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Posts posted by hgray14

  1. anyone know anything about the yellow with 87k miles on ebay?

    item number 230264571598

    Damn yellow Volvos! Here I am ready to sell one of mine (I still haven't seen one with as few miles; mine has 80,600) and all of a sudden everyone is selling theirs. I did some work to mine (new axles, hubs, struts/shocks, plus fixing lots of little things) and want to get back at least what I paid but don't want to list it until some of the others are gone. It is like a freakin' yellow sell-off!

    that dude in LA with one for $2,200 is unreal. I can't believe there is nothing major wrong with it but am still tempted to go grab it just because...well, because it is so damn cheap.

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