals.The Catholic church,in keeping with their hypocritical nature,always preached that homosexuality was a despicable sin.Not to mention in the 70's we were all manly men and it was...well...gay to be in touch with our feminine side.Bisexuals were just homos afraid to say they were gay. The 60's and 70's,even the 80's were a much different time for homosexuality.It was not socially acceptable.The churches,across the board,were very outspoken about the detrement of homsexuality to our moral fiber.But...things have changed very rapidly and it is almost now chique to be gay.Homosexuality and it's heartbeat flood our airwaves in every media,almost to a point of being shoved down our throats.Some people raised in that previous era are still just not willing to embrace it,and the more it is forced upon them the more they refuse to accept it. I,for one,believe to each his own.I have friends that I went to high school with that have come out,and friends from work that I've been friends with for 10 years that have revealed to me they're gay.To my way of thinking,to not be friends with them after finding out they were gay would be shallow and wouldn't say much about me as a friend.As long as nobody is looking at my schwance thru my speedo poolside[jk].Basically,be as gay as you want ,as long as it doesn't affect me!! But,I am uncomfortable,if that is the right word,with the way homosexuality is broadcast into our lives over almost every possible venue.I'm sure this guy is probably a homophobe who has definitely just made a really stupid business decision...but.... is it necessary to point out gay men in our history and is it necessary to make homosexuality a part of every nightly TV viewing?I mean in all honesty,does every sitcom have to have a gay next door neighbor?I won't point out every example,but you all know what I'm saying.The way it's blatantly put out there,it's practically more prevailent than blatant heterosexuality on TV. My biggest fear is this.Society in general has the habit of being resilient to change.Everyone is aware of the growing number of publicly homosexual individuals(Lance Bass included )and the growing acceptance of homosexuality.But to have it appear so socially acceptable,and to some feel like it's crammed into their lives at every possibility,just helps promote unrest and animosity.Society as a whole likes to look back fondly at the good old days,and to see things too much differently in their current lives just makes them nervous,and looking for someone or something to blame.I personally think a diservice is being done by trying to make homosexuality so acceptable too quickly by the current means.It helps breed people like Troy Hake......and worse! Edit:my fingers hurt sorry for the long post.
  10. Carries duct tape in trunk for downpours????
  11. Be nice Kev .Poor EvoX now thinks he did something wrong.I thought it was kinda cute.The best part is he did it just the way you would have.Just goes to show that nobody's above reproach here on VS.......right! :lol:
  12. I will take ownership of durtee,but You must be referring to someone else with that "old" thing. :P
  13. We know the truth Kibim.We'll just laugh inside...where noone can see. :P
  14. Saving face by privelege.That's something I would do Kev. :D
  15. You've been great crowd ladies and gentlemen. Good night!!
  16. WTF.....that's the most pink I've ever seen......... ...well...outside of the bedrooom that is! :lol:
  17. An aftermarket intercooler always is a great performance upgrade if you spend the money on a quality piece with less flow restriction.Be prepared to spend $$$$ tho.
  18. Hey man....don't bail on us! You just have to realize,to us 70 series owners the S70R is like the holy grail.They were not imported to North America so there are none here.For that reason many S70 owners have purchased an R emblem and "made" a S70R.Most of the time when a noob from this continent shows up and claims to have an S70R,it's just that the car is badged as an R,and the new car owner doesn't have enough knowledge yet to know the difference.Don't take any offense personally,we're just trying to see what it is you actually have there......but you are a welcomed member no matter what the case. Rob Edit:post some pics of this baby
  19. The R badge did make it go faster tho..... ...didn't it? :huh:
  20. I can't hold my breath much longer.................... :blink:
  21. Yeah...that red S40 (as close as I can tell) looks sweet with that bumper on it.I likey! :)
  22. Not to be a party pooper but I can't make it on the 23rd,that's why I've been quiet about it.I am however planning on a gtg at my house sometime in July/early August.I will be posting it soon and you are more than welcome to come if you like. Rob
  23. +100 for the rear flaps.They keep the car MUCH cleaner! I must say I really like the front view of your front lip fab.It looks sharp the way you didn't continue it across the center.Kinda emulates a splitter.Nice work! ........and I'd actually consider leaving it black if you're scraping it all the time.It matches your mud flaps and grill,and tho painted might look better when it's first painted,I'm thinkin black would look better than scraped up,chipped,flaking paint.
  24. Things have def got quicker in the past couple days.I was having some other issues as well with PM's and some control features,but these seemed to have resolved as well.Nice deal Chaz. Rob
  25. I'm sorry,I don't travel in those circles. More to the point tho...North OR South Jersey rules over York,PA no matter how you slice it. Edit:Sorry for hijacking your thread Go-go!
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