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Everything posted by RBoy8

  1. Anthracite Comets .Hope you get the wagon Dave.... I srsly think you'd fit a white wagon moar then green though.
  2. ROFL ROFL ROFL! I have yet to use this one... but it makes me laugh everytime I see it ...
  3. omg halp me. I'm in my marketing research class, dying of boredom .
  4. You know, I never thought of it like that but you're right! All of my friend's cars I've been in that were either Hondas or Acuras have had pretty low quality systems. My friend's '06 Civic has apparently one of the higher end systems that Honda offers and comes with sub and everything.... and it still sounds weaker than the systems we have . I must say, for 10+ year old cars, our systems are actually quite decent.... or well.... I'm satisfied with it at least . I'm kinda interested in hearing what the SC-901 with the 400W(?) amp sounds like though....... it looks like a monster next the 4x50W and 4x40W ones! (also... LOL at the pics of the speakers ... that looks rather lame... and cheap!)
  5. Listened to music in my friend's '08 Accord EX V6 and I can honestly say that my 850's "premium" system with the 4x50W amp sounds a lot better. It just sounds more powerful imo. lol
  6. AH that explains why one of my friends apparently turns really red/purple after a drink or two... or so I was told lol. Interesting...
  7. Went out for some drinks with friends today. I'm still a noob lol... only had 4 shots of Soju and a few sips of Alexander Keith's... I wanted more but I was a driver. My scar on my neck glows red after drinking alcohol..... and the more I drink, the more it glows red . WTF!?
  8. So uhh yeah...... if I'm not busy this weekend I'm gonna go ahead and paint my spark plug cover with fluorescent paint. Then after that I'll paint my upper intercooler pipe. I shall see how the bright coloured paints hold up lol. If they start to look like poop, I'll repaint them with normal solid colours. If it turns out to hold up, I'll end up painting more parts. But for now... Projekt Engine Rave Party shall commence! :lol:
  9. The names Clint Malarchuk and Richard Zednik come to mind... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvKTKoXX8U0...feature=related . I think there was one guy in Sweden named Bengt Åkerblom who died from a skate to the neck.
  10. :lol: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VVL2fjpQK8 OMG way to go dad .
  11. I'd take OEM brake dusty pads over my non-OEM squeaky as -ish when hot brake pads aaaany day .
  12. Dude, Japanese people are weird. They seriously come up with the weirdest things ever. I wouldn't be surprised if that was some kinda game show or some sht like that.
  13. That is too cool . I didn't get to watch the Rangers vs Toronto game but I heard Toskala was really good. Saw the shootout though... I think Kulemin is going to have a really good future haha. Do you think Sundin will be back?
  14. If it makes you feel better, Toronto lost today too...... 'cept it was to the Penguins lol.... who imo are much better then the Sens .
  15. Click the first link in my sig. :lol:
  16. I was looking back at some pics of my Golf and then came across the ones I took of it right before the buyer came to pick it up.... and well, I kinda miss it now! Such a cute looking car lol. Ah well..... everytime I sit in my wagon, I forget all about it . I'll never forget that Golf though *sigh*. My aunt was the second owner of the car and bought it when it was only a year old. They gave it to me when I started University because they got a new car and knew I needed a car for the commute.
  17. Wooot, Leafs game tonight! Can't wait to watch it ...
  18. Do you guys think this is a good deal? Good Deal???
  19. I normally force hugs on all my friends lol. Yeah, the ones who are not girls kinda hate it when I do that .
  20. Are high school kids retarded these days or something? I'm picking my brother up from school and on the way out, it's a green light for me but there's still kids walking through the crosswalk, blocking all of us drivers...... stupid fcking idiots. I like how a lot of them think they're cool when they have their license too. I saw a Toyota Corolla filled with 3 baller douches zooming around the parking lot, teasing their other friend who was trying to get in the car and running after it. Damn man.... or maybe it's just the kids at that school who are all retards.
  21. So here I am with two mid-terms on Wednesday and I can't get myself to study for my Intro to Financial Accounting one. Already studied all my notes for Intermed Electronic Premedia course but just can't get myself to study for Financial Accounting! Ugh..... I hate Accounting! ACC 100= boooo.
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