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Posts posted by cranky

  1. Dang - - - how many people are going to say the same thing?????

    Look - people pretty well want cheaters punished - weve established that.

    But the entire NASCAR rulebook is about the size of a checkbook. LOTS of "grey" area. Does anyone remember Jeff Gordon's car getting impounded because he nearly lapped the field? Then they said He's cheating - then they said ok, he wasn't cheating, and we're not going to fine him, but don't bring a car like that to another race, and so they added a rule to ban whatever it was Ray had done to his car? That is what really good mechanics and crews do - they find ways to make the car fast, and unless is spelled out in black and white, and says "YOU MAY NOT DO _____"...... Then why NOT bend the rules, or find ways to make the car faster that is not specifically prohibited?

    Obviously what was done to Waltrips car - is cheating and they got caught and punished - argue the punishment if you like, but not every time someone is fined or punished, was cheating the full intent.

    I feel better now......


  2. It pisses me off to no end, that the Mexicans come here - not to be Americans, but to be Mexicans, and then demand American privileges.

    With that said, our sorry political leaders and activist judges - BOTH "D" and "R" should be fired!

    G. Gordon Liddy for president!

  3. Thank you starfish!


    Why is it that stories like this aren't all over the 5pm news?

    People who "get it" know why.


    I am a conservative. I do not agree with everything GB is doing. I would have voted for a better guy in the last election, but my ballot didn't offer anyone better - so I voted the best I could.

    If you believed everything J Kerry said, then you could have only agreed with him 50% of the time -


    ps. even some of my hard core, life long, Dem friends voted for Bush because there was no one else to vote for.

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