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Posts posted by DakaR

  1. I tend to agree with the general decline of respect, courtesy, and civility on the internet, but it's not restricted to VS. It's all over the internet, as people don't have to be held responsible for their attitudes or obnoxious comments. Many of these people would not have the gall to say these things to people face to face, but the "keyboard commando" surfaces all too often in this medium.

    I'm on many other forums for gaming, volvos, cars in general, and some political stuff, and it's prevalent everywhere. I applaud you for mentioning here, because it can poison the well from which we all draw our common interest, in this case our bricks. I'm a newly registered member, but I've been on VS in the past and as a guest more recently (I went over to the Ford side for a few years), and I think it's a fantastic resource and source of entertainment. But if people are afraid to ask questions or make new posts for fear of getting slammed by a particular group (and yes, they exist everywhere), then they simply won't post. Thus new topics and ideas cease to pop up, and we're left to rehash the same old stuff. Sometimes bringing up a new spin on an old topic is welcome, and shouldn't be met with the "did you use search yet?" response.

    All in all, I enjoy it here, as many other members do. And the issues noted aren't immune to VS, but we can at least nip them in the a$$ here if we try to keep this a fun place for ALL.

    I think I'm done.

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