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Everything posted by Zappo

  1. if you started at 38, then lower them back to 38 as they heat up. You want things to be consistent. If you let the pressure change, your traction changes and the car handles differently every run. You don't want that unless it is to make improvements. You should see other drivers in the grid checking and adjusting pressure in their tires after runs. When the events are warm or hot, you will see the sprayers come out to cool down the tires. You want your front tire pressure as low as you can go without rolling the tires. The lower the pressure, the bigger the contact patch and the more traction. Traction is everything in autocross, and with FWD, the front tires are doing almost everything. As for driving tips, your line looks good, but you need to be smoother on the steering inputs. The entry into the first slalom was good and you were back siding the cones the whole way, but your steering was becoming snappy at the end. That is part of the reason the tires were talking to you because they are losing traction because of snap steering inputs. Tires talking to you on a sweeping turn is good as you are near the limit of traction. Steering angles were more than you needed for that slalom as well, but that is because you need to be closer to the cones. The tighter you are to them, the less steering you need to do to get around them. This is mostly because you are new at it. Like almost anything, the more you practice, the better you become. If you haven't done a rain event, that will help you as it will force you to be smoother. Don't be afraid to hit cones either. Yeah, it is 2 second penalty, but you need to know just how close you can get to them. You are out there to have fun, so have fun. Don't worry too much about your time starting out. If you are smashing cones with the front bumper or tires, too close. If you are tapping them with the rear tires, the force is flowing through you. Here are 2 videos of me driving. The side camera view is so I know how close I am getting to the cones. First is my car, second is in an Evo 9. Both are clean runs. I had only been racing autocross a few years at this point and probably less than 30 events total. You WILL get faster fairly quickly, you just need the seat time. Be on the cones to be fast!
  2. No. The front pressure should be high enough that you aren't rolling the tire in corners. On high performance tires there are small arrows (typically triangles) that indicate the wear limit on the sides. The Lexani tires don't have them from what I see, but also you could have lowered your pressure in the front for better traction. Since you most likely don't have adjustable suspension, air pressure is the only thing you can change. I would run the rear tires at 40 and the fronts at 38 next time. Use a piece of chalk and mark a few lines on the side of the tire to use as indicators. The higher air pressure will help with the heat, but you lose traction doing that. Buy a $10 garden sprayer and just fill it with water to spray the tires when they get too hot. You want them warm for maximum traction, but too hot and they will become greasy and you lose traction. Higher pressure in the rear will help the car rotate better. The rears will never get hot on the 850. Remember to set your pressure back to normal for the street. That tire is probably great in the rain, but performance driving in the dry, not so much. I am guessing a 340 treadwear on it.
  3. They are actually Thule bars, just branded for Volvo.
  4. Not sure why I am being dragged into this as I don't believe I have ever posted anything about minimum wage. Also, Gary, if anyone is blindly following someone, it is you following Trump. I have never said who I was going to vote for, I have only said I will never vote for Trump.
  5. No, just the shit coming out of Trump's mouth. Does Trump ever say anything positive about anything except people with the last name Trump? So, has everyone heard the latest conspiracy theory on The Donald and the Russians?
  6. Sounds like you need to move back to Washington.
  7. Never believe anything Trump says until he actually does it.
  8. McCain picked a crazy nutcase as his running mate and look how that worked out for him?
  9. The only reason Kasich is still in it is to make sure Trump doesn't win it automatically.
  10. Actually, Trump started it, but not against Cruz. He tweeted out a comment last summer about Jeb Bush's wife and why he likes illegal immigrants.
  11. That is more about how bad George W was than Obama.
  12. Trump is a text book case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and this article just confirms it. This is more like what everyone thought last summer; Trump never wanted to be president, he only wanted to show that people would vote for him. It is the reason that Trump never releases his plan for anything because he doesn't have a plan and never did. His ego is in control now.
  13. Better qualified than Trump, but then, that isn't hard.
  14. I suspect Christie endorsed Trump as a possible bid to be his VP. Carson? Who knows, maybe he is still sleep walking. I agree that the rest of Trump rallies will probably have to have heavy security.
  15. I think this is a good assessment of why Trump acts the way he does. http://www.cnn.com/2016/03/04/opinions/president-trump-six-year-old-with-nuclear-weapons-dantonio/
  16. Kevin, the Democrats have "Super Delegates" which aren't won. The party establishment gives them to whomever they want to win. This has already been discussed. Undemocratic? You may view it that way, but the caucus/primaries have only been around since the late 60s early 70s. Before that the party simply picked their candidate. The GOP doesn't have them. If they did, Trump wouldn't be leading.
  17. Maybe if Bush endorse Kasich the donors my move to him, but probably not. I would say it is 3 horse race on the GOP side now: Trump, Rubio and Cruz. I am not sure why Carson is still in, but he has always been in his own little world.
  18. This isn't quite true. The represent the people who got them elected, not necessarily the people who voted for them.
  19. The press has already turned on Trump as soon as it was clear he wasn't going to win Iowa.
  20. Agreed. You have to go full on evangelical to win in Iowa. It is the reason that Huckabee dropped out because if he can't do well in Iowa, he will never gain traction.
  21. The early states haven't been a good indicator for at least the last few elections, at least on the Republican side. Although, normally the crazies would have dropped out by now, but there are 3 in the top 4 right now. Rubio, as the sane one, isn't doing bad right now though.
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