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2nd Thoughts



Ever have 2nd thoughts about big decisions you've made about your life?

A little history....

When I get to the end of my grade 10 year, my dad pulled me aside & said "Well, seeing as you're going into the TV industry, what you need is experience, not a matric (grd 12), so you don't have to go back to school next year & I'll train you."

Now, as you can imagine, most teenagers wish their parents would say that to them & I was no exception. I agreed & didn't go back.

My dad started straining me as an editor, we got the odd job here & there to edit inserts. Then things got a bit slow & I still needed money, so my dad suggested I become his camera assistant. So I did that for about 6 months (was very good experience, I've learnt about lighting, sound & basics in camera work from one of the best cameramen in this country).

After a while, it really didn't suit me & I had the opportunity to get into print media design (billboards, pamphlets, manuals, logos, business cards etc) which I really did enjoy for a while, but it just wasn't the same as editing.

Then I got the opportunity to get back into what I really loved, Kibim needed an editor to cover for him while he took his leave. So willing & eager, there I was as a temp & ended up staying for a good 3 years or so, then we both moved companies to where we are now.

The thing is, & the point of this post, is that we're a very small company & work is very irratic & I am the sort of person who really does need financial stability.

So every once in a while, I wonder if the decision I made not to finish school & then go on to study something was the worst one I could ever have made.

I enjoy my life, I really enjoy what I do, in fact, getting paid to edit is like a bonus to me 'cause I'd want to do it anyway.

But every so often I'll find myself sitting alone, worried about the future & wondering if maybe I should have gotten a degree, found a stable 9-5 job & been happy with that....


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