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Posts posted by Playboy

  1. My T5 couldn't be replaced, but here is my new Rrrrrrrr. I picked it up in poughkeepsie, NY a week ago. Was well taken cared for, a laundry list on replaced items. I'll be driving this back to SoCal next week:

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    Here is picture of my mom's '98 V70R. We've had it since new:

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    damn! Nice score dude. I'm about an hour from po-town! Wasn't that car for sale on here?


  2. and this guy went to Lake Placid for the VCOA Better Coast Meet, and then drove all the way back to the Overated Coast meet...

    There ya go Pras, fixed it for ya :tup:

    Much love to you guys....looks like a good time. Rides look great as always and great to see an EastCoast boy rep'n very well out there B)

  3. I had sent you a msg on SwedeSpeed regarding the floor mats b/c I didn't realize you were selling stuff on here too.

    I'm interested in the front 2 mats but it looks like someone else is biting on it.

    If they're still available, I'd like to see the front 2 and talk about a price.


  4. okay, so at the moment Adam & are meeting Waterdown and then heading to the show... so we aren't meeting anybody along the way? Pat, have you bailed officially yet?

    people... don't forget lawn chairs....it gets boring fast if you're standing for 3 hours.


    Bring a portable tv and dvd player so we can watch some Trailer Park Boys :tup:

  5. Hey Ryan-camping at the site I assume? We'll be there with few others from Ottawa getting in some time late afternoon Saturday. Let me know if you guys wanna head out for dinner together and we' ll show you some good'ol Canadian hospitality--I might even buy you some poutine!!

    PM me w/ your digits (i.e. cell phone) and I'll call you on Sat and let you know whats going on. We were going to camp @ Franks parents but maybe we'll just head over the grounds sat night and camp out w/ you guys. Deff looking forward to the trip, especially since Tabby hasn't ever been to Canada before. I have been dreaming of Canadian beer and poutine for a while now so it'll be a treat once I get it :)


    PS...haven't talked to Getty yet but he usually goes to this meet. It'll be nice to see that punk after he no show'd at Carlisle. FASTBOX is still in his possession, I'm hoping he keeps it.

  6. Alright, here's the skinny for me.

    I talked to Frank. We are staying w/ his folks/camping out on Sat night in London so I won't be going down with you guys but I'll see you there bright and early. On the way back from the show though we can have some fun out on the highway :)


  7. just crash at my place Rod if you want to come up on the Sat...about 5 minutes from Franks. I won't be home until the evening... but that would be good if you could come with your detailing bucket of forbidden love

    if you're that close then me you and Frank can meet up and follow down to the meet :tup:

    Come on Rod, it'll be worth the drive dude!


  8. how long a ride is this Ryan?

    it's a good drive dude from us but worth it. Last year I think it took me about 7 hours to get to Frank's House in Burlington,ON and thats with going through the border on a Friday afternoon. Then it's like an hour and a half from Franks b/c you need to travel south west to get to London. I know alot of people drive straight there on Sat and camp out so that might work for you Rod. The girlfriend and I are driving up on Friday.

    I would say if you drove straight from NY it would be about 8-10 hours. It's worth the drive though. I had a great time last year!


  9. Mike you should come and bring some Yingling's.. just ditch the Monday at work.... Ryan, glad you're coming up. Are you crashing @ Frank's again?

    wordizle....we'll be staying with him. I'll be driving up on that Friday and leaving that Monday.

    Mike, tell the wife you need to goto Canada for a few days and come up to the meet buddy :)


  10. I respect the Republican model for it's beauty and competence to strike this balance. I realize as long as this persists, Republicans will not be dethrowned until the population becomes more educated, but continued pulling of education funding in general keeps it going. Beautiful!

    I agree 100% with you. I'm a democrat but have voted the other way in multiple elections big and small. Lack of education is deff a cause for the consistency of the Rep party. Too many ignorant people in this country (no offence to anyone) who don't read between the lines and believe what they are told on the radio, tv, newspaper, etc is always true. Hell, I think if we work on getting that poor excuse of a leader out of the white house, we could be heading in the right direction! *ducks*

    <------hhhhhhhhhhhhhhuge Bush hater and proud of it!


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