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Everything posted by merlin390

  1. 1) shoot him/them dead call the cops, yeah some guy broke in my house tried to rape my wife or gf and he is dead do y'all mind sending a clean up crew? 2) shoot him dead call the cops, some guy broke into my house and came out me with a butchers knife so I dispatched him, do y'all mind sending another clean up crew
  2. Bad thing is if you are former military then sometimes the laws apply differently. Every member of the military is trained to dispatch.
  3. I did what I needed to. Would I do it again? YES in a heart beat. I think it upset my parents more than it upset me. Things were real different in school too after that. I still think about those two guys and all the mess they made to this day when ever I hear someone talk about stuff like this..........
  4. here is one for ya Grant. In the late 60's and into the 70's there was a higher number of abortions. Now in the late 80's and into the 90's there was an overall decrease in the level of crime(s). Could it be argueed that the increased number of abortions lead to the decrease in crime? But I do agree the retreat rule is BS. I was 13 and someone broke into my house while I was home ( on crutches after surgery) one walked into my room with a knife the other a bar, I had my shotgun and was behind my bed. Not much was said by the deputies who responded nor the "DA".
  5. your life or the lives of others have to be in immediate danger!
  6. No Grant he is all yours, I don't float that way but I will defend your right to.!
  7. Hey Charles mind if I have a look too?
  8. are they keeping an opened eye or a closed eye?
  9. I would vote Jeb/Juliani in a heart beat
  10. I have to agree with toxic, being from the south that is about how it would happen. Either a pistol, a deer rifle or the old reliable shotgun. We had a bank robbery a couple of years back and a citizen who had a carry permit had his pistol on him and shot both robbers in the head. They didn't see him in the corner coming out of the bathroom.
  11. Thats right Charles I forgot some states are ahead of their time and already did away with the State income tax, isnt florida one of them? What do you do for a living anyway Charles. I have been curious about that for a while now.
  12. I would like to see a federal sales tax. It would probably be in the upper 20% range, but we would still have a state income tax. The federal taxes go to pay for the feredal government. I guess this means the federal government would have to cut off some of these pork barrel state projects they are fond of and make the states pay their own way. I am not sure what the % is for state income tax would be but it looks like there still goes 37% of my paycheck. But it would tax everyone equally on the money they spend not the income amount they make. So that 24,000$ set of rims the pimp or drug dealer buys he will have to pay just like everyone else.
  13. the barrel is 19" the stock is foldable and full of buckshot :D
  14. You know the cops never give me any crap about my pistol or shotgun in the car.
  15. Hey Georgia got a D overall but a lot of F's
  16. our business picked up this month 45,000 iin sales for me :D
  17. But what side would you choose Ilya? hypothedically speaking with the sides being what they are now with one side being terrorist and the other a foreign nation that had dethroned a dictator? I know in WWII every Russian citizen supported the war in one way or another, if it was as simple as burning their own crops to keep the advancing Germans from using them, sniping at German supply lines and rear support units. Ultimately general winter and stallengrad turned the offensive. But in what you said about if a terroist runs into a house of "noncombatants" why dont the "noncombatants" get the hell out of there. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that hey me and my family are in harms way its up to us to get the hell out of here. The terrorist have a job to do, the soldiers have a job to do and the "noncombatants" have a job to do.
  18. Is anyone ever really "innocent"? In a war like this is there really noncombatants. Charles good point about being 9000 of us here and every opinion differs
  19. And I will defend your right to be whatever you want to be till the day I die, just like anyone else
  20. Save me a seat Charles, I said I was rasied SB I never said anything about the present. Organized religion I dont really care for. I was taught each relationship with God (whomever he maybe to whomever) is personal and one-on-one. I have asked preachers in the past to show me where in the Bible it says I will burn in hell if i dont go to Church. Not one has yet to be able to do that
  21. *steps off the soap box*
  22. I was rasied in a southern baptist church and family. My parents and church leaders just taught us to know the difference between right and wrong and for every action there are repercusions both good and bad. At home I had rules and the rules had to be followed, if not you did get punished. I served beside men and women of various ethnic backgrounds and religions. They worshipped their God in their own way I worshipped my God in my own way. There were times in some missions we couldnt let some people of certain religions stop and pray (so they usually just said the prayer to themself) because it would be detramental to what we were trying to do. I do think this nation was founded on Christian morals and principles, I do not think there should be a State religion, but I do NOT see the harm in teaching AMERICAN citizens the TRUE history of this nation! As an American citizen you have certain duties that must be performed. Freedom is not FREE! Many men and women have paid for freedom in blood for this nation and others. People from all over the world come here to escape persecution. Thas fine well and good, but a citizen of the United States should know her true history, and the Christian moral foundations on which it was founded. I would never force my religion on someone. In school we are sent there to learn, what is the harm in saying hey this is the stuff this country was founded upon. Should students in public school have to be made to say a prayer or read from the Bible? no, but if a school allows a "quote of the day" then the Bible is fair game to be quoted. In public schools, I do think a moment of silence is in order for students, they can sit there and pray if the want to who ever God they worship or they can act maturely and sit there quietly. SHould students say the Pledge of Allegance? HELL YES!!! they are citizens of this country, and even if they are a "minor" they are still citizens and have responcabilities to fufill. like respecting the men and women who died to protect and preserve that flag. The worlds ,"One nation under God" should not be left out. they dont specify which God. This is our Pledge of Allegence as American Citizens. If you want to live here great, but know there are beliefs that run deep in American history that will never be shed lightly. People say the school system went to hell when they took religion out of the classroom. I think a lot of that has to do with the parents using schools as day cares while they are at work and kids just happen to get an education in the process. Respect, religion, and evrything else starts at the home. Alert Einstein once said the more he studied the universe the more he belived in a higher power.
  23. that is probably one of the best web sites I have seen in my life
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