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Status Updates posted by Falcone

  1. 12 monkeys had sex with a stripper. She then as$ raped them with a banana. Then the banana got clymidia. How did that happen???

    One of the monkey's was a clam stuffer. hahahahahaha, I just made that sh!t up.

  2. Haha, poop is offensive to some with no taste. I like seeing a giant turd. And i'm drawing you a picture in ms paint of what a squirrel chode tastes like. Sh!t will be epic

  3. hahah, you're alive. I'm sorry, I still haven't posted nudie pics on my profile page. A&W weenies taste like squirrel chode

  4. I plan on heading out of kingston around 8am on sunday, so I should be in TO for around 10. I take it you're going to the meet?

  5. hey mrbrightside, i'm no pothead, just a pole conniseur.

    Lee, I was too busy being so fawking cool. I'll send you a special message tonight pretty lady.

  6. what the fck, there is a meet and cruise this weekend? Hook me up with da links, i'm not a nerd like you pretty lady. I'm game

  7. well if its going to be that kind of party, i'm gonna stick my dick in the mashed potatoe's

    Mother of God, here I am! Holy fck

  8. I like to shave my face with mace in the dark!

    werd up chickslice, I am un-fathomably stupid

  9. I'm posting a comment on your page, wwhhhaaaahaha, you're it

  10. Yeah man doing great. How's life treating you? Nice to see a fimiliar face here. Cheers man

  11. is hiding his bum hole from Mattpi, because he wants to stick his fake tan dick in it

  12. I like to stick my whilly in the sewer grates at night.

  13. You are such a fag and nobody likes your pansy as$.

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