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I love google. All seriousness I know they do tons of stupid moves. Most recently the delayed launch of google+ for business comes to mind. Before that there was the whole no google+ access for apps users. All of that aside, google is an amazing company. Look how much information they sort on a daily basis. I tell people all the time, "unless google's servers are all down I do not want to hear a stupid comment from you". Anyone who seriously thinks google sucks must have no idea how much is going on behind the scene. They bring you a full online office suite with apps, search engines, video hosting with youtube, maps, gps, anything you can think of and 99% of the time free to the end used.

For those reasons I laugh when people say google+ does not stand a chance against facebook. Google can leverage SEO against their google+ pages, which FB cannot. Add to that they own youtube, and are now sorting your search results based on who you are friends with. Tie it all together with google apps and maps and there is really no reason to leave. What I like more is that unlike facebook google+ is encouraging sites to develop their own content not content on facebook. I really think from the business standpoint facebook set the internet back years.

If you have any doubt just look at it from a visual stand point. Look at volvospeed's facebook page then their google+ page. What looks cleaner to you:




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