It's 2:47am, and I am not sleeping... My body is on a horrible sleep cycle due to my work/school schedule. Work from 5:00pm-11:30pm or later, sleep from 3:00am-9:30am or so. I work at after I get out of school, which is around 11:30 or 12:00. My body just doesn't know when to rest and when to function anymore... And when I am on VS, no one is around to talk to. I should try the "one person post whoring" that Charles suggested
I stayed up late last night rebuilding the libs for GD and all the images. Earlier I had my first free time in months. I fixed the gallery and upped the space members had. It was my only time to self, but I figured the members were very loyal and it would make them happy. I'm lucky to have so many helpful people.
Lax made fun of the gallery. I though someone would say thank you. I have clicked f5 so many times and no one said thanks. I feel so worthless. All I wanted was to make people happy, but no one even notices.
Very interesting. VS has a new blog feature. So this kept me off of VS for a day? Man, I had some serious posting to do Anyways, just checkin this out. Learn something new everyday I guess.
Ok so this song somehow seems to show up everywhere. After listening to it a few times I realized a few things. Maybe Orianthi is just a slack ass complainer. Maybe just maybe the first guy is right here. I mean she starts out with a sad story. In the lyrics
According to you I'm stupid, I'm useless, I can't do anything right.
She makes you feel bad for her. No one is totally useless, and everyone can do something right. Instead of stopping there though she goes one
According to you I'm