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Everything posted by Asinine

  1. wow.. umm.. checkin' in aka stoppin by aka steppin through aka other stuff... anyhow, yeah i think i had something good to say, but can't remember it anymore.. man i need sleep.. laterzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  2. Yo, garden state was not a good movie. it was so slow and so pointless and only funny in spurts.. like if you say it had a point of something lame like futility or love or the most random stuff then yeah, it's a movie about taht , but it still sucked.. like, how realistic is it for someone to have a shirt that matches totally with wall paper - want to talk about symbolism.. screw it, it was supposed to be a romantic comedy, not a critque of god knows what. like hwo realistic is it for a chick as old as natalie portman is supposed to be to still live at home have a million pets and call a chritian childrens fund kid as a brother.. it doesn't make sense, and if it is supposed to serve as a lesson it should at least be kind of relatable.. plus zach brafs dad was bilbo - WTF!? -- So, my glutton friend brought over some pole and we did buckets and then about 4 of us ate a apple pie and a grocery store pizza... mad gluttony.. the glutton friend likes garden state too and says the soundtrack rocks - no argument on the soundtrack (so far).. but what medival times guy actually wears his costume home.. SO BEYOND DUMB.. IMO ;)
  3. my buddy won tockets to Hip Hoptoberfest that was tonight, it was coool.. Maestro Fresh Wes was there, and he's the stuff.. i.e. maestro fresh wes - conductin' things.. he's been aroudn for a while.. there were some other hip hop folks there too.. and the closer was shawn desmund.. he blows.. he's canadian and chicks for some stupid reason love him, but his stuff sucks. MIND YOU, the last SD track that went off while we were on our way out i busted out the can opener and danced like one hell of a happy mother monkeyer.. It was definitly a good night. i eye monkeyed a bunch of broads and at one point had an entire table fo mother bastards looking for a reason to connect with me. avoided the fights, but saw a couple including a chick fight, and a guy vs. a chick. good night for sure. i think that's it for oktoberfest this year, 2nd night.. the first night i didn't post on account of .. other things getting in the way. aces my little ladyes, d/l some maestro fresh wes.. i was talking to him and asked if he'd handle SD's encore, and he said no.. the worst he could say about his headliner was "awww.. he ain't so bad"... ps.. jesus drove a volvo, and he's the stuff! pps - i don't like jesus!
  4. patrick - i'd say i "Put on an absolute clinic!" says: wanna get slushees -----------**Hurray for Thursday!! says: right now?? patrick - i'd say i "Put on an absolute clinic!" says: yeah --------------**Hurray for Thursday!! says: thats a possibility...but i guess i would have to drive right? patrick - i'd say i "Put on an absolute clinic!" says: heck yah.. you can drive my car if you want.. actually it's in in front of my housemates so no ------------- **Hurray for Thursday!! says: yeah, i can do that...i guess i will be there in a little bit. gotta change patrick - i'd say i "Put on an absolute clinic!" says: cool. see you soon
  5. I don't care what i bring home. if she's ugly and gone in the morning then i'm fine with that. my buddy who i was drinking with last night showed up and we hit the wine again.. i can't believe it.. anyhow, i'm gonna see if i can get this chick i'm seeing to come over and blow me.. gotta save the typing hands.. later boys!
  6. Yah, i'm definitly bringing home some a s s from oktoberfest! so, after those posts i went back to bed, now i'm still kinda hungover but working through some water so it's i'll be alright. I checked out the house, we did get into the bread, but like always it's mad burnt on the bottom cause we do it on the BBQ with everything else, and i did go through all my booze - count is 4 bottles of wine and like 5.5 bottles of Red Stripe (beer). I'm a glutton!
  7. oh.. a couple things.. well more things 1 ii broke my camera last nioght.. like the zoome thing won't move.. like it should go into the camera when iturn it off but it doesn't 2 i need some jerk.. and not jerk, but A S S!?
  8. hungover or drunk eh - well i'm both, Last thing i remember is ... god i don't evn know, i tink it might be running across the street to see my childhood bestfriend since he was home for the weekend.. maube i remember comming back after that.. anyway. i drank at least 3 bottles of wine and a few beers.. the 6-pack case is on the floor in the kitchen, bt i haven't done a reccy to see where i stand. i bought 4 bottles of wine cause i was done 2 by like 8:30 and had to get 2 more (gotta love volvo safety ) oh, i forgot the best part of the night. for the second time this summer my buddy and i got the biggest steaks we could fine and bbq-ed them up and drank our caes off. we made brucetta bread to.. maybe we dodn't crack taht. oh, best thing ever.. about half way though my second bottle of wine (i still remmber) GIRL GUIDES showed up at my house, except one was a giu - weord!? so we boight girl guide cookies for dessert. anyhow.. i passed out last night on my own couch and i woke up this morning still drunk and with a dry jerk moth.. haha.. jerk mouth. ps = my steak was .5 kgs so 1.1 pounds, and my friends was .575kg so well, more than mine.. last time we did this we got bigger - mine was .83kgs which is Darn close to 2 pounds!!! i need some water.. i can't even hod my head up! i'm so drunk/hungover that i can't even raise my head to look at what i'm typing so if this doens't make sense that's why.. oh fuc0ck - at least i'm composed enough to think about the word filer. i kinda want to do it all again tonight and then oktooberfest on friday!!! now i gotta pull myself togeter and do some lnadlord stuff.. later skaters!
