Well I finishd all the Volvo stereo stuff I can do at this time so I decided to do a write up on fiberglass boxes. I will work on it and have it posted in a week or two. This box fits in the goofy side panel of an Explorer. I thought I could finish it in one day but I guessed wrong. So the rest of the pics will be up tomorrow.
I think few things can truly touch your soul. Stir, maybe, move at times yes, but seldom touch. Things that can touch your soul burn the image into your mind forever. Maybe doing damage, maybe making you better. But the image will always remain. Death, is a good catalyst for this. I have seen my share of death. Friends being shot and killed in front of me. Class-mates committing suicide. Constant death in the job. People run over in 3rd world countries. My soul stirred many a time and
The guys offered to all drive out and give Lax a blanket party.. I feel much better. Hello world!!!! Rich and I are hammering out the final details of the premium site. I hope to start shooting the movies soon. BTW they will be mpg not wmv
I stayed up late last night rebuilding the libs for GD and all the images. Earlier I had my first free time in months. I fixed the gallery and upped the space members had. It was my only time to self, but I figured the members were very loyal and it would make them happy. I'm lucky to have so many helpful people.
Lax made fun of the gallery. I though someone would say thank you. I have clicked f5 so many times and no one said thanks. I feel so worthless. All I wanted was to make people happy, but no one even notices.