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Pops Racer

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Posts posted by Pops Racer

  1. Lol


    trump divided us?

    yall forgot Obama’s 8 yrs of racial and gender identity politics?


    omfg some of you ate so blinded by your cofirmation bias. 

    The fact that Hildabeast and the rest of her assclown gangsters aren’t in stripes yet should concern you. If you really read what’s going on, if you really can get your heads out of your asses, if you are really honest with yourself you’d see the law is for thee and not for me culture of the power elites 

    but remembered conservatives want to push gramma off the cliff starve babies and put gay folks in concentration camps 

    i can taste the stupid in the air. 

    P.s. go to the for sale forum and buy my car!!


    On 12/21/2017 at 3:15 PM, flyfishing3 said:

    My taxes are going up.  So F them all



    I need to research the child tax credit though.  I have 3 dependents. 

    In the end it will be a push probably



    pulling the mandate out, trickle down never working, losing some deductions.  I’d say this is a shit show.  





    cuz you’re paying for entitlements

    • Upvote 1
  2. I've been discussing  in this thread for 3 yrs. The persisting concept of socialist utopia via Bernie or Hillary and how consevatives will ruin the world got old. Obama sucked ass. ACA is terrible. Out standing world wide is a joke. The peace dividend in the ME has led to ISIS and the refugee crisis.  Hillary is a crook. Her husband is a serial rapist. Bernie is an outright communist and Jill Stein is a fucking moonbat in the vein of Jerry Brown. 

    The US is too stable for one person to ruin it. You anti trump folks are running around like Chicken Little. Now Poor Fudge Brownie is angry with my immature words ?  To fucking bad. 

    BLM only cares if it's not about Chicago murders. 

    Folks freaked out about Brexit. The U.K. Market is up nearly 15% since the vote. 

    Regular folks are sick of the bullshit. What's to discuss my chocolate baked concoction?  STOP TAXING ALL THE THINGS!  STOP REGULATING ALL THE THINGS. STOP THE MORAL EQUIVILANCY. STOP THE BULLSHIT POLITICAL CORRECTNESS. There I discussed it. Carry on.

    I'm going to light my coal fired stove and heat my house to 85 degrees. Hope you're downwind. 



  3. Lololo lololo lolololol 

    any suicides yet? OhnozeTrump!!!!

    best ever ammo prices!!


    the Frog King has arisen praise Kek!!!


    the butt hurt and crying socialists is nothing short of fantastic. But it was the Roosians!!! Cut the shit. Over 1000 dems lost seats nationwide in state legislatures etc. Policy killed Hillary, not some vast conspiracy. Obama is a petulant child breaking shit everywhere he goes. 

    Fake news blah blah blah. 

    My 401k is getting fatter every letter I type. 

    You folks wanted to maintain the failed status quo of machine politics. It's fucked all of us the last 15 yrs. What do we have to lose changing the pattern? Are you truly afraid of new nuclear threats? Mattis won't let that reckless shit happen, he's buried too many Marines. Nothing gets done unilaterally. No one is repealing abortion so calm down ladies. How will we pay fir tax cuts? Wtf does that even mean? How about we shrink the bloated D.C. criminal organization ? 

    Fuck it go scorched earth. Relax guys stop being so snowflakey. Plenty of safe spaces, coloring books, and comfort puppies at your local college or university. 

    Thank God I don't have to deal with the Clinton screech face any more. The wicked witch is dead. And so is Obamas lame ass anti-American agenda.

    Now if only Putin could start spiking Soros's tea with polonium....


  4. Matt,


    Soros was a quisling during WWII. Hungarian Jew that helped the Nazis round up his fellow citizens. He has destabilized currencies in Europe and profited from the chaos. Many of his benefactors are affiliated with Communist party activities and organizations. Look at where the money goes. 

    He is a scary man, with no conscience. 

  5. If Nixon had done what HRC had done Woodwad and Bernstein would have a field day digging around. But I guess Bob is afraid he would commit suicide by shooting himself in the back of the head. Or get a weight bar dropped on his neck. 

    Trump is no winner, but the cognizant dissonance of the HRC backers is appalling. She is a power hungry felon that hates the little people and hates America in general.

    I guess some animals are more equal than others...if you cant see the Foundation and the machine of hers are tied to influence peddling, well your just not as smart as you all think you are.

    Whatever you choose, may your chains rest lightly.

    I hope I didn't trigger any ones micro-aggressions, or what ever the latest bullshit terms you 'tolerant' progressives use this week.


    See you again in a few weeks.

