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1ajs 145s

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Hmm Time To Sort Threw My Bucket Of Crap :s



now its time to figure out were all the signal light crap went to on me :S and put it back together so its street legalas in the next week i will probly get plates put on here and take it pout for a spin and see how shes runing...

emptyed my bucket and cleaned my misc parts to see what i have for screws and crap... figures the parts i don't need i got tuns of spares :S but the one i need i missing half the parts :S


i will probly need to replace some bushings :S since shes sat for 5 years put about 40miles on it during thoughs 5 years though o well aslong as its city driveable i think i should be fine for now and go do the drivers test lol my goal is around the corner :) then i will be able to drive to work ect and make some money to fix the little things to keep it going... and maybe get a new body


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