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Another Quest Done



Another Quest Done.

Found new brake pads :D who woulda thought i would have such a hard time finding pads for my car. if i had girling calipers i would of found a set real esay. But i have the ATE

So today i was out runing around looking for pads agian and was sent to a shop by another shop and get there and ask and the guy looks on his computer then shook his head and then said wait here while i see what i have in the back back for old stock and vala he came back with a set of premium pads witch was not what i was looking for. but i got them marked down from 47.95 cause they were old stock and got them for 30$ couldn't say no to that cheaper then have ordering the cheapest set localy or online after shiping and taxs can't complain

so my next quest is a set of dust boots for my caliper pistons already gone out looking around for them today gues i gota get them online or go for a 6 hour bike ride to the only volvo dealer in town to get told to buy a new volvo or get lost lol or suck up to my dad and go for a drive out there


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