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Posts posted by Spanky

  1. sup Spanky

    Hola Kevin

    Holy shit, not to good for us anymore. Or just in the gutter tonight?

    I'm in your neck of the woods currently

    Jerry Garcia is probably rolling in his grave right now. You think you are a real hippy hanging out in the Black Rock Desert with Katie Couric? :lol:

    I have been busy in the real world. Definatly miss the LOL's of VS :wub: .

    This forum is like a semi-gay gang from the likes of "The West Side Story", that just keeps drawing you back like a Longbech850 rap video.

    • Upvote 3
  2. I use the flickr plugin for LR3, you just drag and drop then click upload right in LR and it automagically uploads it as a hires jpg.

    Thanks for the help Greg!!

    What would your advice/software recommendations be for High DR shots in which you have to use 2 photos to blend? Been having some awesome weather to photograph out here but I believe the DR is making the picture just look flat.

  3. Great shots, spanky!

    What are you using to edit and export?

    Edit: I just peeked at the exif and you're using lightroom 3.3. You can sharpen your photos in LR3, then upon export have it "sharpened it for screen" in the export options, and then choose the level to which you want that to happen. Don't over sharpen, but a soft bump in both. I leave the export selection to "normal". As for Flickr, I've never had an issue with compression and loosing sharpeness, but I do have a pro account and upload full res images.

    Thanks Greg!! Do you upload to flickr via JPEG or TIFF? I am aware of sharpening via LR3, a few of the pics just posted from flickr look a bit dull compared to what they do in LR, hence the question about file format/compression

    Usually hit sharpen for screen, but never have taken it out of "standard"

  4. Ahh, taken a few decent ones since I last posted in here..


    1-23-2012 by fluorineironrhenium, on Flickr


    0611-tahoe-4 by fluorineironrhenium, on Flickr


    0611-Tahoe-1 by fluorineironrhenium, on Flickr

    Really been to busy the last 6 months to use the camera much but decided to buy a Sigma 10-20mm the other day since I enrolled in a color class


    IMGP8129 by fluorineironrhenium, on Flickr

    What would cause a picture to lose shapness after upload to a site like Flickr? Lower resolution of not having Flickr? Photography files and compression is not my strong suit :D

    • Upvote 2
  5. Just the thought of this immediately inverts the penis, solving the problem. Doctors don't actually know what to do if your penis calls the doctor's bluff :lol:

    I would not really call it a "antidepressant", with its very low affinity for 5HT receptors. Shit is actually prescribed a lot for insomnia. I had a 6 hour boner once...the warning on the prescription information said "call your doctor immediately", I called the newspaper instead.

  6. Middle class and poor can suck it. Here is the annoying thing. Just did quarterly taxes and I am annoyed. If long term capitol gains rates expire, here is how it works out.

    Say my company buys property in 2008 for $1,000,000 and decides to sell in 2013. Figure 5% equity per year for a selling price of call it 1,275,000. So tax burdon is 275k. So 55k goes out the window. 220k profit left. If I bonus myself out personally I will be lucky to see 132k. So over 5 years thats $26,400 per year for having over a million dollars tied up. Thats also assuming a no interest loan/cash. Figure in 4% inflation and you lose over 15k a year....

    And people wonder why the money is going off shores.


    Epic thread :tup: . The whole reason why on my days off I like to hit the country clubs and beat the tar out of Yuppies. Money is relative....kinda hard to feel sorry for someone who hopes "gas will hit $10 so no one can drive" ;) . No complaining princess !! :lol:

    aren't even for profit hospitals tax exempt?

    also, if you don't like it chuck MOVE. :P and see how you do.

    the free ride is over, pay whats right and hire more people.

    Mike for president!!

    You know how many people I fired 3 years ago.I would never hire back an american worker for the most part. I really have no problem with it, I just think its funny when people bitch I am selling their condo to build a mall. And no. Hospitals pay tax, but are usually owned by groups so tax burdon is a little different.

    I don't pay VAT. I dont live there and trade is VERY favorable right now.

    The whole reason why the upper class can suck it!! If one of your goals in life is to make a "shit load of money" that's fine by me. When the upper class and corporate greed gets to the point that they are "shitting in the bath tub", your nothing more then a junkie who needs a new habit.

    You saying "business's need tax cuts" and " I would never hire back a American worker" in the same argument is too funny :arob: .

    Trade is favorable right now if your Chinese and exporting your product to the US.

    • Upvote 1
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  7. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have never been so fucking angry over something so stupid before.

    After 10 minutes finally got someone on the phone. They told me I needed to take my receipt down to my local post office and they would process the transaction. Ok, NBD. Would have been nice if they had that info ONLINE somewhere.

