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Volvospeed Forums
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Hey all (newbie here). Lookin to buy a Volvo wagon. What's the most reliable /best value year (2003 & up) model, auto? or manual? and engine? THANKS VERY MUCH!

Past Volvos: 1968 P1800 (dark green)  -  1985 245 turbo (silver)

Entries in this blog

Best V70 model, engine, year, tranny?

Best (used 2003 & up) V70, model, engine, tranny for reliability? Hey all (newbie here). Lookin to buy a Volvo wagon. What's the most reliable /best value year (2003 & up) model, auto? or manual? and engine? THANKS VERY MUCH! Past Volvos: 1968 P1800 (dark green)  -  1985 245 turbo (silver)

Volvo's vulva uvula

Volvo's vulva uvula

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