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Everything posted by RBoy8

  1. Holy crap... on our family network we have a folder for all of our family photos and stuff. What did I find? The photo of me doing that self keg stand at Carlisle in 2010 . ... thanks for saving it, dad. ................... :lol:
  2. :lol: Judging from the picture, I'm going to assume the sushi you guys had wasn't very fresh or well made. If you ever come down to Toronto, I'll take you out for some good sushi and you can compare the two... but yeah, seaweed generally has an "interesting taste". :lol:
  3. You no like seaweed? Some of my buds at work thought I was crazy when I brought packs of seaweed to eat on break. :lol:
  4. So that means you're getting a pink car, just not a Miata... right?
  5. Testing out the iPhone VS app... this is kinda cool!
  6. Any plans for kids L or XL sizes for the value t-shirts, Chuck? :blush:
  7. Any idea if non-fog x70 bumper grilles would fit in an R bumper?
  8. Pretty damn hot, but I'm used to it and don't mind the heat . I work in the sun all day but I don't mind because I don't sunburn, just get really dark . I really does suck without a/c though. Glad I refilled it for when I'm stuck in rush hour traffic coming out of downtown hah. The hottest we've had so far was: ... so about 100.4F Today was about 27C but with humidity and all that jazz, made it feel about 34C.
  9. Rotating strike. Employees from different Canada Post branches around the country are taking turns to go on strike.
  10. Bro in his 350Z was weaving in and out of traffic trying to get to his destination quickly... but still, after 6 or 7 lights down the road and traveling with traffic, I end up beside him. I like it when that happens.
  11. One of the yellows my parents bought came with wheel locks but we couldn't find the key for it. All my dad had to do was take a socket that fit snug over it and just lightly hammer it on. Came out no problem. haha
  12. I do too! Imo, one of the best 16s available.
  13. Those look similar to the 16" Helium wheels which were available on the 2000 SEs. Did they look like this?
  14. Park Readiness @ Ontario Place
  15. I doubt the tires are good. There only being 3 tires also makes them sorta useless to me lol. I'd love have a set of Tethys in a dark bronze-ish colour but I don't really know if the guy would be up for bargaining that low. Guess I'll pass and look for something better. Raugh out roud. Corey, you're so ching chong ling long ting tong.
  16. $350 for a set of Tethys with curb rash. Three of them have tires...... is it worth it?
  17. bdimag honeyman noodle jnderr Volvo_go_go fastboy mesoam (n)a-game gdizzle SeedyRom JVC RBoy8 I WANT TO WINRAR!!!
  18. As long as you have WD-40 and a torch, you'll be A-OK.
  19. This is why you should do research before you draw conclusions. http://www.vpcuk.org/forums/showthread.php?t=33570
  20. Let me know how it is! I've been thinking of the OBX v.2 one also. haha
  21. So I went to check out the "420" gathering that was happening @ Dundas Square since it's right beside my campus. Jesus, almost all the people there who were preaching about the legalization of the stuff all looked like filthy dirty hippies. Ugh... smelled like shit too.
  22. That's pretty awesome. Too bad he signed with the Sens though. :lol:
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