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Everything posted by BtownVolvo

  1. WTF!! There's a 30 day delay on Archer video's??? Sooo gay. At least there's a new one up.
  2. Full Sail University. Between 2 years of school and living expenses I racked up roughly 80k. And living expenses weren't anything outrageous either. Yay education :monkey:
  3. I can beat that sooo easily. That's pretty much my interest alone.
  4. I hate it when cheap projects end up costing 3x more than what you anticipated.
  5. Episode 4 of Archer is hilarious. "No...in this case it would be Pascal's." "Ugh...hey Europe! Be gayer!" :lol:
  6. Need some help. Painted a black plastic panel, sanded down some raised parts to black, but the black plastic grey'd on me. Thoughts on how to get it back to black? And Matt (Mattphi), STFU. :lol:
  7. I did have them mixed up, but technically, I was still talking apples to apples. Above I said GVW, which is what I figured everyone else was talking about...
  8. You realize my S40, one of the smallest cars Volvo makes, is 4300 without AWD...
  9. Change your profile picture bruh...

  10. I just got nominated to be Car of the Month for March on S40 Forums. Sweet! It'll be the shortest mod list, ever :lol:
  11. So my dad and I got invited to a small awards dinner for Colt McCoy for tomorrow. Went a couple years back when it was Vince Young. This is gonna be good.
  12. TDR's and Heico's are pretty much at Peg status. OZ's, with the exception of the 'leggra series, are shit. It's definitely not a matter of lack of effort or knowledge (at least for me), just some people's lack of taste and style. There's a difference between being different with class and a sore thumb.
  13. Problem is 80% of aftermarket wheels look like shit. People are too cheap to actually put some money in decent aftermarket wheels, at which point it becomes absolutely insane to put that amount of money into just wheels.
  14. I think we need to start placing bets on how much it's going to weigh. I'm in for 4800
  15. I just did a wire tuck on my PC. For no reason. It literally sits in my closet collecting dust. I'm that bored. :monkey:
  16. Curious about the GVW combined with that 4cyl :unsure:
  17. Wow. Just realized this experimental logo I had made for Chuck's Jersey design has the makings of an upside-down penis.
  18. I've actually heard those don't work at all. Also, ice is cheaper :lol:
  19. Like this: http://lh6.ggpht.com/_PHPNKEopTh8/RevnRejl9pI/AAAAAAAAArc/kqEPWM2V4Q0/IMG_0196.JPG Except not spherical. Those are bitches to make.
  20. Dammit! I've been searching for about an hour trying to find an ice cube tray that makes huge single cubes for scotch or whiskey. Anyone know of anything?
  21. I don't need to fill it. NA lower plastic pieces (dime a dozen in austin) didn't have any cutouts.
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