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Migration Soon



As of February Volvospeed will have been on the same server for three long years. In this time I have lived in three states and visited fourteen countries. In that time much has happened here. Some may remember in '04 when the server crashed and unfortunately I was in Africa. Thanks to the great people here things were addressed and moved on. Others of you will remember some of the classic topics, iguanas, Josh calling M3's rice, picture threads, failed national meets. To most though Volvospeed is a place to share a cup of coffee with friends, and maybe blame Canada for something. In the coming weeks we will be migrating to a new home. A home with more space and more features to address some of the issues we have been having here. I know we have out share of nerds so I will try to keep everyone posted on whats going on. So with that here is the tentative redeployment plan.

New System

Dual Opteron

4 Gigs RAM

1 Raid 1 Container 80 gigs U320

This new set up will lead the way for growth and will be the first machine on a cluster should it become necessary. Based on current growth sometime mid 2008 a second server will need to be added and Volvospeed will become a cluster.

Migration should be fairly transparent barring the occasional glitches. Some have noticed that at 02:00est the server slows every night. This is due to the backup not anything move related. Volvospeed will be mirrored onto two servers for a short period of time until I am sure the new server is correctly functioning. In this period cookies may not be handled correctly. So before filing any report on it, try clearing the Volvospeed cookie. I will try to keep this updated and address issues and concerns as they arise.


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