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Everything posted by Zappo

  1. Apparently McConnell didn't request it, another senator did. There was an article on CNN about what was tacked onto the bill.
  2. Not sure where you got the idea I was conservative. I am indepentent and just complain about the extremes on each side. I have dropped people off my Facebook just because almost everything they posted was political. My facebook experiece is much better since doing that. Link your friends to the FoxNews article you posted earlier and have them read that. I watched a Jimmy Kimmel video where they went on the street to ask people the difference between ObamaCare and the Affordable Care Act, and which one they supported. They mostly leaned to the ACA, even though they clearly had no idea they were the same thing. After seeing that and the article you posted, you could take the ACA, reword it a little but have it do exactly the same thing, then have a Republican present it as an alternative to Obamacare and see how the GOP base rallies around it. It would be funny to see if you asked them to compare and contrast the two plans. Your daughter's teacher clearly doesn't even know the basics of government. It makes you wonder what other subjects she is teaching without a clear grasp of it.
  3. I could never support Rand either. Christie I like because he actually does his job, but he has bucked the party so much he would never make it past the primaries.
  4. Exactly. There should be a campaign spending cap and a limited time to run. Currently they don't represent the voters, they represent the top doners to their campaign. That money can be better spent somewhere else. Congress still gets paid, but their staff don't.
  5. Actually, they blocked their automatic pay raises in 2010 and 2011. Not a big deal for most of them given their salary isn't there main source of income.
  6. Did they mention how much it is costing just to prepare for the shutdown, even if it doesn't happen? That is in the millions also.
  7. Except drones, which all Republicans seem to fear for some reason.
  8. http://www.cnn.com/2013/09/12/opinion/ghitis-putin-hypocrisy/index.html?hpt=hp_c2 Can't believe I am agreeing with this guy. http://www.cnn.com/video/?/video/us/2013/09/12/crossfire-gingrich-putin-rant.cnn&hpt=hp_c2&from_homepage=yes#/video/us/2013/09/12/crossfire-gingrich-putin-rant.cnn
  9. If only he caught the other board after the switch.
  10. That sucks. I am looking for a different car to autocross next year and I have been thinking of an X1/9.
  11. Sounds familar. Btw, autocross tomorrow at BMP, plus there is a big Subaru show on the other end of the air strip. Should be a good day. Come out and have some fun.
  12. A friend from work is looking for a P2 V70R with manual trans. Rare yes, but they are out there. Even more rare is if he could get one in black with atacama interior.
  13. It gets even better, this isn't their first one, they are topping the previous one. http://jalopnik.com/the-guys-behind-the-greatest-craigslist-ad-discover-the-518209189
  14. Autocross this Sunday. Come on out and have some fun.
  15. That is a whole lot of hair for a baby. Being the Sun, I am surprised it isn't an alien baby.
  16. I read the story and I would side with the Airline in this. 101 high school students on the same plane not being a problem? 10 together is a problem if they know each other. 10% of them probably text in their sleep and would probably go into withdrawls having to turn the phone off. Being from an Orthodox Jewish school doesn't mean they are all model students. There were other passengers on the plane, so I would like to hear from a few of them as to what actually went on.
  17. You mean the "job creators"? They are creating jobs for disabled! I wonder if they have a pimps; it is the black market.
  18. He can't use Stand Your Ground because he continued to follow him. I haven't heard anything about him going back to his car after reporting TM in the area.
  19. Apparently he has difficulty following directions.
  20. I hope no one here was on the I5 Skagit River bridge.
  21. Benghazi is overblown. That shit happened all the time under Bush with more people killed, but where was the conservative outrage then? IRS: Their mistake was targeting one side when they should have been doing the extra scrutiny on all of them. No "scandal" then. Political fund raising groups do not get tax exempt status, but it is clear that is the main purpose of these groups. AP: I don't think we have all the info on this yet. Didn't Bush legalize this, or was that just wire taps without warrant?
  22. I always have to fall back to my reliable Italian car also when the Volvo breaks.
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