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Volvospeed Forums

1ajs 145s

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well its just sat all summer till today we fired it up first turn with out the choke in it purred was like holy stuff lol but then the back carb started acting up so we pulled it and cleaned omg it was full of some weird grey mudy substance....... put it back on and fired it up with the chocke on this time and it pured then the main fuel line starts squrting now i need a new one of those.... gues over the years the bracket that mounts it to the motor wore a hole in it lol...... just gota fix that and then move the parts car honda we have for the accord...... and park it in the front drive so we can swap parts onto the accord and fix up the volvo a bit more maybe finaly get off my jerk and go do the drivers test........

so other than that the other half of that tree fall over so now theres a stump and its got shoots coming up gues its got a will to live lol i miss the shade of that tree out front o well.


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