    • Upvote 1
  6. 3 hours ago, Yellow95 said:

    I truly hope you were being sarcastic when you typed that.

    LOl no shit



    Cattle-Futures Miracle - Hillary’s first commodity trade was in cattle futures where she ordered 10 futures contracts which normally cost $12,000 dollars with only $1,000 dollars in her account. This turned into $6,300 dollars by the next morning and after 10 months totaled $100,000, with trading help from James B. Blair.

    Travelgate Scandal - Catherine Cornelius, a 25-year-old cousin of Bill's was allegedly promised the position of director of the travel office. Hillary Clinton then (indirectly) fired seven employees from the United States travel office and replaced them with associates from Arkansas. Records were either nowhere to be found or incorrectly filed. And, there's a reported attempt to give a White House airline contract to friend. Hillary had the FBI investigate Billy Dale, the head of the travel office, ruining his career who was found to do nothing wrong, but was then audited by the IRS for three years after.

    Whitewater Scandal - Hillary and her husband were partners in a shady real estate development firm called Whitewater Development Corp in Arkansas. Accusations of impropriety against the Clintons and others soon surfaced, regarding improper campaign contributions, political and financial favors, and tax benefits. Clinton’s friends and majority owners,  James and Susan McDougal were jailed for fraud, Clinton's successor, Governor Jim Tucker, was jailed for fraud along with municipal judges David Hale and Eugene Fitzhugh who worked with James McDougal. The Clintons walked away unscathed, having apparently done nothing wrong.

    Filegate Scandal - Craig Livingstone, director of the White House's Office of Personnel Security "improperly" accessed FBI files on several hundred individuals.

    Mrs. Clinton called it a, "completely honest bureaucratic snafu."

    Many of these files were on people from previous Republican administrations. Hillary Clinton hired Livingston and is alleged to have looked at the files and requested this move. She was accused by Republicans of  violating privacy rights of individuals she viewed as political adversaries.


    Check the trail of dead bodies from Arkansas to DC. DONT BE LAZY DO IT>



    too funny...Vince Foster committed suicide. The bullet entry wound was in the BACK of his head...

    Now Ill be called a tinfoil head. its too easy to attack rather than research and read. The MSM is complicit as well.



    • Upvote 2
  7. On 3/29/2016 at 2:20 PM, Burn-E said:


    This is exactly where I figured both of you stood.  There are good historical reasons for not thinking isolationist approaches work.  And given how interconnected the global economies are today there are very significant consequences to deciding we're done here and telling the rest of the world to go pound sand.

    So what are you proposing?  So far I've heard drop out of the UN.  I'm assuming there is an intention to change our trade and immigration policies as well since that's what Trump loves to spout. Anything else? What changes would you make?

    What does this achieve in your minds? Why are we better off as a result?

    I always look forward to Sean's drive by political rants.

    Every 6 months !

    Interesting times to say the least...the obvious dissatisfaction with the status quo and the social upheaval the last 6-8 yrs has caused a great deal of angst at many levels. paychecks are getting whacked, power brokers and the control class are being challenged, more people on assistance than ever before, self-declared protected classes seizing their opportunity, out side threats, cultural shifts etc. I'm not sure we should have expected anything different at this point. 

    Couple of observations:

    Repubs brought a very diverse set of candidates to the table. Hispanics, Black, woman, business men, doctors, and pols of various degrees of conservative spectrum..

    Dems brought a 67 yr old establishment white woman from the machine, and a 70 yr old white guy that never held a private sector job from the extreme left.

    Feelings have supplanted logic, facts and common sense. Its as divided and selfish as I have seen in society and I grew up in the 60's, watching New Haven riots and Black Panther trials. The nation is breeding soft mushy pussies. You cant fill a job that requires effort and hard work, I.E. construction, because you can get handouts that equal or exceed salaries. Kids are now sources of income.

    ACA is a mitigated disaster. If you haven't seen an increase in cost  and reduced services with your health care, your not paying attention.

    Any one here get a reasonable raise in the last 5 yrs?

    Food prices are thru the roof. 1 lb of pasta 4 yrs ago was $1. Now its $1.89. Just an example.

    Volvo 850s are still a bargain!!!

    • Upvote 3
  8. Me thinks that Pops Racer is already displeased at the rate Independence is decelerating which is why he posted his post

    In 40 years he may be insane from anger

    if I live to be 96. No way. I'll pack it in way before that. Sell hotdogs from a cart in the beach. Cash business. 

