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Everything posted by Asinine

  1. There is a chunck of the francaphone population that still wants to separate, but while separatism is on the rise currently it's on a downward trend. The last day the CAD traded for more then 1.00US was the day before Quebec elected a separatist premier (governor). Separtism is bad for business and really not feasible, they'd want to piggy back things like currency, armed forces, etc. which as a non-separtist aka nationalist i say "monkey you". Mind you i don't mind the french, and empathize with their struggle as i do with the horrible state of our first nations people. Of course no American would understand that since distinct societies simply get hunted down and eliminated. God bless america, and nobody else!
  2. three cheers for apartheid! But seriously, SA would be cool, Canada is cool/cold most of the time, and the US is not for me!
  3. Well here it is from my perspective. 1) these regions will never be safe by our standards. It's really kind of like that Maslow hierarchy of needs. Once you can eat then you worry about being safe then blah blah blah you self-actualize. Well, when your entire world is dirt, you never have enough to get passed worrying about what to eat. 2) CANADA'S ECONOMY DOES NOT RELY ON THE US ANYMORE THAN THE US RELIES ON CANADA*. Canada and the US are very symbiotic! Next time you fill up your car, remember that the single largest oil source for the US is us... CANADA. * i do recongize that we have the greater benefit in this economy/trade game, but don't be so ignorant to think that we owe you anything - cause we don't, and we never will!
  4. Your wife is too cool!!! maybe she'd hook you up with some dinky cars you can drive around the toilet seat! Anyway.. i'm just checking in.. now, do i smoke the free stuff tonight too!? Hmmmmmm
  5. So tonight we busted out burgers (banquet) along with some gourmet cheese and a boat load of beer. pole was obviously the money key last night, and the lack of couldn't be replaced by copius amounths of brew. mind you along with the beers we did ahve some burgers and some random potato and vegetable bbq simmer thing i made - good times. I love the summer and i love my deck, but i need more green!
  6. Yesterday a buddy of mine called me and told me he was working remote today and said he wanted to drink until he didn't feel feelings anymore. He calls me on the way home says he's gonna get out of his work stuff then head over, i say i'm gonna go grab a bite and some backup beer, he says "lets get steaks".. SOLD We go to the butcher in the grocery store, he picks up a 0.73kg steak, and i grab a 0.83kg steak (2.2 pounds / kg), also some provalone cheese, a yellow pepper, and a boat of bruschetta bread. Get back to my house, start up the grill, start up his laptop for tunes and start drinking. Between him and i we posished off over a case of beers plus a few buckets each (tha pole man). Best meal i've ever had, and most relaxing stupid summer night yet. Only problem is that today i'm supposed to help my dad clean our rental apartment and i can hardly stand up i ate so much and drank so much and smoked so much! PERFECT!
  7. hey i'll throw down tonight, not really drunk but had enough red bull & vodkas to make most of you kids explode . details are none of your business, but if i'm posting here you know i'm not knuckle deep in anything .. next weekend.. now that's a different story (VACATION!)
  8. well... 1) you're wrong cause i'm in canada right now and this site is in english!? 2) why would this website being only in english upset me?
  9. I'd say that nothing fox news says has any credibility, but they are a 'trusted' news source to a large (increasing) segment of the US population! That only adds credibility to the stereotype of American stupidity/ignorance!
  10. I don't know how off the mark Parish is with her comments. Sure on a literal level they don't represent all Canadians, but i think a large portion of our population doesn't like american culture, american tactics, americans bombing out soilders, their government, etc. I have yet to meet an American i don't like (individually), but on the whole, i really can't stand that culture of dominance and ignorance! I'm reading a Hitler biography right now, and the similaried between nazi imperialism and american imperialism are quite astonishing!
  11. The similarities between American imperialism and the spread of Nazi germany are pretty interesting - if only for how scary they are! As for south park, one of the creators happens to be a Canadian national, and we generally can take the jokes and ignorant stereotypes because generally they are spoken by idiots... it's when people who have some authority (fox news, anne coulter) spew this crap about how lucky Canada is to have the US as a neighbour - that's what fires me up. Hell i love stereotypes, i just hate when 'experts' proclaim them as fact!
  12. haha.. that's classic.. and exactly why everyone hates americans!!! As for the business about Fox stuff just being put out for ratings or to sell papers - good on ya! Moreover, that this thread shows that it worked.. well.. paint me stupid!!
  13. If this hypothesis about all Canadians disliking americans (as a whole, never as indivuduals) is true - and i think it might be - having this gun toting idiot just chyming off about that fact isn't going to change anything. I don't understand why americans think they are owed any praise at all!? Do something admirable for the first time in the past couple decades and maybe the international community will slowly drop it's negative opinion of you! Until then.. smarten up. Again, i speak of the whole, not the individual parts!
  14. i'm in some serious pain here.. last night we strung up three double bed sheets across my backyard and had a movie night. I have a KILLER headache but all the a/v stuff is still outside but i need to take a break after i bring each piece in cause i'm so hungover. .. volvo meet this aft no less!?
  15. Well the Ontario Volvo boys are meeting again (second time), this time in Cambridge at Riverside Park. For details and directions check out this thread!
  16. umm.. failed! wanted to wash the car this morning, didn't wake up until 10 mins after i was supposed to leave my house!! ;)
  17. While not toally oblivious as i used to get, my current state of.. well i guess being qualifies for this thread. Hopefully i can get up in enough time to prep for my first ever Volvo meet.. pimpin' ain't easy!
  18. sweet mother of god i'm toatlly hammered, more ahammered than i've been in a while.. that's all i have for this place.. time for bed.. the chich i thought i'd be sleeping with is nowhere to be found.. W T F!?
  19. I'd say the US economy while from a simple numeric standpoint might be - Ok / better than last year (i voted No), it's on a downward slide. Between record trade defecits, budget defecits and the poor dollar as it stands right now the US economy is in a tough spot, and there really isn't a shining light at any tunnel. A couple things to keep in mind: 1) the US consumer has never been so personally debt ridden in their life, if consumer debt or home equity they are at record highs, which isn't so bad considering the record low levels of interest - however, NOT GOOD in a rising interest rate environment. 2) On the topic of home equity, the home market is dare i say topping. The economic demographics don't support the kind of sub-urbanization that is going on right now. Who is left to buy the next 200 acres of entry level homes. Not only that but people recognizing the rising interest rate environment are paying more for homes since they save in the long term with respect to the savings generated from the low interest rate. Lastly, flipping houses and the thinking that your home will increase in value no matter what is as sound thinking as saying in 1999 that any 4 letter stock will make me a millionaire - real estate like commodities like stocks are all markets with cycles, and i think this one is going to top sooner (2 - 8 years). Which will DEVASTATE a generation (mine) of Americans. 3) Despite the low dollar the US hasn't been able to capture a reversal in the trade defecit because products produced in the US are still too expensive by comparison. If rising interest rates won't save the dollar (economic theory dictates it would) then when/if the US economy stumbles (as i think it will over the next decade or so) then the currency will continue to de-value, especially if Greenspan (or his successor) has to cut rates to stimulate growth. While demographic factors aren't as huge in the US by comparison to Canada, they are significant, and there are a lot of baby boomers with cash in the market (stocks and bonds) that want to earn money with it. The simple economic conclusion is that interest is the cost of borrowing money, there is an abundant supply of money, when supply outpaces demand the cost of whatever goes down - hence (in part) we have a pretty flat yield curve - which is a "cunundrum" to Greenspan (why the 10 year yield is so low). Not a rosy picture, but an opinion all the same!
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