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Everything posted by resa850

  1. i didn't say anyone was keeping ME down, but discrimination exists in sac, especially in Elk Grove (where i grew up). EG is a farm town with a lot of closed minded people, its been getting better, but there are still a lot of problems. Before my dad retired he had a student whose father was the Grand Wizard (is that what its called?) of the KKK... those were some awkward parent conferences :o
  2. i see your point, but its not really our decision to tell other people what to do with their bodies. i always thought planned parenthood advocated abstinence, while also providing alternatives. i guess i'll have to look into that
  3. so are you saying that reducing the odds of pregnancy and/or infection is not responsible? i agree, it is important for schools and parents to teach the responsibilities of sex, but if someone wants to do it, they will. people should have access to what planned parenthood has to offer. Obviously we feel differently about sex. I think if someone wants to do it, they should have access to what they need to be safe and responsible about it. Yes abstinence is a good campaign, but you can't say that planned parenthood isnt
  4. wow i wish i lived where you grew up, because its not like that here.
  5. It may not explicitly talk about, homosexuality, but if you attended one of their meetings, you would see that it is discussed. that description is pretty general aside from part about women and equality. this may be because the groups are directed based on the members and what they would like to discuss at each meeting. furthermore i dont think a program that encourages diversity and acceptance is a waste of taxpayer money.
  6. responsibility is the purpose of planned parenthood. its there so people can get condoms and other forms of birth control. am i wrong? btw whats RvW?
  7. he's a crack up!!! the only time he talks like that is when he's mocking hypocrites like the ones on that site
  8. My dad was driving through the farm area of our town and saw a sign that said "StopSEED.com" SEED stands for seeking educational equity and diversity. my mom is a member of the SEED program at her school so they decided to check out the site. http://www.stopseed.com/index.php?&MMN_position=1:1 it turns out that there is a group of people trying to stop the seed program because they "It is an agenda that seeks to transform the thinking of students via the teachers to embrace homosexuality and cultural egalitarianism, while at the same time condemning historical and present-day American culture." my dad left a comment on their page.... "Its too bad you can't practice the teachings of the Lord Jesus. He preached forgiveness, love and tolarence. Not revenge, hate, and prejudice. Read your new testament instead of obsessing over what other people do in their private lives." snicker snicker happy monday everyone!!!!
  9. http://www.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/europe/03/27...reut/index.html its too bad that someone has to deal with being hated and followed by protesters, but since its her i can't help but chuckle. especially since she's visiting Liverpool because "Rice will visit Liverpool because it has been named European City of Culture for 2008." Theresa
  10. if thats the case, they should stake out the parking lots
  11. unique new yourk chandra for lifeeeeee you know what i'm atlking aobut TB oohhhh yeahhhhhh
  12. yeah when its outside its different because you're preventing them from getting in their car. but if someone has a safe ride home, and nobody is being violent, leave them alone
  13. hahah he ran out of there like a little girl (girly man voice)
  14. you'll get arrested before you even leave the bar http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/oukoe_uk_bars
  15. http://www.ppsp.org/PledgePicket-index.asp if you're to lazy to read this (its okay, we're all lazy) here it is in a nut shell. Planned Parenthood of Southeaster Pennsylvania had a fund raiser where people made donations to the clinic based on how many picketers were outside on a selected day. Ha ha suckers!
  16. hell yes!!!! but i'm home now so we'll have to wait until summer.
  17. uggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg uggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
  18. http://www.cnn.com/video/player/player.htm...hemp.house.wfsb http://www.cnn.com/video/player/player.htm...len.puggle.affl http://money.cnn.com/2006/03/16/news/econo...dex.htm?cnn=yes :P
  19. lol, sorry. even when i try to be serious, i mess it up. whats wrong with me...
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