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Posts posted by MikeG

  1. ...so BOs lose connection to ayers is worse than JM knowingly taking money and PROTECTING his buddy...

    Sort of... I believe that Dave's a little over-the-top with the "close ties" accusations, but it is true that Obama and Ayers knew each other. That's too close in my book. If I knew someone like Ayers I would "un-know" him pretty quickly. Same goes with Rev. Wright. I would take a stand and walk out on principle and on the record. Is Obama going to be a president who's "polite" to the bad guys? I hope not.

    i think this is good we all feel that strong about our country. thats a good thing.

    +1 :D

  2. a president doesn't make all the decisions himself. if he is going to surround himself with people like her, this would be a terrible cabinet.

    Ahh... logically speaking then, what's Obama going to do? I don't believe he was close friends with Ayers, but he had to have heard and listened to Wright for all those years. Regardless of whether or not I considered them friends or advisers or whatever, I would not be caught dead in a room with either of those two men. And I'm pretty sure if I ever saw someone like Ayers in person he would spontaneously fall down from lead poisoning. :lol:

  3. ...we live in a democracy...

    Actually, no we don't. It's a republic. ;)

    And my calling the population idiots has nothing to do with their vote... it's that most voting Americans (wrongly) think that all they have to do is vote every 4 years and they're done. It doesn't work that way. No matter what party wins a presidential election, the losing side's supporters will piss and moan for a while, but then drop off the face of the earth. If the public really wanted change they'd be on their state and federal reps' asses all the time, asking about corruption, lobbying, why's my money going to that?, etc.

    I don't think that the Republicans are losers, I think everyone is a loser. Hmmm... does that make me a cynic? :lol:

  4. ...But I doubt most people did any in-depth research beyond just listening to CNN or Fox News, or just took a moment to think about the election and who to vote for. Its much easier to hop on the bandwagon and ride along with the mob...

    This happened with more than just the youth. Adults who should be doing more of their own reading and thinking simply haven't been... nothing new there.

    To quote myself from another thread:

    ... most "journalists" are in fact not journalists, just wannabe celebrities who also usually belong to the Screen Actors Guild.

    The opinion segments on all channels lean one way or another, period. Actual journalism is really on it's way out, as more and more idiots, I mean people, expect to have opinions spoon-fed to them so they know what to think. Every channel still has one or two real journalists, but they get less and less time on the air as the idiots clamor for more opinion polls and analysis shows.

  5. The team is always to blame when they are in last place. The coach is the one who gets replaced though. Then that person rebuilds the team.

    I see your point, but IMHO, the team in your metaphor should be the whole population. Most people are morons and don't want to be bothered with participating in government, so they're happy to watch things hum along like they do with American Idol. I don't think any president in the foreseeable future will be able to make any progress with the existing team. As long as America stays fat and (generally) happy, nothing will change.

    I do have to point out though, that raising taxes on the rich only encourages them to be more creative about avoiding taxes in the first place. Ever heard of the Laffer Curve? Also, if you consider me rich and raise my taxes, guess what happens to my product or service prices? They just keep going up as I pass my tax burden as a cost on to my customers, who think that their taxes didn't go up. Everyone's taxes essentially go up, it's called inflation.

  6. Republican’s and their failed policy have lead this country into the worst position it’s been in since the great depression.

    I think it's fair to say that both parties have had an equal part in screwing things up for quite some time. There's not just one branch of government.

  7. I say again: Al Franken? WTF! Minnesota should secede to Canadia

    not so quick... the AP retracted on calling the state for Franken this morning. Apparently, Coleman won this morning by 571 votes, but that small of a number calls for a mandatory recount, according to MN state law.

  8. Yup, we successfully voted into office a man with almost 0 morals according to his voting record. Hooray America. I'm just SOOO proud to be an American right now.

    +1 with a caveat:

    The country's probably not going to fall apart, it's not the end of days... :lol: But I'm disappointed in the American people. They think that it's all over now and forget that this place is a Republic, not a Democracy. It's not all over... you have to continually participate to make it work. Write to representatives, keep in touch with government from the lowest levels and on up, etc. When the people are silent by and large, the only voices in Washington become the lobbyists.

