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Vs Blog? Money And Such



well i just found this feature, or actually took the time to do so

recently its been weird for me having a car and wanting to mod it

it is a constant battle between my dad and me

most of which is silent because his view is that it should run well and to save money as always

i am saving money, and i know that before he was 25 he had over 5 cars, so he cant really protest to wanting to do something to a car

anyway, i still dont even have enough cash anyway since $500 was stolen from me

i didnt know it at the time, but i could have spent that on an EST RIP kit or a crapload of used stage 0 parts that would get me started, maybe a wing or something but its just a pain

since my car was crushed by a tree my $180 6x9 speakers are shot and thats another hit

im thinking of a nice sub and enclosesure for christmas

(for any of you that didnt know im 17)

my christmas list being

EST Ultra-Flo Air Intake System

Clear Corners (hella) from vptuning

3pod a-pillar

simple green engine cleaner

armorall wipes

membership to Volvo Club of America

maybe a sub and enclosure subsituted for something in there

my life itself

im dissapointed with the end of my Cross Country Season

i only ran varsity 2 races but i still ran a personal best of 17:46 for a 5k time and will train for over 1k miles preseason to be #1 next year but its still dissapointing

i am happy though because i did get a principle role in my schools musical and the musical this year is seussical the musical, and itll be interesting

its a good excuse to hang out on weeknights during full cast rehersals

anyway, life is life right now and its funny how my girlfriend knows VS in all of its forms and how engulfed ive been

northeast needs to get it together to somehow try and overcome NWC

(any philly area meets?)


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