  9. No matter what the easy crude to extract is still very plentiful, so supply vs. demand doesn't justify these oil prices. American control of Iraqi oil fields SHOULD increase Iraqi export capacity (guess where destination #1 will likely be) - another boost to supply. Of course if the US isn't extracting oil from Iraq (i'm pretty sure they are) then they are in for some fat pay checks as long as oil prices stay artificially high. On another note, higher oil prices of course is the norm not the exceptions (based on historical comparisons), so on that note, we should build some (more) oil refineries in Alberta to refine the oil sands oil since at these prices it is profitable to pump. That makes sense for a number of reasons: 1) Saves money on piplines (creation and use) 2) no threat of natural disasters 3) canada is better Haha..
  10. Well.. here i sit typing stuff in my enlightened state -> had a few beers, kinda tipsy, and lamenting on some deeep thoughts developed over the pints that got me here. My buddy writes his LSATs tomorrow at 7am. When my ex wrote them she was so exhausted she couldn't walk home, that's the most serious written examination he'll ever do and he was out having a few pints with me an another buddy lamenting on his recent trip Spain / Greece / Italy. He's a real story teller, and a party animal (lots of stories about public urination). Then we stated talking about our "exs" - you know how everyone has one real ex, that's really seen you at your best and worst. Yeah, we stated talking about them. Broads are simple cause they suck, but women you date seriously are monkeyed because they monkey you up, and really show you how poorly you live - at least in my case. Anyhow, i'm just listening to taht track that was in S70R's video made by NWSilverBullet or whatever. For those of you who want to know its - frou frou - let go - from the Garden State soundtrack (ps. zach braff is not a good writer, i don't even think a good actor - but natalie portman is beautiful, so the movie is tolerable.. pluse the part where zach gets the MRI or Cat Scan and he's drawn all over - that's mad funny). Anyhow.. good tune. Now i gotta get some sleep cause i have to wrk 5 hours at toyota assembling some friggen corollas and matrixs and then 5 hours at best bizzle then track down some kickin homecomming parties!! later patrick
  11. I just think it's a little painfully ironic that we get into this 'energy crisis' after a big chunk of 'foreign' oil has become essentially domestic oil - in that we don't need to trade for it, we just need to pump it. Someone is getting rich, and i bet mike moore will find out who!
  12. I was just thinking about the economics of oil production the other day. Like, the deal with oil producers is that when the price is right they produce because their costs are essentially fixed, and the market price determines how much profit per barrel. So in an $30 - $40/bbl market Canadian oil sands producers weren't pulling too much oil because it's a very expensive source (per barrel) to draw from, however 30 - 40/bbl was the OPEC target because that kept those dudes getting much richer since the oil there is so plentiful and cheap to extract. NOW.. what i was thinking about oil prices that are about two times the OPEC target from about a year and a half ago, and was thinking how much i wish i owned real estate in some place like Kuwait. Then i thought.. i bet Sadam is kicking himself for being unsuccessful in not keeping Kuwait way back when, then alarm bells started going off in my head. The US government/corporations now control the Iraqi oil fields. HOLY SH-IT! I guess, buy Haliburton stock right!?
  13. yo, so it's like two nights in a row i get to chyme in here. i'm mad sick.. stuffy nose, sore throat and stuff so i just had a few beers and didn't chase any jerk, but the sunday night bar here is better than ever.. mostly cause these young university broads love the older dudes, so i was poking being acosted tonight - no problems here. I'll have to check back in there when i'm not worried about spreding disease.. like my cold, not anything bad. sweet.. i need some jerk.. alter
  14. dude, my town wrote the book on north american oktoberfest, and i'll have you know it doesn't start till oct 7!! BOO YAH>> FREE TICKETS FROM THE BREWERY THAT SOLD ME MY BEER FOR THE KEGGARD!? nayhow.. we watched that dark side of the rainbow or moon thing whatever with pink floyed and the wizard of oz. if you write oz and look at it in a mirror it says "so" right? anyhow, it was mad crazy. a few beers and a few 'buckets'. wow.. what a perfect capper on a 13 hour work day between two jobs. if i stay up for 2:20 then i'll have been up for 24 hours.. that's cool i gues ,but i think i'll sleep. alright.. later patrick
  15. Well i have to go work at best bizzel in like 30 minutes and i feel like stuff. mass amounts of beer, then green, then pizza really leaves me just wanted to spend the whole friggen day on the can.. but one good thing did come from last night.. we smoked through an apple and it worked.. with a bit of apple juice flavour!! ^^ 40 y/o virgin style!!