  9. My economic plan: Cut taxes and reduce spending. real simple and it will work. Flat tax or consumption/ use tax. The Reagan tax cuts would have worked if the spending by Congress had been reduced. But they spent the recored surplus like drunken Cavalry soldiers. Its not just the Prez that matters.

    I wish more people in our country understood that there's more to Washington than the oval office. The fact is that everyone's getting so hung up on the popularity contest of Pres/VP that they're losing sight of the roles of the other branches (and the people's role too, btw) in the government.

    No matter who gets elected, we should all be writing to our representatives and staying on their asses. In my opinion, you can't bitch about the government until after you've participated (voting, communicating with representatives, etc.) because you're part of it.

    (Still voting for Ted Nugent) ;)

  10. ...my mom was set to pay for all 4 years. I talked to her about her finances and now my brother needs loans for the next 7 semesters.

    Not to sound like an ass, but what happened to the money? Most people (I think) know that the closer you are to actually using money, you transfer more and more of it away from volatile investments and into CDs or just a savings account.

    And FWIW, Obama's plan to place more taxes on "big business" will hurt everyone, and middle class tax cuts are a joke (both parties). Where does everyone think inflation (in part) comes from? :lol: Businesses (small and large) never ever pay wages or taxes, the customers do. So every time minimum wage goes up, so does the cost of a Big Mac, and everytime politicians think it's PC to raise business taxes, companies either raise prices or outsource. Just the way it is.

    For the record, I like neither ticket and will probably write in Ted Nugent. :D

  11. ...if i had listen to my teachers i would probably have the same outlook on copyrighting as you. thank god i didnt. mabye i should consider a different line of work. ill tell Savannah College of Art and Design i wont be attending next year because i clearly know nothing about art, which makes them idiots for accepting me. and clearly they dont know anything about art... congrats mike on the win.

    It's not over yet. But it sounds to me like you're well on your way to a life of artistic martyrdom. Don't take everything so personally. :) Oh, and I always thought you attended a school to learn something not previously known to you. Are you done there yet? Maybe you have a few more things to learn... I've got tons of things left to learn, and I've been doing art for 30 years.

    For pretty much anything once you publish it, magazine, internet, blog, school paper whatever, is considered conception of the idea. Photography and art are a little different but the gist is the same. I do not have to water market every volvospeed image to be able to defend it. I have in fact handed a few people their asses over the years on using images from the site without permission and they are not watermarked...

    So you're saying that if I found a photo online, say of the famous BTCC car, then loaded it up in Illustrator and ran Live Trace on it...

    calling it my own work might be construed as copyright infringement?


  12. ...country is going in the crapper we need change and a major one at that...

    I agree, but I think it's mostly because of the citizens, not the leaders... there are too many idiots running around this country whining about the debt they got themselves into or how they can't get a good job because of (insert reason here). No personal responsibility and too much political correctness FTL...

    But to answer the topic question:


    Purely on issues, there's not a candidate left in the race that is close to what I'm looking for in office. I believe I'm somewhere in the middle, maybe a bit on the conservative side, but it's surprising to me how many folks buy in to the idea that a candidate's campaign promises will mean anything at all once they're in office. They encounter a huge amount of resistance just trying to fill appointed positions, and then there are the major policies that have to go through the Congress and Senate, which get distilled to a lame compromise most of the time.

    Historically, though, the Dems tend to raise taxes, and not just on the wealthy. The ironic part, to me, is that the lower and middle classes seem to really support the left. I don't get it. I consider myself middle-class, but I don't want any more taxes taken from me just so there can be even more social programs on my dime. Hell, I don't even want there to be any Social Security system. If you're too dumb to save money for retirement, then tough. If you can't afford the rising costs of health care, then how can you afford to make two car payments, eat fast food every day, and have two sat dishes hanging off the side of your mobile home?


    ... sorry, got carried away.

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