    Help me fulfill my dream. Go to the For Sale Forum and buy my parts!!

    next 85,000  Muslim refugees 70% of which are 16-30 yr old males. No chance they'll be militant.


  9. Maybe we can take down the Stars and Stripes too. Slaves were owned in the original 13. Or burn all the paintings of Washington and Jefferson. Or better yet let's blow up the Jefferson memorial or topple the Washington monument. Let's just wipe out our white history before 1868.  Let's burn all the history books, the facts are not being taught anyway. You Marxists are rewriting the history books and teaching gender coolness instead. What's the point?

    Bunch if fucking idiots behaving like ISIS destroying Christian historical artifacts. Do you idiots even hear what you're saying? Obama and his  sycophants are getting their fundamental change. 

    Bernie Sanders makes sense to you? Lol WTF.

    51% are in govt handout, and the middle class is footing the bill, but unemployment is under 7%? Lol public education math at it's finest.

    You're all a bunch of useful idiots, just like the prols in during the Bolshevik Revolution. And they all ended up dead or in a gulag after they set up the new order.

    i work my balls off so you idealistic utopian commies can fuck up this country. I fear for my life in retirement when I get denied medical care. I won't see my social security Ponzi scheme check. No borders no currency no language no history = no country.

    fuck all of you.

    see you in six months to view who else has been empaled on Obamas cock.    

    • Upvote 6
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  10. Wrong

    Don't stereotype me please

    And get your head out of the sand the great socialist experiment is failing again

    More than 6 months btw

    Been helping folks get cheap efficient electricity from coal fired steam electricity generation plants

    And killing inefficient subsidized solar

    Lol it's incredible 8 yrs and tge facts elude you guys

    Obama is a moron

    He either has no idea what folks he hired are doing or he is terribly inept

    The CEO should take responsibility for the failure if his charges

    You expected and got the Heads of Enron canned and punished why are these losers any different? 10 trillion dollars of scam .

    Lololol I'll see you in another year....

    Oh yeah couple of good deals since Dumbo got rejected

    Ammo prices are down availability is up

    Same with gun prices and ownership

    It's opposite world!!!! And I'm the fucking king!!!

  11. Oh shit this site is still viable?

    And my thread is still fucking hot!!!!

    And I told you fucking hippies this cocksucking

    Community organizer and his commie fuck friends would screw the pooch !!!

    Lollerz I'm so sad cuz I'm so right!!!







    Omfg I'm rubbing one out right now on this thread!!!

    Pics of coal and guns upurass!








    Big ass gas guzzler and half a gallon of NC moonshine!!!

    Suck it!!!


    • Upvote 2
  12. Gabrielle Giffords - She was shot here in Arizona by a nutjob. Now she advocates for universal backround checks. Despite the fact that the man who shot her bought the gun from a local gun shop and DID get his backround check done at the time (about a month earlier if I remember correctly). This is the liberal logic of the anti-gun crowd. Universal checks would not have stopped the guy obviously. Now, the guy shot 19 people (killing six) during the incident. I can't help but think that a trained and armed vet like myself or Pops would have stopped him. Yes, he would have still shot her (bad people do bad things) but he wouldn't have hit that many other people. The mainstream media has umpteen opportunities to report on the myriad of cases where gunmen are stopped by a responsibly armed citizen. They simply choose not to report on such activity even though it FAR outweighs the number of mass shootings.

    There was a legally armed civilian on scene. During an after action interview, he stated he feared he would have hit more by-standers. It is a chaotic scene, the cops don't know who is who. You do risk being taken as a suspect. In that situation, training is a big deal. So is a pair of brass balls.

    When you carry, situational awareness is paramount. I mean its constant. Its your duty, your responsibility, knowing where exits are, cover, innocents, and yes, profiling and behavior. I would much rather be able to back out of or talk my way out of a situation than engage in any force on force action.

    Additionally physical fitness, hand to hand self defense, the ability to keep your weapon from being taken from you are all part of proper training. And the ability to just run away should be your first option. Macho = injury or death.

    But I generally agree with the above post. I would like to think my response in a situation like that would lead to lives saved and assailants thwarted. But everything changes when the range turns 2-way, people are screaming, lighting sucks and your pants are soiled. And no one is immune.

    And media does under report successful armed and unarmed self defense incidents. They are mostly propagandists and ratings whores, facts and news be damned. You can read the NRA's Armed Citizens report to get an idea what goes on every day.

  13. Mike you cherry picker you. Read the whole article.

    His mother is the root cause. The gun locker was unlocked. They found a check from her set aside so this mental case could purchase a firearm. He had a known propensity for violent and erratic behavior yet she ignored it. At one time in his life he frequently would dig holes 5 ft deep and toss his younger brother in the hole. All the signs were there and were ignored by her and others.