  16. Well my tenants came home tonight pissed after i got home from a date and we had a few too many.. enough to bring the neighbours over to shut us up. anyhow.. good stuff, and considering how infrequent it is that i'm hammeed these days i thought i'd take the opportunity to say that i got punk;d@ but not really.. but you know what i mean.. holy stuff.. time for sleep.. definitly not going to class tomorrow!
  17. well.. i'm kinda hungover right now, and there is no place on this crash-site to put this story up but here.. Anyhow, i spent $1700 and $150 on beer and vodka on wednesday for my party on saturday. It rained ALL day saturday so we only had about 110 people show up (plus cops). Would have made some coin if the cops ahdn't slapped me with a $300 noise fine (my lawyer and i are working on that). We were looking to get 250 in the door - no luck Here are some pics from the night That chick ^^ wanted my picture cause she had a great time.. and i wanted her pic cause she had a great jerk! yesterday morning, i was poking around with the 'empty' kegs and had a beer shower - it was as awesome as i could have ever hoped for. Last night we had a half keg that didn't get finished cause the cops broke up the party so a handful of my friends and i sat around and drank some beers - a lot. Anyhow, i feel like stuff and the beer dude is going to be here any second to pick up the untapped kegs and stuff. f-ucking weather!?
  18. alos, when i got home i cranked my room a/c )we have central air too but i like it cold) and while i post here, glaicers are breaking off from inside of it!
  19. MY HEAD HURTS! it's my buddy's 25th birthday today so last night we went on a pub crawl. I didn't monkey around and showed up at every bar like 5 mins before everyone else did. I think we only hit 4 bars.. but we were listening to music off my iPod in my car and i took my keys out drinking, went on an adventure after the bar and now i don't know where they are.. oh stuff.. i was supposed to have quit drinking like that!
  20. I'm not saying that Canada can supply the US exclusivly, but the fact is that your single largest source of oil is Canada - that's just the facts. The stabilization of oil is not a good reason to go to war! Cheap labour and good suitcases and shoes does not imply genocide, in fact, i don't know many piles of ashes that can realign railway tracks or pack shells. People knew jews were being herded and persecuted, but few knew the extent of the genocide.
  21. That's the single dumbest thing i've ever read here!
  22. I suspect i will be next, which will just add fuel to the examples of similarity between the Nazi empire and the American empire. 'Taking over' Canada would be as difficult for the US to do as Germany vs. Austria. Add us to the portfolio (it we already aren't part - when will NAFTA side with Canada for the 1st time????) along with Isreal, Afghanistan (now policed by Canada), Iraq, Saudi Arabia (?)... Just because your dad liberated a concentration camp in now way proves that all German people knew of the autrocities. I'm reading a Hiter biography right now and there were people in 1944 within Hitlers highest ranks (the 'inner circle') who thought that "elimination of european jewry" was merely propaganda. When i was in school the conspiracy theory was the the west silently suported the anti-semetic regime (which is loosly true) evidenced by the regular bomber passes over auschwitz, but NO ONE KNEW what went on there save those there, hitler, himmler, and a few others. The FACT is that for most of the war (until the end when it became painfully clear what had gone on) nearly all Germans were oblivious to the genocide of their government, and i plant the seed that the same could go on against Islam at the hand of the "Strategic National Interests of all the industrialized nations". I'm sure you realize that the first paragraph of your post there is really an admission that invading Iraq was purly a invasion for oil. Your brothers are dying for oil. Which is really dumb considering the US' single largest oil source is it's largest lap dog (Canada).
  23. Yeah, Sadam was really on a world domination / genocidal kick when you took him down. BS! He had 40% of his military might from Desert Storm - the sanctions were in fact working. Moreover, if anyone is sporting Hitler-like global domination is Pres. George Dubya Bush. America is monkeyed right now, they are shipping good men and women over to their deaths for nothing. Sadam was not a threat, he was a speedbump on the way to controling more oil. Grow some balls and join eh? Screw that - my life is worth way more than being told where to go and die for some BS cause like Iraq or 'American retribution'. In fact, let me as far away from association with America - you guys are fighting a war you can't win. No F-22 or Abrams can stop a crazy guy and a backpack full of explosives. The only weapon you have against terror is racism, which leads to false prosecution of minorities, which leads to imprisonment of minorities and then in a very nazi like move irradication. You know that 99% of the german population had NO idea about the genocide Hitler comitted. Who's to say the killing hasn't already begun? ahh conspiracy theories!? Grossly exaggerated, but the fact is that America is a greater threat to me than Sadam ever was or would have been!
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