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Posts posted by S40T5TurboGT

  1. Yesterday as I was driving home from work I was hit in the driver side rear QP by a 95 or so Saturn SL2 Wagon, with chrome rims, lowered piloted by 2 illegals. They changed lanes into the rear end of my car as I was braking to get behind them to get into the left turn lane, as I was in the middle lane.

    The hit was mainly just after the rear tail lamp and where the rim is. It spun me all the way around counter clockwise, where I slid and stoped, facing East west across the lane, front end jacked up on the curb, in the southbound lane with traffic staring at me and the other car. I go to get out and call the cops, but the 2 illegals in the Saturn do a u turn and ran. Turning down the nearest road. I closed the door, got back in the car and chased them, they turned down a residential side street. I fallowed them hearing this loud thumping noise figuring they hit me pretty much in the rear and my bumper was dragging. Well I chase them for 30 seconds till the road the idiots get down ends in a circle. I pull my car across the mouth of the circle and block them in. I am trying to get 911 on the phone but it keeps ringing busy. I finally get a hold of them and get outa the car to go scream at them, they both get out and start running down the street. I couldn't keep up and they got away. I finally got a hold of them police and they sent 2 cars. 5 min later 1 cop came and the other I guess was looking for them. I gave them a description but they didn't find them.

    I finally had time to look at my car. The rear sub frame is ripped literally out of the holes that hold it in on the driver side, the rim is scratched so deep i dunno if its salvageable. The tire is flat. The wires for the abs and AYC and DTSC and STC are screwed and so says the lights on the dash. The rear QP is punched in almost 6-8 inches, enough that I can fit my fist between it and the rear bumper with room to spare. The whole rear qp is severely warped. The tire got pushed into the front rocker panel and the front part of the rear QP wheel arch, deforming that. The rear bumper needs to be replaced as its falling off and cracked. The rear bumper trim on the bottom. The rear door wont close right. It sits out closed a good inch from the QP. The inside of the door, you can see how it deformed and twisted in the door jamb on the floor. Inside the trunk there is a giant crease in the middle of the load floor and the spare tire cant even pry out, the well is deformed. The trunk is dented where the qp hit is, and took off some paint.

    The I get around to the front. Well the car flying up on the concrete curb has done whats happened oh so often, cracked my front bumper, and the oil pan has a crack and is now leaking. All the lights are on in the car, I have 13 urgent messges, from DTSC, to ABS, to Engine to lord knows.

    The cop said there isnt much they can do. They checked the tag and it is valid and some one owned the car, but its doubtful they have ins. I have a huge deductible on my INS because I never expected to be hit. I called the Ins company and the lady I spoke to was a miserable oh yeah!, and I got her name and Id so I can complain about how rude she was.

    I really am so sick of illegals after this, that I'm really pissed. If there is some benefit to them living tell me now, because right now I wanna kill some one.

    Here are shitty night time hand shaking pix.

    Any one have a concept of if its totaled, It doesnt look bad till you look under the car and see how twisted the metal is in the DJ and Trunk



    The saturns front end


    The tag of the dude or owner. Can any one look it up and give me his info? The accident report I cant get till Monday or Tuesday.


    How it used to look


    I am ok, but super sad. I loved this car. It was my world :(

    Ok INS called me, they arrested the 2 people driving, they where illegal from PR.

  2. The reason people want Ford to sell Volvo for the most part is because Ford only used Volvo for their safety innovations and have not done anything to help the brand in a positive manner. They said they would let Volvo do their own thing but now they are even sharing platforms among other things. They cancelled the R Trim Level now, so what will be next, can only be bad for Volvo. What do you think hyundai would do for Volvo except take their safety innovations and improve their own brand, like Ford has done. That is why a private sale would be the best thing. I also have no respect for the Ford brand being as I have owned them in the past with nothing but problems. I have over 320,000 on my Volvo 850T with orignal motor and turbo, and still running strong and solid. I have yet to see a domestic or japanese car that can do the same without feeling that it is going to fall apart when you are riding it. I personally wouldnt buy a 99+ Volvo because Ford has ruined their quality. Its pretty bad when the Taurus name has to come back out again just to sell the Ford Five Hundreds

    You do realize that companies usually buy others to benefit from them right? Ford has taken alot of volvo safety tech and ford UK has co-developed a platform (C1).

    I have seen no viable proof that sence ford owned volvo, that volvos quality has went down hill. The 05+ S40 recieved alot more accolades from the press then the old one not co-developed with ford, and the Mazda 3 which is also developed on the same ford vaired C1 platform and as a matter of fact uses FORDS 2.3L inline 4 and the 3 has had tons of awards and accolades to it, also the speed 3, Mazda has benifited heavily with the mazda 3 and 6 that where not developed without fords polatforms and engines.

    Ford Also has no part take in any 5 cylender in volvo, Ford UK is where any if any are on a volvo parts come from, and ford UK is known or having some of the highest quality cars and best factories in the world.

    Ford hasnt done alot in ways of trying to make volvo a more competative upper band but before volvo wasnt doing much either or who every owned it before. Volvo as I know it before was known and always will be a safe car thats not quite a BMW or Merc but def a much better choice than an audi.

    GM also BTW has not had a good interior in a long time, fit may be better but finish is still not of the best. GM brand, specifialy pontiac still gets reviews for good engines and decent exterior design but major points off for major plasticy interiors with single cast molded door pannels and un-impressive dash designs.

    GM and Ford are to me pretty interchangable they both have there faults and posatives and I find it stupid people sit here and polarize to one side of either brand when they are basically alot alike, with most models competing right against another and most of the time the best of them being evenly split between them.

    Kia and Hyundai have came a long way sence there original crap cars, however they still are not a desired car, ask a 10 year old boy what he wants he says a ferrari or a MB or a BMW or somethign they dont scream I WANT A KIA!

    Volvo makes a decent car, this has been my first one and I wanted it for its safety and its looks, speed and its basis on the ford C1 platform having been very happy with my SVT focus a C1 varient (older C170 platform) and wanted a product that was an evolution of it and the Volvo to me was a step up VS a mazda 3 due to the car just being like a newer SVT focus.

    Does it seem to make sence for BMW to aquire volvo? Who knows, right now a majority of volvos are FWD or AWD with none being RWD really, and I think BMW lacks a FWD car let alone a whole brand of them, it may be a move in a good direction, it may not, no one knows

    Also to the GM defender who keeps saying WE. Unless you own GM (CEO) I wouldn't sit on here and make BS promises about what a company as big as GM does, I think you said you where in HR for them, you should prolly know its against company standards to be representing the company to any public entity unless previosly authorized.

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