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The painstaking process of putting a 500+ HP 6-speed into an 850 T5

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Jan 18, 2007

Just a couple of teaser pics guys (and girls). Look for more parts inbound over the next few weeks. We're going to get this project finished!!! Scott C.



Dec 24, 2005

Some of you may have heard this already but I just officially kicked off this project. To put the M66 six speed into a '97 850. Top that with an engine build up that will hopefully push past 500 HP. So - Started the engine pull this week and I got the auto tranny off. Here are some pics, hope we can make this a running thread. I'll accept pic requests if they are within reason. Almost there. Also made sure there was plenty of ice cold beer within reach for this project! OUT!!!! So



Dec 26, 2005

I also traveled to Dallas earlier this year to take a look at an S60R (M66) that dyno'd 540 WHP and the trans was not the issue although he had a stage V clutch. He did put enough torque into the front wheels (was in FWD mode) that it tore the entire passenger side shock assembly out and the wheel proceeded to enter the fender and door area. So - his problem wasn't the trans! Yes - I even work on Christmas so here are some more pics! We've all lost a knuckle or two while working on our engin



Dec 27, 2005

OK - so today I got the engine block cleaned up a bit so I'm not spreading grease around the garage, etc. The wife is not really speaking to me lately... but that means I can spend more time in the garage - right? So - I got the M66 bolted up to the block today. IT FIT LIKE A GLOVE!!! Here are some pictures of it. Tonight I will try to clean up the engine bay a bit as I've not touched it since the engine came out. I still need to get a few things outta there. Tomorrow I will try to pre



Dec 29, 2005

Ok guys - you're keeping my honest. I said I'd do it... albiet I'm an hour late. But I scored some free 2nd row hockey tickets so my priority changed. I did get up the gumf to get in the garage at 11 pm after the hockey game and give this a whirl. So - GOOD NEWS!!! IT FITS!!! Tight, but no problemo! Here are some pics. I always thought the original color of my subframe was BLACK??? IN!!! Notice I have the front engine mount bolted up. Sorry - need more light in ther



Dec 29, 2005

S60R Exhaust Manifold finally arrived!!! I just love when FEDEX leaves gifts on my doorstep! These are a much better design that the 850 stock manifold. Now. Where is my Dremel??? Another score - $118 brand new - SHIPPED! Scott C.



Dec 29, 2005

Someone has been in my CAMS? How does on visually determine an NA cam from a Turbo cam? No real part numbers on them. Here is the reason I ask. The cam gears have written on them (painted) AND inscribed with both "E" and "I" which tells me someone was doing something. Then I'm looking at the grind and it looks pretty aggressive and I have painted bands on the cams. Any ideas? Also - just for giggles, I slapped the S60R Ex. manifold on to see what is looks like. This is much b



Dec 31, 2005

Today's Progress; Learned a couple new things today... like how to strip cheap sockets on Swedish head bolts. But there was some good too! The FEDEX man kindly dropped off my brand new "R" bumper - many thanks for George for making this available. I might even be tempted to paint it black



Dec 31, 2005

OK - most everything external has been removed. Now for the fun fun stuff! Ladies and Gents - boy and girls of all ages... this is what my pistons look like after 105K miles of service. The cylinder walls are actually in really good shape probably due to all that good ole Alaskan Mobil 1. Here is an interesting part. I confirmed today that yes indeed, I was running NA cams unbeknownst to me. Anyway, when I removed the head I found that #5 cylinder exhaust valves were hitting the piston



Feb 11, 2006

I figured that I would post and update. I'm about 1 week away from receiving in the Venolia pistons. Once that is in, I think I have most everything needed to send out for port/polish. Then the fun will start So - I haven't been idly sitting around drinking beer. Well, at least not sitting. I have the interior of the car removed and 100 sq ft of FatMat should have been here by today - it's not. I figured I would post picutres of the sound matting process in case anyone else is intereste



Feb 12, 2006

Project has just entered the "OH CRAP" phase. You know... the phase of a project where you are heading into areas you just know you shouldn't be headed!!! Well - definitely this dash has been removed at least once in its lifetime. Found that all the spring-nut points where the bolts from the firewall side (4) attached, were broken off. Thus, not much holding the dash in place. SO, out it came. Here are pictures of the chaos that ensued. Sans dash... talk about lightening up!!!



Feb 15, 2006

OK - so here is a slight update... I finally got my Black Jeweled headlights in today from the SAM Sweden GB. It took 3 months... but hey, I got no dash... I'm not going anywhere!!! So - take a look guys. What do you think I should do with that Bi-Xenon projector sitting next to it??? Scott C.



