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I Haven't Used My Blog Since March



Wow, it's been a while since I have written a blog...

If anybody actually reads this, kudos biggrin.gif

Since I last posted, I have:

-wrecked my old car

-gotten a year older (had a birthday)

-graduated from high school

-bought a new car

-drove across the country (Boston, MA -> Seattle, WA)

-recieved 4 tickets

-sat on my asss literally since I last posted this

Now, all I need is a new job, and a girlfriend, then my life will feel more complete smile.gif

As for a new job, I am kinda putting that off until after the West Coast Meet down in Cali, as I don't want to start my new job and possibly not be able to make it down there which I am really looking forward to... I have an idea though for my next job: my old next door neighbor is a partner/owner of an advertising agency here in Seattle, so I was going to give him a call and see if he could help me out in his own company, or give me a point in the right direction to get a job in the media/photography business.

Girlfriend... laugh.gif I am lazy, not rich, and all of the people I used to life have either moved away for school, or will be soon sad.gif I don't want to do a long term relationship because of the headaches and non-contact thing, so that just kinda leaves me SOL (&@*% outa luck) until I find a way to meet some new people.

Well, that's what's been on my mind.


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