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Everything posted by Volvoson

  1. Hell if anyone cares, just show up in whatever you can bring :tup:
  2. Don't make me call some tbrick reinforcements :P
  3. More ghetto you say...? I must see it to believe it :P
  4. I think you guys are missing the point. I didn't mean that Northgate North would be our "meet", I'm just saying that would be a MEETING place since people know how to get to it, but not really to Magnuson or Golden Gardens if they haven't been there before. Anyways, I don't care where we meet, I was just suggesting something. Brian, thanks for the sig quote :P
  5. We don't care what you think, you drive a 240 that probably won't make it to the roof without overheating or something :P
  6. Ya, I'd make some directions for people to get there. I just think it would be a cool place to meet up, and especially cool when we roll out :P
  7. K, I have a slightly different idea for our primary meeting place. Nordstrom's parking lot is under some serious construction, right where we're used to meeting How about, we meet on top of North Gate North's parking garage? It's ALWAYS empty on the roof level, so it would be a perfect meeting place, plus when we roll out, we go through the garage and people go "huh? what's with the Volvo parade?!" Plus, pictures on the rooftop would look awesome!
  8. I'll be there too, probably shoot some pics and get them on Kito's site if he wants them :tup:
  9. Ok, well it looks like everybody is liking September 10th, at least for the most part... So, where should we meet, what should we do? Discuss!
  10. Nobody holds my hand, they just fix anything that I break :P
  11. I'd call it more of a NWC reunion, we haven't had a real meet since January 2006 ( http://volvospeed.com/vs_forum/index.php?showtopic=40833 ), and our last "big" meet was April 2006, but that was maybe 10-12 cars :(
  12. Just come, whether you're dynoing or not :)
  13. How about you show me what your car puts down on ANY dyno, if you can figure out how to actually do that without somebody holding your hand or just doing it for you. Less talk, more doing!
  14. Just follow this thread, and once we decide on a date, we will post a new thread with a "sign up" in it so we know who should be coming.
  15. We haven't had a meet in a while... Discuss what works for your schedule, what doesn't, where you want it to be, what all you want to do at it, ect Open to all ideas. This thread is for NWC members only, or people who will be attending the meet only. If you're not serious about coming, your posts WILL be deleted.
  16. Why don't you make the trek up here, or shut the fuck up? That'd be great, ya, ok, thanks...
  17. I know, I was saying I think he will stick with it instead of getting a different turbo now :)
  18. Doug's already gone And Brian has it under control, he got the turbo off right after the car was towed home from Kito's, then took it to Bert. I think the reason he is sticking with the K24 now is because that's what his oil lines are setup for, and those are different than Mitsubishi turbos and Garrets IIRC.
  19. Every time Pras posts, he is reminding us that he is really a dumb smartass :P
  20. Not on an R model car (or any car for that matter at the moment), no VIN# from the car it came from, no odometer reading to show how many miles are on it... I have trouble seeing how Volvo would do a warranty replacement/fix on it without any real background on it. Only thing it does have (hopefully) is the name plate with the serial number, maybe that's enough for Volvo?
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