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Mar 16, 2007



Sorry to keep you guys hanging. Just I have some things at work that are creating 16-18 hour days for the past couple months. I have been working it piece meal when I can.

So as you know, I took that damn dashboard out again. I hate that damn dashboard. I almost gave up on that damn dashboard. The tabs broke again and the upper trim near the windshield is cracked and breaking (on that damn dashboard). I actually have a good dashboard from a '98 S70. Much better construction and material than my damn '97 850 dashboard. Unfortunately, it would need to be heavily modified to fit the good S70 dash in place of my damn 850 dash. There will be a time and place when I replace the entire damn dashboard. 'nuff said.

Last night I wrestled that damn dashboard back in. As mentioned, there were a few things I modified in the wires and cables inside that damn dash. I also mounted my Alpine Ipod interface box in a perfect location.


Second, I installed the ashtray gauge pod custom made by Owned. Quality product there and sets right under my other three gauges.


I got the "A" gauge pod all sorted out. Hey - my oil pressure is already 44 pounds!!!


Here is where we stand. Everything is 95% wired up. Interior is pretty much done (again). Sorry to bore you guys will lame stuff like this. I promise there will be some exciting pics coming shortly.


Scott C.


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