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BenW's Blog

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news about me and my vulva

Entries in this blog


Oh yeah and another thing. Im getting married on the 15th. Hopefully i dont fall off the face of the earth after that. If i dont post for 6 months. Send the po po. jessica says that shes all on board for a project car. We'll see.



The 242

So i want a new car. WEll., not really new. I want a project car. See, the 850R was my baby. Not modded out, but respectably individual. Now, i have this thing, this new to me car, the V70 and it just isnt the same. Its like a rebound. Never good. So anyway. Jessica and I are about to get married and to the marriage's automotive table she brings a 1990 Buick PAark Avenue. Affectionately called Lady Chablis. I cant stand the car. Its big, slow, and scary to drive. My volvo feels possi



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