    Go to local post office. Talked to woman, she hadn't seen an online paypal receipt before, went in back for 15 minutes. She came out and told me she could not process the refund without manager approval. She told me the manager was at ANOTHER post office that day and to go there. I drive over there. FUCKING MANAGER LEAVES AT 9:30 AM from that post office. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!

    Get manager phone number. It's the phone number for the FIRST FUCKIGN POST OFFICE I WENT TO.

    Call USPS customer service and told them what happened. Wait another 20 minutes. Find out that for online transactions, I need to process refunds through my account on the USPS website. FUUUUUUUUUUUUU! Wasted 1.5 hours of my time for no reason.

    Come into school, log into USPS account....Realized that I shipped this package via PAYPAL click and ship, so OF COURSE the transaction is not saved in my account history on the USPS site. Tried disputing the payment on paypal only to get an error message saying I AM NOT ALLOWED to dispute payments to this seller (USPS).


    I am going to call USPS back tomorrow. If this doesn't get resolved with one more phone call I don't know what I am going to do.

    and to top it off, i have class in 1.5hrs that i didn't read for because I was dealing with this shit.

    Adam eat one of these>>


    You know u always turn into a little cold water chode when you get hungry


  8. I'm sick of doctor's office waiting rooms. Since 2008, I've been all over the place. Chuck, didn't respond to your msg last night, but here's your answer. Still dealing with my pretty well known well bitched about back issue. Still pretty much undiagnosed. Leaving the physiatrist who thinks I'm a drug addict, especially after hearing that it's his standard operating procedures to assume anyone he can't fix is a drug addict. Ironically, trying to aggressively come off my current medication so we can carefully examine whether I'm befitting from a current treatment attempt. I'm down with the sickness. I was always curious if it felt as shitty as they say. They aren't lying. And I'm experiencing what I'd believe to be a pretty minor level.

    Not trolling for a pat on the back either, I'm not that kinda guy. Just sharing my bitching and moaning. Maybe I need a youtube channel to wine on? :P

    The positive news in my life is that god damn that motorcycle is a wonderfully fun death machine. And it helps me stretch. Ya, I think that's right. If I bend over for a while and my right leg goes numb and tingles, that's stretching right? (All the doctors reading this just cried a little)

    Just hang in there man!! Something will happen soon and you will get a break from the pain.

  9. Out of curiosity, where do you think I stand on those issues? :lol:

    Ultimately, the way things are going now can't remain. There have been enough societal and technological changes that requires a substantial change to the way the government functions for a proper balance. Right now, I feel like the government is stuck in the past, and is too stubborn to find a way to become more useful to the people it serves.

    What should be done to fix it? No idea. Maybe put more engineers into offices of political power :rolleyes:

    I just always wanted to say that on here :rolleyes::lol::D .

    Written in 380 BC and a must read if you have not already>>


  10. I really like the colors on that XC60, do you have any pics of the interior?

    Is there much power to be had with most stock turbo diesel cars, or does the type of fuel and the higher compression ratio limit power that can be made?

    You were talking about "good handling", is the suspension all bone stock?

    The pic of the RS500 is nice ;)

    What is the basic breakdown of the turboback system on that car (diameters, mufflers, resonators...ect)?

    Done anything with the Lexus?

  11. www.americanselect.org

    Check out the introduction on the main page. Interesting idea, and perhaps a solution for those who dislike both parties, and find themselves saying 'both presidential candidate choices suck'. Yes, there's more than two candidates on the ballot, that's another debate.But perhaps this site brings to the table a new take on the long standing design of the 'wheel'.

    Curious to hear some discussion the issue. I won't claim to know a lot about politics, as I'm embarrassed about how little I know and wish I would devote more time to it. I'm typically a fan of the libertarian views, and voted libertarian in the last election. However, while I don't subscribe to the theory that I 'threw away my vote' by not voting R or D, I do understand the frustration that drives that flawed logic.

    I was pondering something similar recently, but it was more geared at the ideology of "why do we need this level of representation, now that we have the internet?". Obviously any limited representation will be susceptible to money/power offered my foreign and special interest groups. Would it be better to just side step representation on many of the issues and actually have people vote? If we can shut down 4000 post offices because the times have changed cant we tell some of the politicians to go get a real job? On the downside most Americans are idiots and we would have to implement some sorta test to make sure they know what they are voting for :D.

    Going through the questions, some of the "common" poll results are surprising. Many are in favor of mostly legal abortion, while being strongly opposed to the death penalty? :huh:


  12. laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

    NWS (language)



    Man I am crying I am laughing so hard

    are they hiring? I think I could blend right in

    plus I now know why American cars are always fucked up straight out the plant

    Having a new car put together by someone fuct up is one thing, buying anew car with "boner juice" all over it is another story

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