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Everything posted by RBoy8

  1. aaaaaaaand I have found a new background ...
  2. Ahh, weather is getting warmer and there doesn't seem to be any snow coming in the future. Gonna wait a little bit longer but I can't wait to toss the Volans back on! ........ and install the springs again ...
  3. I thought the movie was great except for the ending. lol
  4. *doh* Where, R forum? Yessir, find anything good? :lol:
  5. Is this good enough? Guy needs an ambalamps... (I hope it's not a repost! >.<)
  6. But an 850 or S70 on Pegs isn't stock. I'm not talking about stock-ness but rather unique-ness. I mean, some complain "omg sooo many people have Pegs and R-bumpers" but if we all did less of that and every single one of us did the whole slammed dished thing... couldn't that change to "omg sooo many people have slammed cars and dish"? Not hating on slammed cars or anything... I'm just trying to get the point across that "omg everyone here has the same mods/style" can work both ways.
  7. You know I was thinking... people complain about how boring Pegs and slightly lowered Volvos are, but if we all slammed our Volvos and had dish instead of Pegs, wouldn't that make Pegs unique and slammed Volvos boring? ... seeing as Pegs would then be different and slammed/stance would be the common thing.....
  8. Merci Matt! I would say more, but I can't really say anything else that's relevant to this. :lol:
  9. Definitely lol. The tire shop I normally take my wheels to does a good job... thought I'd save some money and get my brother to take them into his auto class. I guess this is what I get for being cheap . I didn't know others were gonna work on them too .
  10. Just looked over my Dracos alloys in the basement... only to find a number of new scratches and gouges in two of them. What lesson did I learn? Never let a stupid high school full of dumb kids remove tires off them for you. I should have said that only my brother can touch them. UGH!
  11. Black '98 C70 HPT manual coupe with minor damage to the passenger side front fender, no bumper and no alloys for $3K... good deal? It's got about 180km so 111 miles...
  12. Ah okay cool. I guess I'll look for a 16T from a 99+ x70 and stay with a stock angled flange DP... if not then I'll settle for a straight flange... whichever one that comes up is cheaper . I'm just thinking possible replacements for the 15G in the future.
  13. If I choose to switch my 15G to a 16T, I would need to also change the downpipe to a straight flange since the '95s came with conical, right? Is there anything else that I would need to swap? Is it possible go up to a 3" downpipe while I'm at it, even though the cat and everything else is stock or is it not worth it?
  14. Definitely! (on both points ) My main regret was not trying hard in gr.8/9 French and giving up on it after. I'm hoping to do well in this course and then go on further in learning the language.
  15. Yessir. Learning French is mandatory from gr.4 to 9 then it's optional. Ever since gr.8 I really did poorly. Haven't really touched the French language in about 5-6 years.
  16. haha... I'm still learnin'. Introductory French 101 in University haha.
  17. Bonjour! Je m'appelle Michael. Comment t'appelle tu? Aujard'hui, c'est mercredi le 13 janvier 2010.
  18. lol I looked at her profile and didn't know she was THAT young! So yeah uhhh...
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