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Ok, these are the things that I need to do to my car before she's up and ready to go. At least, without worries.


1. Air pump, SAS Valve (in the mail, hopefully I can change 'em out soon!!)

2. (ECT Fuel Sensor or something like it if the pump doesn't solve current problem)

3. Tranny flush/service - maintenance which was previously ignored

4. Brake Service - My dad is AWESOME at this. I can't wait to have his trademark brake service. Makes them nice and responsive (one touch to stop!) and not kinda muggy, like they are now.

4. Dash lights. I tried to fix these little hoodlums and I forgot to screw one in the rest of the way... now my time/temp bar is half dark. Don't laugh. It's a family curse. dry.gif I will get to this when I have time. ::blah!::

5. Driver side passenger door lock - won't pop up when I use the remote - won't pop up at all, you have to manually pull it to unlock the door. I really wanted this fixed (I guess it's a motor?) because I LOVE to put my school books in the seat behind me for easy access. Shcool starts Monday! DRAT! mad.gif It's cool though. More of a workout to reach over to the passenger seat or walk over to the trunk. lol.

5. Radio Lights - need to order these at radio shack - I have the part number somewhere and I'll post it when I can get to this part of my project! Wierd, cause all of them are out ('cept the info bar, which does't use LEDs??), but I think the woman left the night setting for lights on all the time. We'll see.

6. Annoying driver door. It rattles when I listen to music. I don't have any subwoofers or new speakers - all factory. Door shouldn't rattle, though. I just like music. Maybe if the rattle was in rythym and beat then I wouldn't mind it so much.

7. Front passenger door light cover. Must've slammed onto the seat belt buckle and chipped. Just another small, cosmetic thing.

8. Drink holder between fron seats. One of the rings are missing.

9. Dent by the trunk on the top side panel. Not too bad, but a pet peeve of mine. My boyfriend's brother knows how to paint... but I might take it to get it done at a paint place. you know what they say about family and business. I rather be mad at someone I don't know.

Everything else is perfect. The body is good inside and out. I can't wait until I can have it in the shape the 850 was in (PERFECT!) cool.gif


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