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Feb 25, 2006



From personal experience with JB, epoxy etc.

It does only adhere not "blend inn" lays on top like a drop of water on a plate, if you know what I mean.

The MEK "melts the plastic" and bonds almost like a plastic welder.

And also MEK is way more dangerous than acetone.

But cool try it out and let us know hoe it worked for you


Thor - I took you advise on this one. I mixed a batch of ABS pudding using ABS shavings and MEK. YOU ARE RIGHT - that MEK is some seriously nasty stuff, but it gets the job done!

Here are a couple of pictures of me just trying to setup what pieces I could salvage. Once I have once complete, I can try to replicate the position, height, etc. for the others. Again - I'm just setting these up and plan to reinforce the whole area better than stock.



The consistency of this stuff if perfect for repairs. The MEK evaporates rather rapidly and it sets pretty quickly. Here is another post but the lighting is not so good:



I will continue pics and posts throughout the weekend. Goal is to get the dash back in this weekend! (Yeah - Right :ph34r: )

So I tried to knock out some more of the SD Material in the interior. Hopefully can finish this out tomorrow and get the floor padding and carpet back in. Then its ready for the dash. This stuff if more work that it appears!!! I don't envy anyone who does this for a living!!!



And one final thought. Don't hold me to this but... I'm thinking of trying to create a custom Throttle Body for the 850 using an S60 Throttle Body. The S60 TB is on the left and has an outside diameter of 3". The TB on the right is actually an SPG9 overbored TB for the 850. I know, I know about the bolt holes and the throttle position sensor differences, etc. etc. But time to get creative!!! This would be perfect to run 3" IC piping into a 3" IC into a 3" TB and flow into a 3" DP to a 3" full exhaust... talk about flow!!!


Will post more tomorrow as things progress!!

Scott C.


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