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Everything posted by RBoy8

  1. I only knifed one guy who was crawling on the ground and ended up feeling bad so I went throughout the rest of the level with killing any. :lol:
  2. Yeah when it first started, my jaw dropped and I was like "WTFFFFFFFFF???"
  3. That means 4 17" Pegs would weight more than me. :lol:
  4. I forgot about that! Thanks Adam. :)
  5. If I'm looking to trade something, am I allowed to post it in the wanted section? Basically I want to trade a set of RWD rims for FWD rims but I don't know if I'm allowed to.
  6. Cool. Thanks for the info, guys. Haha yeah, my brother was going on and on with my cousins about how awesome it is.
  7. Hey guys just wondering, if I have a US 850 and want to put a Canadian speedometer in it, is it just a simple plug and play swap?
  8. I absolutely love Nebulas and have always wanted them even prior to getting my 850. I'd love to pick up a set when I've got the monnies.
  9. Hrmmm... probably a mix of Joey, Vesa and Raycroft LOL. Yeah not that good . I wish! My friend and his dad had a plotter up until the end of August. Before they sold it, he told me to get in whatever designs I wanted to be cut before the buyer picked it up. So now I have a bunch of decals for whatever . :lol: lmao
  10. I had one of the Yellows today because my brother needed my car. On the way home, some dude in a base 4th gen Camaro wanted to race me (from a roll at 80km/h) ..... I must've grown up or something cause I declined and just kept listening to the hockey updates on the radio. lol A little voice in my head was also telling me to not waste my time or gas because the base Camaros are slow. SOOO once I got home, I looked up the car on Edmunds and sure enough...... that little voice was right. V6s are slow. :lol:
  11. Yessir, but only for ball hockey lol. Just for fun...... nothing too serious. :lol:
  12. Plus freaking one. I've never smoked a cigar but I totally love driving late at night. It's so nice when there aren't other cars on the road .
  13. Saw this downtown today in between classes.
  14. HAHAHA! I think I know what I'll try and do to my friends sometime soon. :lol:
  15. Oh god, there's a set of 17" TSW Hockenheims for sale locally. $500 w/tires (albeit a bit warn) for the set. I wish I had money!!! :(
  16. How much longer 'till we get to see them on the car? Can't wait to see how they look! :)
  17. I miss the old MkII we had. I wouldn't mind getting one again. MkI and MkIIs= the best of the VWs!
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