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Everything posted by Zappo

  1. The truth is he needed help clearing brush on the ranch and the invitations were just excuses to get them to help him.
  2. No, the numbers are actually based on the same amount of time in office. Those are Bush's numbers at the same point in his presidency as Obama is right now.
  3. Bush/Cheney/Rummy definitely are to blame for Iraq, and they just used the 9/11 as an excuse to go in there. We will never know the truth about the CIA reports of WMDs, but the 3 of them were more than willing to go in on limited facts as they really wanted to remove Saddam from power. Congress at the time was easily convinced that it was the right thing to do. W wanted to be a war president and definitely got his wish. Actually, China is involved, but they simply move in after the major fighting is done and start throwing money around, which the Iraqi government is more than happy to accept. They are low profile so they never come up as a target for the extremists, but they definitely have their foot in the door. They are in a lot of African countries doing the same thing. Obama had no choice as the exit was an agreement Bush had signed with the Iraqi government years before. Republicans fail to mention that part when complaining about the exit and how it is a major failure of the Obama Whitehouse. Obama tried to keep some forces in country, but the Iraqi government was having nothing to do with it. I am sure they regret that decision now.
  4. Never said I was a pacifist. He spends way too much time watching Fox "News" and listening to Rush Limbaugh on the radio.
  5. I am trying to decide if I should shoot down half of what you say, or just let it go as you won't be back again for another 6 months.
  6. Look at the very beginning of the video and you will see the guy standing in the middle of the road in the way of the racers, and it appears he is waving a Swiss flag. I am guessing he pulled his glasses off and tossed them because a.) he couldn't see with them on to get out of the way b.) make him go chase the glasses so he gets out of the way. Either way, get the F out of the way.
  7. The traffic out of the city on a Friday afternoon is the worst. I know that the Edmonds and Mukilteo ferries typically have a 1 hour wait time on Fridays from May through October. Weather typically isn't an issue. Good move on just doing walk-on, as you won't have delay problems at all. Passenger deck is quite large. We did have a person who lived on Bainbridge Island, but has since moved to California and doesn't frequent VS much. It might be a bit too liberal out here for you, but at least it isn't Portland. We also don't have anywhere near the political corruption that you are used to where you are now.
  8. Issaquah also allows you faster access to the mountains. I agree on the ferry; it can be a pain especially on Friday trying to go home. Home prices might be more of a deciding factor for you. Have you looked into that?
  9. Autocross practice on this Saturday. Novice school is on Saturday, March 15. Register here, http://www.motorsportreg.com/index.cfm/event/event.advert/uidEvent/CC663D34-993C-96BF-EA0BAB7005EDCF4B#.UvRHJtJdUpb
  10. Sign up for the autocross notice school on 3/15 and we can change that.
  11. I think the front bumper by itself looks good, but it doesn't match the rest of the car. If you continue the theme with the rear bumper and possibly the side trim, it would probably look better.
  12. Sounds like your injector constant isn't set correctly.
  13. Assuming I don't blow up the car this Spring, I will be heading down again.
  14. Biggest problem with Christie is even if he does run, he won't get the party nomination.
  15. I also wonder why the GOP is so focused on Bengahzi. There were 13 attacks under the Bush administration with far more Americans killed. Were any of these investigated?
  16. All of our voting happens now. However, the entire state is mail-in ballots, so there is plenty of warning.
  17. I assume all the posters in this thread have or will vote today.
  18. Fine, but they lose church status as soon as they want to effect elections. Separation means you don't get taxed, but it also means you can't endorse canidates for public office.
  19. I think he meant to say, " 'Merica".
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