    Out of context.

    And I'm sure if you ban and confiscate alll the felons and real whackos will comply? C'mon youre a smart guy now when you conquer that minor detail I'll vote for you for Gun Czar.

    Just to further illustrate the folly of all this BS, if someone wants to do harm no laws can stop them:

    On March 25, 1990, Julio Gonzalez set fire to a social club in Brooklyn, NY. He was drunk, pissed off at his girl, and got bounced from the bar. He found a discarded hydraulic oil container on the street, purchased $1 of gasoline, dumped the oil down the stairway entrance, poured out the gasoline and ignited it with 2 matches. 87 people dead, killed by a drunken boyfriend with $1 worth of gasoline and 2 paper matches.

    No firearms, no magazines, no massive ammo stash.

    Yet not one politician, law-enforcement official, bureaucrat, news-media commentator, or entertainer called for restrictions on the purchase, possession, or use of alcohol and gasoline or for the registration of matches.

    If they are crazy enough and determined enough no one or nothing will stop them.

    I completely blame my thumbs for any grammatical or spelling errors incurred during composition of this post.

    I'm on a roll with mustard and hot sauce. I'm actively engaged in these issues in my home state, going to hearings, writing letters to legislators, and meeting with like minded individuals to bring out all the facts and present logical unemotional responses to booby hatch regulations that won't do a damn thing to prevent these insane and motivated felons from doing this.

    I own page 50.

    • Upvote 3
  14. Answer:

    Buy and build more weapons, then crooks and psychos cant get 'em.

    I live in CT, some of the toughest gun laws in the country. Chicago and DC even tougher. Most murders in US?

    Chicago is #1. DC is close.

    I work in Sandy Hook.

    Pistol permit applications in town were up 143% since 12/14/12.

    The shit don't work, like the war on drugs, the war on poverty and the Dept of Education.

    You wanna stop violent crime? Strengthen the family unit.

    Get Uncle Sam out of the nanny business, and get fathers to do their jobs in the home.

    Stop rewarding out of wedlock births with no accountability.

    Change the educational monopolistic lock on our children's education

    If some elite fuckcongreswoman told my wife to blow here whistle or piss on her assailant she would jump the table and bitch slap that pig.

    Why should I, a 15 yr Army vet, who swore to uphold and defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic not be allowed to own whatever the fuck I want? Don't you trust me anymore? I have 100's of hours of training behind nearly every weapon in the inventory, plus thousands of rounds of trigger time, and training I paid for with my own hard earned ridiculously devalued quantitatively eased dollars. I submitt to you a that I would be better at my own defense than any cop.

    My pistol permit certifies that I am not insane, not a felon, not a drug user, no injunctions for domestic abuse, gone thru a State of CT AND an FBI background check, been finger printed 2x, paid almost $300 into the state kitty. You got any thing like that in your wallets?

    Go ahead, be sheep, call 911. Response time in my little town is 10-15 minutes. Your dead. Your old lady is raped. Bad guy is in the wind.

    I reserve the right to defend my property and my persons and my family. I'll take my chances in a court of law.

    Oh, and for you "Social Justice" and "Tolerance" dooshes. Any person of lower income will not have the cash to pony up for permits, weapons, ammo, and training. So how come they get denied their 2A rights? They are way more likely to encounter violence in their homes, streets, schools and neighborhoods. Are those folks any less valuable than Rosie Odonnel with her body guards or Diane Feinstein who has armed and trained her self many years ago? Is it OK for all those folks that dont matter a whit to society to have body guards and weapons fenced in neighborhoods and then tell ordinary Americans what they can and can not do? Fuck John Stewart, Bill Mahr, Chris Mathews, Fat Ed, and Mr. Rachel Maddow too.

    And as far as high cap (read standard magazine that was designed for the weapon), why do I need them?

    I can change a magazine in 3 seconds. So if they are 10 rounds a piece, I can fire 20 rnds accurately in 30 seconds.

    One 20 rnd magazine? 27 seconds. What are you gonna do in 3 seconds to stop me?

    Why do you knuckleheads own a car that can go 120 MPH+ when the max speed limit in CT is 65 MPH?

    Lets look into the number of deaths attributed to high speeds in automobiles.

    Total homicides by all rifles last year was about 320, a smaller number by "assault rifles".

    Total number of homicides by club or hammer? About 420.

    You want Draconian, you got it M*****F******.

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