Feb 17, 2006

Scott - I'm not sure on the part number. Even if it is riveted on, would it be a seperate part number??? I'm headed up to VolvoSaab early tomorrow to be there when the open to get some "stuff". I'm going to ask while I am there. I'll print out pics of the dash. I thought I would share some pics of what I've been trying to describe to everyone. Below are the four broken points. Tomorrow (when my arms get tired of putting sound matting on my roof), I'll break out the fiberglass and try to c



Feb 19, 2006

Sound Deadening of the Interior. Well, this morning I woke up nice and early, drove to Krispy Kreme and scored a half dozen assorted and a large coffee. The Breakfast of Tuners! So at 9 am sharp I embarked on applying the Damplifer Pro from Second Skin Audio. I figured I would cut me teeth on one of the rear doors first. Ok -the panel was already off. But hey - you know me... I want the job done right and sound dampen the INSIDE of the doors. It too me a while to figure out how to remove



Feb 20, 2006

Today was another 9 hours at it!!!! 9 am to 6 pm with a small break to jam half of a cold chicken quesadia and a coke!! Let's get right to it. I finished putting SD material around the roof area first. Then I got the sun roof assembly mounted back up again. For those of you who have never tried this alone - I suggest that you don't try. It is very painful on your head (holding the assembly in place) and your shoulders (trying to bolt in the corners while this thing is resting on your



Feb 25, 2006

Thor - I took you advise on this one. I mixed a batch of ABS pudding using ABS shavings and MEK. YOU ARE RIGHT - that MEK is some seriously nasty stuff, but it gets the job done! Here are a couple of pictures of me just trying to setup what pieces I could salvage. Once I have once complete, I can try to replicate the position, height, etc. for the others. Again - I'm just setting these up and plan to reinforce the whole area better than stock. The consistency of this stuff if perfect f



Feb 25, 2006

Today's update... Once again I got nine solid hours in today. "Miller Time" Ok - First thing I moved on was to finish laying all the Sound Deadening material so I can get the interior somewhat back in order. Took me about 2 1/2 hours to knock this part out correctly. Have a looksy! Here I have worked in the floor padding over the SD material, reinstalled the floor vents and the shifter assembly. Note custom stereo cable assembly provided by BING on both the driver and passenger s



Feb 27, 2006

Ok guys - I haven't been loafing off too much. I mentioned that I would try to get the dash in on the weekend and I didn't post yesterday. Well, that is because I ran into a couple more things with the dash and I took a jaunt up to CJ's place. Awesome guy and an awesome 855!!! SO notice this cracked up defrost vent panel. You know... if I have the sucker out and I've done all this work, I just can't put it back in there and stare at those cracks. So I took another day to do something a



March 4, 2006

Ok - this morning I went over the hill and kicked Pat outta bed to do the Atlantis deal and pick up (finally Kevin ) my Erebuni sideskirts. Wasting no time and even bypassing a Starbucks, I rushed on home and threw them on the car to check them out. I gave everything a quick cleaning. I have pics with and without the side skirts, but basically once the engine is in the 18" Atlantis rims should look something like.... this PS mockup??? Here is what is looks like today: The Erebuni



Mar 12, 2006

No - haven't been goofin' off. Went to the Burger Ball yesterday and it was great to meet up with everyone again. Thanks to Pat and his folks for being such great hosts! Received in my new soon-to-be applied UR underdrive pulley. Everything went off last weekend to start getting machined. I should have the SPM rods and Venolia pistons in hand on Tuesday. Then - we're pretty much set for the engine build.



Mar 12, 2006

I took Pras' advice and started pulling all the external molding and using Black Duplicolor bumper coating. I actually disassembled the side mirror so that I could get to the grey plastic parts only. I will post pics of the finished product. But I want to show everyone who keeps their ride nice and clean, what is look like under that side molding. For those clean freaks out there... it only takes about 2 minutes to take them off to clean underneath. Last week I got the passenger side door



Mar 14, 2006

Pistons and Rods - arrived today!!! The elusive Venolia .020 over forged pistons and SPM con rods arrived on my doorstep today as promised. Not much time to take a look at them. I'll sleep with them under my pillow tonight and they are being shipped off to the machine shop first thing in the morning. Can't wait to see all of this together!!! I also ordered my IPD sways today. If you don't know already - they are currently on sale!!! Scott C. Late Edit: I spent the evening pulling th



Mar 19, 2006

Ok - Folks. A good friend of mine told me to take a look at the upper torque rod bushing... the one at the firewall. It's kind of funny how everyone looks that the front and they spend money on a poly bushing, etc. etc. Take a look at mine. There is nothing left of the bushing. You can see right through it!!! I guess the nice looking front poly bushing is meaningless if there is NO bushing left on the rear!!! WOW!!! Scott C.



Mar 26, 2006

Checking in... no I haven't been goofin' off. I've gotten the interior about 90% buttoned up... except for the pieces that I broke here and there. I did get CJ's ventilated block bolted up to the M66 and dropped into the bay so that I could figure out the cables, etc. WOW! - This sure is a shiney motor mount!!! Yesterday I was a bit under the weather thanks to Mr. Merlot. But I did get most of the interior back in play. Just need to tie up a few things here and there. Today - I went



Apr 21, 2006

Ok - I'm back on this thing 'cause I'm tired of hearin' Pras' razzin' me!!! Well - this morning started early with a bit of jetlag. First thing I did was pull the rear bumper and the interior of the trunk. I completed the Walbro 255 retrofit with no problems thanks to a sweet deal from the UNDERLORD. I also got the trunk lid and part of the trunk lined with sound deadening material Ok - next was to finished painting black the last piece of trim which was the rear bumper. Unfortunate



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