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Dec 27, 2005



OK - so today I got the engine block cleaned up a bit so I'm not spreading grease around the garage, etc. The wife is not really speaking to me lately... but that means I can spend more time in the garage - right? :huh:

So - I got the M66 bolted up to the block today. IT FIT LIKE A GLOVE!!! Here are some pictures of it. Tonight I will try to clean up the engine bay a bit as I've not touched it since the engine came out. I still need to get a few things outta there. Tomorrow I will try to pressure spray the engine bay and THEN - try to drop in the motor with the tranny. I am doing this to see the "fit" onto the motor mounts, etc. I want to figure out what modifications I will have to make BEFORE I start working on the engine. That way, when parts are out, I can work on some of those items, etc. and minimize the down time. If I can get all of this done tomorrow without catchin hell from my wife, I'll hopefully be able to post pics of the engine in along with the tranny so you can all see what it looks like.

For final install though, I will probably follow CJ's lead and bring the engine/tranny assembly in from the bottom on a nice clean subframe.

OK - the pics!

It is so nice of Volvo to supply a Swedish Pine transmission stand with every tranny you buy!! :lol: OK - trying to line them up.


Almost there...


Swedish Engineering Perfection!!!


Solenoid will fit perfectly!!!


More perfection!!!


Some better angles. Should I start polishing that tranny housing guys????




Thats all for today guys. I gotta go make some brownie points with my wife!

Scott C.


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